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Sturdy Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Sturdy" describes something strongly and solidly built, capable of withstanding rough use or adverse conditions. e.g., The old oak table was surprisingly sturdy despite its age.

Sturdy Definitions

Sturdy can describe someone or something showing firmness or resilience.
Her sturdy resolve helped her overcome the challenge.
Sturdy refers to physical strength and durability.
He relied on his sturdy legs to climb the steep hill.
Sturdy describes an attitude or stance that is unwavering.
She gave a sturdy defense of her beliefs in the debate.
Sturdy means well-built and robust, able to endure strain.
The sturdy bridge withstood the powerful storm.
Sturdy is used for materials that can bear heavy weight.
The shelves were made of sturdy metal, ideal for heavy books.
Sturdy describes a construction that is secure and reliable.
They lived in a sturdy, well-insulated cabin.
Sturdy can imply being unaffected by adverse conditions.
The sturdy plants survived the harsh winter.
Sturdy can refer to health or constitution being strong and hardy.
The farmer was a sturdy man, accustomed to outdoor work.
Having or showing rugged physical strength or robust health
A sturdy lifeguard.
A sturdy build.
Substantially made or built; able to withstand stress or rough use
A sturdy ladder.
Sturdy boots.
Marked by resoluteness or determination; firm
Sturdy resistance.
See gid.
Of firm build; stiff; stout; strong.
A sturdy oak tree
Solid in structure or person.
It was a sturdy building, able to withstand strong winds and cold weather.
The dog was sturdy and could work all day without getting tired.
(obsolete) Foolishly obstinate or resolute; stubborn.
Resolute, in a good sense; or firm, unyielding quality.
A man of sturdy piety or patriotism
A disease caused by a coenurus infestation in the brain of an animal, especially a sheep or canid; coenurosis.
Foolishly obstinate or resolute; stubborn; unrelenting; unfeeling; stern.
This sturdy marquis gan his hearte dressTo rue upon her wifely steadfastness.
This must be done, and I would fain seeMortal so sturdy as to gainsay.
A sturdy, hardened sinner shall advance to the utmost pitch of impiety with less reluctance than he took the first steps.
Resolute, in a good sense; or firm, unyielding quality; as, a man of sturdy piety or patriotism.
Characterized by physical strength or force; strong; lusty; violent; as, a sturdy lout.
How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke!
Stiff; stout; strong; as, a sturdy oak.
He was not of any delicate contexture; his limbs rather sturdy than dainty.
A disease in sheep and cattle, marked by great nervousness, or by dullness and stupor.
Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships;
Hardy explorers of northern Canada
Proud of her tall stalwart son
Stout seamen
Sturdy young athletes
Substantially made or constructed;
Sturdy steel shelves
Sturdy canvas
A tough all-weather fabric
Some plastics are as tough as metal
Sturdy pertains to objects that are hard to move or break.
The sturdy door resisted the strong winds.
Sturdy denotes an appearance or feeling of strength.
The sturdy shoes were perfect for hiking rough trails.

Sturdy Snonyms


Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.
The solid foundation supported the weight of the house.


Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.
The tough exterior of the suitcase protected its contents.


Strong and healthy; vigorous.
The robust construction of the building ensured its durability.


Having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
The strong man easily lifted the heavy box.


Able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing.
The durable material of the backpack made it perfect for hiking.


Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
The resilient community rebuilt their town after the flood.


Somewhat fat or of heavy build; also describes something strong and thick.
The stout walls of the castle had withstood many sieges.


(Of ground or terrain) having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface; also describes something strongly built.
The rugged landscape was challenging for hikers.


Large, heavy, and powerful.
The hefty beams were necessary to support the roof.


Capable of enduring difficult conditions; robust.
The hardy plants survived the first frost of the season.

Sturdy Idioms & Phrases

Sturdy as a rock

Extremely strong, stable, or unshakeable.
In every crisis, he remained sturdy as a rock.

Sturdy resolve

Having a firm determination or unwavering commitment.
She showed a sturdy resolve in pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor.

A sturdy foundation

The basis of something that is solid and dependable.
Their marriage was built on a sturdy foundation of trust and respect.

Sturdy character

Possessing a strong and admirable personality or moral fiber.
Her sturdy character was evident in her refusal to give in to peer pressure.

Sturdy hands

Refers to someone who is reliable and capable in practical tasks.
With his sturdy hands, the craftsman created beautiful furniture.

Sturdy as an oak

Refers to someone or something that is very strong or resilient.
Despite his advanced age, Grandpa is sturdy as an oak.

A sturdy pace

Moving at a consistent and robust speed.
They hiked up the mountain at a sturdy pace.

Sturdy structure

A building or construction that is well-built and durable.
The bridge is a sturdy structure, able to withstand heavy traffic.

Sturdy bond

A strong and enduring relationship or connection.
The twins shared a sturdy bond that nothing could break.

Sturdy principles

Having firm and unyielding moral standards.
She lived her life guided by sturdy principles.

Sturdy roots

Having a strong background, heritage, or origin.
His sturdy roots in the community made him an influential figure.

Sturdy reputation

Having a solid and dependable reputation.
The company has a sturdy reputation for quality and reliability.

Sturdy growth

Steady and robust development or progress.
The sturdy growth of the sapling was promising for a future shade tree.

Sturdy will

Having a strong and determined willpower.
Despite the challenges, she showed a sturdy will to succeed.

Sturdy craftsmanship

The quality of being skillfully and solidly made.
The furniture's sturdy craftsmanship ensured its longevity.

Sturdy defense

A strong and effective means of defending or protecting.
The legal team put up a sturdy defense in the courtroom.

Sturdy discipline

The practice of being consistent and firm in one's actions or habits.
His success in the marathon was a result of his sturdy discipline in training.

Sturdy commitment

A commitment that is firm and unwavering.
He made a sturdy commitment to improving his health.

Sturdy belief

A belief that is strongly held and unwavering.
His sturdy belief in justice drove him to become a lawyer.

Sturdy understanding

Having a deep and solid comprehension of a subject or situation.
Her sturdy understanding of the subject made her an excellent teacher.

Sturdy Example Sentences

Her sturdy umbrella withstood the strong winds without breaking.
The old tree was sturdy enough to climb without fear.
The sturdy backpack easily held all his heavy textbooks.
He wore sturdy boots for his hike in the mountains.
They built a sturdy fort out of branches and leaves.
The sturdy fence around the yard kept the pets safe.
She chose a sturdy fabric for her new backpack.
The sturdy cardboard boxes were perfect for moving day.
They admired the sturdy construction of the old barn.
Their sturdy boat sailed smoothly across the rough lake.
The sturdy ladder made reaching the high shelves easy.
His sturdy work ethic earned him much respect at school.
Her sturdy voice carried confidence during her speech.
The sturdy walls of their house withstood the storm.
The sturdy wooden bridge crossed a small, bubbling stream.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called sturdy?

"Sturdy" is called so due to its meaning of being strong, well-built, or robust, likely originating from an old French word meaning "to be dizzy or stubborn."

How is sturdy used in a sentence?

Example: "The table is very sturdy and can hold a lot of weight."

What is a stressed syllable in sturdy?

The first syllable, "stur," is the stressed syllable in "sturdy."

What is the verb form of sturdy?

There is no direct verb form of "sturdy"; it is an adjective. A related verb might be "strengthen."

What is the pronunciation of sturdy?

Sturdy is pronounced as /ˈstɜːrdi/.

How many syllables are in sturdy?

There are two syllables in "sturdy."

How do we divide sturdy into syllables?

"Sturdy" is divided into syllables as stur-dy.

What is the opposite of sturdy?

The opposite of "sturdy" is "fragile" or "weak."

What is the root word of sturdy?

The root of "sturdy" is from the Middle English "sturdie," which in turn comes from an old French word.

What part of speech is sturdy?

"Sturdy" is an adjective.

What is another term for sturdy?

Another term for "sturdy" is "robust" or "strong."

Is sturdy a noun or adjective?

"Sturdy" is an adjective.

Is sturdy an abstract noun?

No, "sturdy" is an adjective, not a noun.

What is the singular form of sturdy?

"Sturdy" itself is the singular form as an adjective.

What is the plural form of sturdy?

"Sturdy" does not have a plural form as it is an adjective.

Is sturdy a countable noun?

"Sturdy" is not a noun; it's an adjective, so it is not countable.

Is the word sturdy is imperative?

No, "sturdy" is not an imperative; it's an adjective.

Is the word “sturdy” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Sturdy" cannot be a direct or indirect object as it is an adjective.

Is the sturdy term a metaphor?

"Sturdy" can be used metaphorically in some contexts but is generally a literal adjective.

Which preposition is used with sturdy?

Prepositions like "on," "in," "at," etc., can be used with "sturdy" based on context.

Is sturdy an adverb?

No, "sturdy" is not an adverb.

Is sturdy a collective noun?

No, "sturdy" is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with sturdy?

Determiners like "a," "the," "this," "that," "some," "any," etc., can be used with "sturdy" depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with sturdy?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "sturdy," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with sturdy?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "sturdy," depending on whether it's used in a specific or general context.

Is sturdy a negative or positive word?

"Sturdy" is generally considered a positive word.

Is sturdy a vowel or consonant?

"Sturdy" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with a consonant.

Is the word sturdy Gerund?

No, "sturdy" is not a gerund. A gerund is a noun form of a verb ending in -ing, and "sturdy" is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before sturdy?

There is no specific rule for using a vowel before "sturdy." It depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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