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Subversiveness Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
Subversiveness refers to the quality of seeking to overturn or undermine established norms or authorities. e.g., The novel's subversiveness lay in its critique of societal norms.

Subversiveness Definitions

Disrupting the Status Quo: Efforts aimed at disrupting or changing the current state of affairs.
The play's subversiveness was in its portrayal of the flaws in the justice system.
Challenging Authority: Seeking to challenge or question established authority.
The group's subversiveness was evident in their protests against the government.
Undermining Norms: Working to undermine or weaken societal norms.
The artist's work was known for its subversiveness toward traditional values.
Intellectual Provocation: Provoking thought or discussion that challenges mainstream ideas.
The philosopher's subversiveness was in his controversial theories on freedom.
Innovative Thinking: Introducing new ideas that challenge conventional thinking.
The startup's subversiveness lay in its unique approach to solving old problems.
Promoting Radical Change: Advocating for radical or fundamental changes in society.
Their manifesto's subversiveness called for a complete overhaul of the political system.
Cultural Critique: Offering a critique or criticism of prevailing cultural practices.
The film's subversiveness was found in its critique of consumer culture.
Questioning Beliefs: Encouraging skepticism or questioning of long-held beliefs.
The teacher's subversiveness encouraged students to question historical narratives.
Social Rebellion: Engaging in actions or behaviors that rebel against societal expectations.
Punk music's subversiveness challenged the norms of the music industry.
Intending or intended to subvert an established order, especially to undermine or overthrow an established government
Subversive groups.
Subversive publications.
One who advocates or is regarded as advocating subversion.
The state or quality of being subversive.
The subversiveness of his message was lost due to its commercialism.
Disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior
Political Dissent: Expressing disagreement or opposition to political policies or leaders.
The journalist's subversiveness was evident in her critical articles on the administration.

Subversiveness Snonyms


Failure or refusal to obey rules or someone in authority.
Their disobedience of the court order resulted in heavy fines.


The act of opposing authority or control.
The rebellion against the new policies sparked widespread debate.


Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against authority.
The leader was arrested for sedition after his inflammatory speech.


Disturbance or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process.
The protest caused a major disruption in the city center.


Disagreement over beliefs, especially from the official doctrine.
His dissidence made him a target among his peers.


Resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument.
The opposition to the new law was unexpectedly strong.


An act of rising in active revolt.
The insurgence took the government by surprise.


A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
After the government collapsed, the country fell into anarchy.


Failure or refusal to conform to accepted norms, standards, or laws.
His nonconformity with the corporate culture made him stand out.


The holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
There was significant dissent among the members about the proposed changes.

Subversiveness Idioms & Phrases

Subversiveness at its core

Fundamentally aimed at undermining or overthrowing established systems or beliefs.
The movement's manifesto reveals subversiveness at its core, calling for a complete overhaul of the political system.

The art of subversiveness

Skillfully challenging established norms or authority.
His novels are celebrated for their art of subversiveness, questioning societal norms.

Subversiveness in disguise

Actions or ideas that seem harmless but are intended to undermine or challenge authority.
The comedian's jokes were subversiveness in disguise, critiquing the government under the veil of humor.

Wear subversiveness on one's sleeve

To openly display one's intention to challenge or disrupt the status quo.
She wears her subversiveness on her sleeve, leading protests and speaking out against injustice.

Seeds of subversiveness

Initial ideas or actions that have the potential to grow into significant challenges against authority or conventions.
His writings planted seeds of subversiveness that would later inspire a revolution.

The price of subversiveness

The consequences or backlash faced for challenging established norms or authority.
He quickly learned the price of subversiveness when he was ostracized by his community.

Cloaked in subversiveness

Presenting ideas or actions in a way that the underlying intention to subvert is not immediately obvious.
Her speeches, cloaked in subversiveness, slowly began to influence the minds of the youth.

Subversiveness by design

Intentionally created or planned actions or ideas to challenge or disrupt the conventional order.
The new curriculum was subversiveness by design, aiming to encourage critical thinking about history.

A touch of subversiveness

Incorporating elements that challenge traditional views or norms in a subtle way.
His paintings always have a touch of subversiveness, subtly critiquing the elite.

Subversiveness without borders

Challenging norms, authority, or conventions without limitation to any one culture or society.
The internet has enabled a form of subversiveness without borders, spreading revolutionary ideas globally.

A wave of subversiveness

A significant increase in actions or ideas aimed at undermining the established order.
The country is experiencing a wave of subversiveness as citizens increasingly question the status quo.

The color of subversiveness

Characteristics or aspects that indicate a tendency to challenge or question authority.
The color of subversiveness in modern art is unmistakable, with artists using their work as a form of protest.

Subversiveness in the air

A prevailing mood or atmosphere that encourages challenging established norms or authority.
There's subversiveness in the air, with young people everywhere starting to demand change.

The ripple effect of subversiveness

The gradual and spreading impact of challenging established norms or authority.
The ripple effect of subversiveness from the protest has started to influence policy changes.

Subversiveness through satire

Using humor or exaggeration to undermine or criticize authority or norms.
His stand-up routine is filled with subversiveness through satire, poking fun at political leaders.

Subversiveness under the microscope

Careful examination or scrutiny of actions or ideas that challenge the status quo.
In authoritarian regimes, any subversiveness is quickly put under the microscope by the authorities.

Subversiveness in the shadows

Operating in secrecy to undermine or challenge authority or norms.
Activists working under oppressive regimes often engage in subversiveness in the shadows.

Echoes of subversiveness

Indications or signs of underlying intentions to subvert or challenge authority.
Echoes of subversiveness can be heard in the music of the era, reflecting the societal tensions.

The language of subversiveness

The specific expressions, terms, or symbols used to communicate subversive ideas.
Activists often speak the language of subversiveness to convey their messages covertly.

The symphony of subversiveness

The collective sound or expression of various acts or ideas aimed at challenging authority or norms.
The protests became a symphony of subversiveness, with diverse voices joining together in dissent.

Subversiveness Example Sentences

Her art exhibits a subversiveness that challenges traditional gender roles.
The documentary's subversiveness comes from its unflinching look at corporate power.
The subversiveness of the movement is in its rejection of capitalist values.
The subversiveness of the blog has attracted a large following.
Their subversiveness in fashion challenges what is considered mainstream beauty.
The subversiveness of the novel sparked debates across the country.
The playwright's subversiveness is seen in the way he upends historical narratives.
The subversiveness of the magazine lies in its dedication to uncovering the truth.
The subversiveness of the youth group makes them a target for criticism.
Their music's subversiveness lies in its lyrics that critique societal inequalities.
He admired the subversiveness of her political commentary.
Her speeches are known for their subversiveness and call to action.
The subversiveness of the novel is its greatest strength, provoking thought and discussion.
The subversiveness of the poetry lies in its raw depiction of urban life.
Their comedy's subversiveness is cleverly hidden in satire.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in subversiveness?

The stressed syllable in "subversiveness" is the second syllable, "ver."

How many syllables are in subversiveness?

There are four syllables in "subversiveness."

How do we divide subversiveness into syllables?

Subversiveness is divided into syllables as "sub-ver-sive-ness."

What is the verb form of subversiveness?

The verb form related to "subversiveness" is "subvert."

What is the pronunciation of subversiveness?

"Subversiveness" is pronounced as /səbˈvɜrsɪvnəs/ in American English.

How is subversiveness used in a sentence?

The author's subversiveness is evident in the way she challenges societal norms through her characters.

What is the root word of subversiveness?

The root word of "subversiveness" is "subvert," which comes from the Latin "subvertere," meaning to overturn or overthrow.

Why is it called subversiveness?

It's called subversiveness because it describes the quality or state of seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution, typically involving underhanded or covert actions to overthrow or undermine.

What is another term for subversiveness?

Another term for "subversiveness" could be "insurgency" or "rebelliousness."

Is subversiveness an abstract noun?

Yes, "subversiveness" is an abstract noun as it refers to a quality or concept rather than a physical object.

Is the word subversiveness imperative?

No, "subversiveness" is a noun and does not have an imperative form.

Is the word “subversiveness” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Subversiveness" can function as a direct object in a sentence, as in "They admired his subversiveness."

Which vowel is used before subversiveness?

The vowel used before "subversiveness" depends on the preceding word; there is no specific rule.

What part of speech is subversiveness?

"Subversiveness" is a noun.

Is subversiveness a countable noun?

"Subversiveness" is generally considered uncountable when referring to the quality or state, but it can be countable in specific contexts when referring to distinct acts or instances of subversiveness.

Is the subversiveness term a metaphor?

"Subversiveness" can be used metaphorically to describe actions or ideas that significantly challenge the status quo.

Is the word subversiveness Gerund?

No, "subversiveness" is not a gerund; it is a noun derived from the adjective "subversive."

What is the plural form of subversiveness?

The plural form is "subversivenesses."

Is subversiveness a vowel or consonant?

The word "subversiveness" starts with a consonant sound, "s."

Which preposition is used with subversiveness?

Prepositions like "of," "in," and "with" can be used with "subversiveness," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with subversiveness?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "subversiveness" depending on the sentence structure.

What is the singular form of subversiveness?

The singular form is "subversiveness."

What is the opposite of subversiveness?

The opposite of "subversiveness" could be "conformity" or "compliance."

Is subversiveness a noun or adjective?

"Subversiveness" is a noun.

Is subversiveness an adverb?

No, "subversiveness" is not an adverb.

Is subversiveness a negative or positive word?

"Subversiveness" is neutral but may have negative or positive connotations depending on the context and perspective.

Which determiner is used with subversiveness?

Determiners like "the," "some," "any," and "his/her" can be used with "subversiveness," depending on the context.

Is subversiveness a collective noun?

No, "subversiveness" is not a collective noun.

Which article is used with subversiveness?

Both "the" (definite article) and "a/an" (indefinite article) can be used with "subversiveness" depending on whether it refers to a specific instance or subversiveness in general.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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