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Supporting Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Supporting means providing assistance, help, or encouragement to someone or something. e.g., The beams are supporting the weight of the roof.

Supporting Definitions

Upholding: Holding up and preventing from falling.
The pillars are supporting the structure.
Bolstering: Strengthening or reinforcing something.
The additional evidence is supporting the case.
Aiding: Providing help or assistance, especially in times of need.
The organization is supporting disaster relief efforts.
Encouraging: Giving support, confidence, or hope to someone.
Teachers are supporting students to achieve their best.
Assisting: Helping someone in their actions or efforts.
Volunteers are supporting the local food drive.
Promoting: Actively encouraging or advocating for something.
The policy is supporting renewable energy sources.
Fortifying: Strengthening something against attack or adversity.
The community is supporting its members during the crisis.
To bear the weight of, especially from below; keep from falling, sinking, or slipping
Pillars support the roof.
To bear or hold up (an amount of weight)
The bridge supports 10 tons.
To keep from weakening or failing; give confidence or comfort to
The letter supported him in his grief.
To keep from falling in value, as by government purchases
A program to support the price of wheat.
To provide for or maintain by supplying with money or necessities
The homeless shelter is supported solely by donations.
To furnish corroborating evidence for
New facts supported her story.
To aid the cause, policy, or interests of
Supported her in her election campaign.
To argue in favor of; advocate
Supported lower taxes.
To have an enthusiastic interest in (a sports team).
To endure; tolerate
"At supper there was such a conflux of company that I could scarcely support the tumult" (Samuel Johnson).
To act in a secondary or subordinate role to (a leading performer).
To offer help or advice regarding (a product or service).
(Computers) To be compatible with (a program)
That operating system does not support most new applications.
The act of supporting
Our candidate needs your support.
The state of being supported
The candidate's support has been overwhelming.
One that supports
How many supports does the bridge have?.
The provision of money or the necessities of life
Child support.
Help or advice offered to those encountering difficulties with a product or service.
That supports.
Present participle of support
That which supports something else; a support.
The act of bearing the weight of or strengthening;
He leaned against the wall for support
Furnishing support and encouragement;
The anxious child needs supporting and accepting treatment from the teacher
Capable of bearing a structural load;
A supporting wall
Backing: Giving one's support to another person or cause.
She is supporting her friend's decision to move abroad.
Endorsing: Publicly or officially saying that you support or approve of someone or something.
Celebrities are supporting the new environmental campaign.
Sustaining: Providing what is needed for something or someone to exist, continue, etc.
The river is supporting a diverse ecosystem.

Supporting Snonyms


Providing support or relief.
The beams were sustaining the weight of the roof.


Giving support or help.
He was assisting her with her research.


Providing support or financial assistance.
The project had the backing of the local community.


Giving support or approval to.
The celebrity was endorsing the new product.


Supporting or defending.
The court is upholding the rights of the citizens.


Supporting or strengthening.
The new evidence was bolstering the case.


Strengthening or supporting, especially with additional personnel or material.
The troops were reinforcing the defenses.


Helping, especially in a difficult situation.
The charity is aiding those affected by the disaster.


Giving support, confidence, or hope to.
The coach was encouraging his players despite the score.


Supporting or actively encouraging.
The company is promoting healthy living among its employees.

Supporting Idioms & Phrases

Supporting hand

Assistance or help provided to someone in need.
After the accident, the community lent a supporting hand to rebuild his house.

Supporting role

A position or function that is important for the assistance or reinforcement it provides, rather than leading or primary action.
She won an award for her performance in a supporting role in the critically acclaimed film.

Supporting evidence

Information or data that backs up a claim, theory, or argument.
The researcher presented supporting evidence to validate the hypothesis.

Supporting arm

Offering physical or emotional support to someone.
During the hike, he became the supporting arm for his tired friend.

Supporting cast

Refers to the group of actors who play secondary roles in a play, movie, or television show, supporting the main characters.
The movie's success was not just due to the leads, but also the talented supporting cast.

Supporting pillar

Something or someone that provides essential support to an organization, system, or person.
Volunteers are the supporting pillars of many nonprofit organizations.

Supporting voice

Someone who speaks out in favor of something or someone, providing backing or endorsement.
In the debate, he was a strong supporting voice for environmental conservation.

Behind-the-scenes supporting

Providing assistance or support in a way that is not visible or recognized publicly.
The event's success was due to the behind-the-scenes supporting staff.

On supporting legs

Referring to something that is stable and has support but might not be very strong.
The new policy stands on supporting legs, but it will need further development.

Supporting framework

The basic structure that provides support and stability to something.
The new policy introduced a supporting framework for sustainable urban development.

Lend supporting

To give assistance or support to someone or something.
Many celebrities lend their supporting to charitable causes.

Supporting argument

A rationale or reasoning that backs up the main point or thesis.
His essay included several strong supporting arguments for his stance on climate change.

Supporting shoulder

Offering emotional support or comfort to someone in distress.
She was always there as a supporting shoulder for her friends during tough times.

Supporting act

An artist, performer, or group that performs before the main act in a show.
The supporting act managed to energize the crowd before the headliner took the stage.

Supporting statement

A declaration or assertion that provides backing to a main idea.
Each claim in the report was accompanied by a supporting statement from experts.

Supporting system

An underlying system that provides necessary support for something to function effectively.
A strong public health infrastructure is a critical supporting system for a country's wellbeing.

Financial supporting

Providing monetary assistance or backing.
The scholarship provides financial supporting to students from underprivileged backgrounds.

Moral supporting

Offering encouragement, ethical support, or approval.
The team received moral supporting from their fans despite the loss.

In a supporting capacity

Serving in a role that provides assistance, support, or reinforcement rather than leading.
He joined the project in a supporting capacity, offering his expertise when needed.

Supporting documentation

Additional documents provided to substantiate or corroborate a main document or application.
Applicants must submit all required supporting documentation by the deadline.

Supporting Example Sentences

The family is supporting each other through difficult times.
She's supporting her team at the championship.
Many artists are supporting the charity concert.
Local businesses are supporting the festival.
He's been supporting her career aspirations.
The foundation is supporting research in this field.
They are supporting the movement for social justice.
The program is supporting young entrepreneurs.
The new policy is supporting small businesses.
Volunteers are supporting the clean-up operation in the park.
The community is supporting the local farmers' market.
The government is supporting the development of green technologies.
She's supporting her partner's decision to study abroad.
The organization is supporting efforts to combat homelessness.
The teacher is supporting students with extra tutorials.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in supporting?

There are three syllables in supporting.

Why is it called supporting?

It is called supporting because it denotes the action of providing assistance or backing to someone or something.

What is a stressed syllable in supporting?

The stressed syllable in supporting is "port."

What is the first form of supporting?

The first form is "support."

What is the third form of supporting?

The third form is also "supported."

What part of speech is supporting?

Supporting is a verb (when it denotes action) and an adjective (when it describes a noun).

How do we divide supporting into syllables?

Supporting is divided into syllables as sup-port-ing.

What is the verb form of supporting?

The verb form is "support."

How is supporting used in a sentence?

He is supporting his friend's new business venture.

What is the pronunciation of supporting?

Supporting is pronounced as /səˈpɔːr.tɪŋ/.

What is the root word of supporting?

The root word is "support."

What is the second form of supporting?

The second form is "supported."

What is the singular form of supporting?

The singular form is "support."

Is supporting an abstract noun?

No, supporting is not an abstract noun.

What is the opposite of supporting?

The opposite of supporting is "opposing."

Is supporting a negative or positive word?

Supporting is generally considered a positive word.

Is supporting a countable noun?

Supporting itself is not a noun; it's primarily a verb or an adjective. "Support" as a noun is countable.

Is supporting a collective noun?

No, supporting is not a collective noun.

What is the plural form of supporting?

Supporting does not have a plural form as it is an adjective or a verb form. For the noun "support," the plural would be "supports."

Is supporting a vowel or consonant?

The word supporting starts with a consonant.

Is the word supporting imperative?

Supporting can be part of an imperative phrase, e.g., "Start supporting."

Which determiner is used with supporting?

Determiners like "the," "a," "my," or "this" can be used, depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before supporting?

Typically, no vowel is placed directly before "supporting," but in phrases, any vowel sound can precede it based on the previous word.

Which preposition is used with supporting?

Prepositions such as "in," "for," and "of" can be used with "supporting," depending on the sentence.

Which article is used with supporting?

The articles "a," "an," or "the" can be used with "supporting," depending on whether it's used as an adjective or in a noun phrase.

What is another term for supporting?

Another term for supporting is "backing."

Is the word supporting Gerund?

Yes, when used as a noun, e.g., "Supporting others is important," it functions as a gerund.

Is the word “supporting” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

The word "supporting" itself is neither; it's a verb or adjective. Its role as a direct or indirect object depends on sentence structure.

Is supporting a noun or adjective?

Supporting can be an adjective or part of a verb phrase.

Is supporting an adverb?

No, supporting is not an adverb.

Is the supporting term a metaphor?

The term can be used metaphorically, depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with supporting?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "while" can be used in sentences with "supporting."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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