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Surprise Definition and Meaning

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
Surprise means an unexpected event, fact, or piece of news. e.g., The sudden rainstorm was a complete surprise to everyone at the picnic.

Surprise Definitions

Unexpected Gift: A present given without the recipient's anticipation.
He brought flowers as a surprise for her birthday.
Startling Discovery: Finding something unexpectedly.
Archaeologists made a surprise discovery of ancient ruins.
Secret Plan: A plan made without someone's knowledge, intended to astonish them.
They organized a surprise party for their friend.
Impromptu Visit: Visiting someone unexpectedly.
Their surprise visit made her weekend special.
Unforeseen Event: An event that occurs without prior warning or expectation.
The power outage was an unwelcome surprise.
Sudden Attack: An unexpected attack by someone or something.
The cat's surprise attack startled the dog.
Emotional Reaction: A feeling of astonishment or shock caused by something unexpected.
Her surprise was evident when she saw the decorations.
Plot Twist: An unexpected development in a story or movie.
The movie's ending was a complete surprise to the audience.
Unexpected Outcome: A result that was not anticipated.
The election results came as a surprise to many.
Sudden Change: An abrupt change in a situation or condition.
The weather took a surprise turn towards the evening.
To cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement, as at something unanticipated
Thinking I was at home, she was surprised to see me in the office. We were surprised that he could recover so quickly.
To encounter or discover suddenly or unexpectedly; take or catch unawares
She surprised him as he was reading her diary.
To attack or capture suddenly and without warning
Surprised the sentries in a predawn raid, wounding several.
To cause (someone) to do or say something unintended or to be in an unintended condition
"There passed a scene ... that surprised me into courage to come forward" (Fanny Burney).
To elicit or detect through surprise
"She occasionally surprised a look on Jemima's face" (Marcia Willett).
The act of surprising or the condition of being surprised
Imagine my surprise on seeing you here.
Something, such as an unexpected encounter, event, or gift, that surprises.
Something unexpected.
It was a surprise to find out I owed twice as much as I thought I did.
The feeling that something unexpected has happened.
Imagine my surprise on learning I owed twice as much as I thought I did.
(transitive) To cause (someone) to feel unusually alarmed or delighted by something unexpected.
It surprises me that I owe twice as much as I thought I did.
(transitive) To do something to (a person) that they are not expecting, as a surprise.
He doesn’t know that I’m in the country – I thought I’d turn up at his house and surprise him.
(intransitive) To undergo or witness something unexpected.
He doesn’t surprise easily.
(intransitive) To cause surprise.
(transitive) To attack unexpectedly.
(transitive) To take unawares.
The act of coming upon, or taking, unawares; the act of seizing unexpectedly; surprisal; as, the fort was taken by surprise.
The state of being surprised, or taken unawares, by some act or event which could not reasonably be foreseen; emotion excited by what is sudden and strange; a suddenly excited feeling of wonder or astonishment.
Pure surprise and fearMade me to quit the house.
Anything that causes such a state or emotion.
A dish covered with a crust of raised paste, but with no other contents.
To come or fall suddenly and unexpectedly; to take unawares; to seize or capture by unexpected attack.
Fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites.
The castle of Macduff I will surprise.
Who can speakThe mingled passions that surprised his heart?
To strike with wonder, astonishment, or confusion, by something sudden, unexpected, or remarkable; to confound; as, his conduct surprised me.
I am surprised with an uncouth fear.
Up he starts,Discovered and surprised.
To lead (one) to do suddenly and without forethought; to bring (one) into some unexpected state; - with into; as, to be surprised into an indiscretion; to be surprised into generosity.
To hold possession of; to hold.
Not with me,That in my hands surprise the sovereignity.
The astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to you
A sudden unexpected event
The act of surprising someone
Cause to be surprised;
The news really surprised me
Come upon or take unawares;
She surprised the couple
He surprised an interesting scene
Attack by storm; attack suddenly

Surprise Snonyms


To cause someone to feel great wonder or astonishment.
The magician's act never fails to amaze the audience.


To surprise or impress someone very much.
His bold decision astonished his peers.


To shock or greatly surprise.
Her bravery astounded the crowd.


To greatly astonish or amaze.
The complexity of the puzzle dumbfounded most participants.


To cause someone to feel surprised and upset.
The news of his resignation shocked the company.


To make someone feel sudden shock or alarm.
The loud noise startled the sleeping dog.


To astonish or shock someone so that they are temporarily unable to react.
The beauty of the landscape stunned the travelers.


To cause someone to become perplexed and confused.
The sudden change in plans bewildered the team.


To surprise someone greatly; astonish.
The unexpected victory flabbergasted the critics.


To cause surprise or confusion by acting against expectations.
His ability to solve the problem so quickly confounded his teachers.

Surprise Idioms & Phrases

Spring a surprise

To reveal something surprising unexpectedly.
They decided to spring a surprise on her birthday by showing up unannounced.

Surprise of surprises

An unexpected event that is even more surprising than other surprises.
And then, the surprise of surprises, they announced their engagement at the party.

Catch someone by surprise

To shock or astonish someone by being unexpected.
The snowstorm caught everyone by surprise in early autumn.

Pleasant surprise

An unexpected event that brings joy or happiness.
Running into an old friend in the city was a pleasant surprise.

Surprise element

The part of a plan or event that is meant to be unexpected.
The surprise element of the party was the guest singer.

Surprise visit

An unexpected appearance or arrival at a place.
Her parents made a surprise visit to her apartment over the weekend.

In for a surprise

About to experience something unexpected.
If you think managing a team is easy, you're in for a surprise.

Take by surprise

To shock or astonish someone unexpectedly.
The sudden resignation of the CEO took the company by surprise.

Surprise up one's sleeve

To have a secret plan or idea that is surprising.
He always has a surprise up his sleeve during negotiations.

No surprise there

A phrase indicating that something is not surprising.
He won the award for the best employee of the year, no surprise there.

Full of surprises

Describing someone who is unpredictable or always doing unexpected things.
Just when you think you know him, he shows he’s full of surprises.

Surprise witness

A witness whose testimony is unexpected and has a significant impact on a legal case.
The prosecution introduced a surprise witness that changed the course of the trial.

Surprise package

Someone or something that proves to be unexpectedly good or impressive.
The new player turned out to be a real surprise package for the team.

Surprise attack

An unexpected act of aggression or assault.
The troops launched a surprise attack at dawn.

A surprise to no one

An event or fact that is expected by everyone; not surprising.
His immediate success in the role was a surprise to no one, given his experience.

Unwelcome surprise

An unexpected event that is not pleasant or desired.
The bill at the end of the meal was an unwelcome surprise.

Beyond surprise

To be so accustomed to unusual or surprising events that new ones have little impact.
After all these years in the field, there's little that's beyond surprise for her.

Surprise Example Sentences

Finding a $20 bill in her coat was a pleasant surprise.
Their reaction to the surprise gift was priceless.
The ending of the book was such a surprise.
He planned a surprise dinner at her favorite restaurant.
They encountered a surprise snowstorm on their hike.
The surprise announcement left everyone in shock.
The surprise test in class caught everyone off guard.
She managed to keep the trip a surprise until the last minute.
They whispered about the surprise they had planned for their teacher.
The surprise on her face when she saw the puppy was unforgettable.
The surprise guest at the party was a famous singer.
Winning the award was the biggest surprise of his life.
Her surprise visit cheered him up.
The teacher had a surprise activity for the class on Friday.
The surprise in his voice was unmistakable when he heard the news.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide surprise into syllables?

"Surprise" is divided into syllables as "sur-prise."

Why is it called surprise?

It's called "surprise" because it describes an unexpected event, fact, or thing that causes astonishment or wonder. The term originates from the Old French "surprendre," meaning "to overtake" or "to take unexpectedly."

How is surprise used in a sentence?

The party was a complete surprise to her; she had no idea it was being planned.

How many syllables are in surprise?

There are two syllables in "surprise."

What is the root word of surprise?

The root word of "surprise" is the Old French "surprendre," which evolved from the Latin "superprehendere," meaning "to seize."

What is the first form of surprise?

The first form (base form) of "surprise" is "surprise."

What part of speech is surprise?

"Surprise" can function as both a noun and a verb.

What is another term for surprise?

Another term for "surprise" could be "astonishment" or "amazement."

What is the singular form of surprise?

The singular form is "surprise."

What is the pronunciation of surprise?

"Surprise" is pronounced as /sərˈpraɪz/ in American English.

What is the third form of surprise?

The third form (past participle) of "surprise" is "surprised."

What is a stressed syllable in surprise?

The stressed syllable in "surprise" is the second syllable, "prise."

What is the verb form of surprise?

The verb form of "surprise" is also "surprise."

What is the opposite of surprise?

The opposite of "surprise" could be "expectation" or "anticipation."

Is surprise a noun or adjective?

"Surprise" is primarily a noun, but it can also function as a verb.

Is surprise an abstract noun?

Yes, when used as a noun, "surprise" is an abstract noun as it refers to a concept or feeling.

Is surprise a negative or positive word?

"Surprise" is neutral; it can have either a positive or negative connotation depending on the context.

Is the surprise term a metaphor?

"Surprise" can be used metaphorically to describe situations or experiences that are unexpectedly delightful or shocking.

What is the plural form of surprise?

The plural form is "surprises."

Is surprise a vowel or consonant?

The word "surprise" starts with a consonant sound, "s."

Is surprise a countable noun?

Yes, "surprise" is a countable noun. You can have one surprise, two surprises, etc.

Which determiner is used with surprise?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "this," "that," "my," or "your" can be used with "surprise," depending on the context.

What is the second form of surprise?

The second form (simple past) of "surprise" is "surprised."

Is surprise an adverb?

No, "surprise" is not an adverb.

Is the word surprise imperative?

"Surprise" as a verb can be used in the imperative mood as a command, such as in "Surprise me!"

Is the word surprise Gerund?

The gerund form of "surprise" is "surprising."

Is the word “surprise” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Surprise" can serve as a direct object in a sentence, such as in "They planned a surprise for her."

Which vowel is used before surprise?

The vowel used before "surprise" depends on the preceding word and its grammatical structure, not on "surprise" itself.

Is surprise a collective noun?

No, "surprise" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with surprise?

Prepositions such as "with," "by," and "at" can be used with "surprise," depending on the context, e.g., "surprised by the news," "surprised at the outcome."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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