Ask Difference

Symposium Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
A symposium is a formal gathering or conference where experts discuss a particular topic, often involving presentations, discussions, and exchange of ideas among participants. e.g., The annual medical symposium focused on innovative treatments.

Symposium Definitions

An event with lectures and discussions on a theme.
The history symposium included several renowned speakers.
A conference for discussing a specific academic or professional topic.
She presented her research at the science symposium.
A gathering for presenting and debating academic papers.
He attended a symposium on ancient civilizations.
A formal assembly for discussion and exchange of views.
The symposium brought together leaders from various fields.
A seminar or conference with multiple speakers.
The educational symposium attracted teachers nationwide.
An academic event with panel discussions.
The symposium included panels on environmental policy.
A forum for experts to present their findings.
The symposium featured presentations from leading researchers.
A meeting or conference for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations.
A collection of writings on a particular topic, as in a magazine.
A convivial meeting for drinking, music, and intellectual discussion among the ancient Greeks.
A conference or other meeting for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the participants make presentations.
A drinking party in Ancient Greece, especially one with intellectual discussion.
A collection of essays, articles or papers on a particular subject by a number of contributors.
A drinking together; a merry feast.
A collection of short essays by different authors on a common topic; - so called from the appellation given to the philosophical dialogue by the Greeks.
A meeting or conference for the public discussion of some topic especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations
A meeting where experts share knowledge and ideas.
The symposium on climate change was enlightening.
An organized event focusing on a particular subject.
The technology symposium showcased the latest innovations.
A scholarly meeting for public discussion.
The symposium addressed new trends in literature.

Symposium Snonyms


A meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.
The creative writing workshop helped participants develop their skills.


A meeting for discussion or training, often with an academic or professional focus.
The university seminar on ancient history was open to all students.


A meeting where experts gather to discuss and debate on specific topics.
The roundtable discussion focused on strategies for combating climate change.


A large formal assembly of people, particularly in an academic setting.
The annual convocation ceremony honored outstanding students and faculty.


A formal meeting for discussion, typically a one-day or weekend event.
The annual medical conference attracts specialists from around the world.


A group of people gathered to discuss topics of interest in front of an audience.
The panel on renewable energy featured experts from various fields.


A place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
The online forum serves as a platform for discussions on environmental issues.


An academic conference or seminar.
The department held a colloquium on recent research findings.


A meeting between heads of government or state, usually of significant importance.
The peace summit brought together leaders from the warring countries.


A gathering or collection of people, animals, or things.
The congregation of scholars discussed the future of philosophy.

Symposium Idioms & Phrases

Symposium of experts

A gathering or meeting where experts in a particular field share their knowledge or research.
The annual symposium of experts on climate change provided valuable insights into global warming.

Symposium speaker

An individual who presents a talk or lecture at a symposium.
The symposium speaker discussed the challenges of space exploration.

Host a symposium

To organize and conduct a conference or meeting focused on a specific topic.
The university decided to host a symposium on renewable energy technologies.

Attend a symposium

To be present at a conference or meeting as a participant or listener.
She was excited to attend a symposium on modern art trends in Europe.

Symposium keynote

The main or central speech delivered at a symposium.
The symposium keynote was delivered by a Nobel laureate in Physics.

Symposium proceedings

The official record or publication of the papers presented at a symposium.
The symposium proceedings were published in a renowned scientific journal.

Annual symposium

A conference or meeting on a particular subject that takes place every year.
The annual symposium on sustainable development attracted policymakers from around the world.

International symposium

A conference or meeting that involves participants from multiple countries.
She presented her research at an international symposium in Tokyo.

Symposium panel

A group of experts discussing or debating a topic at a symposium.
He was part of the symposium panel that discussed the future of artificial intelligence.

Symposium debate

A structured discussion or argument on a specific issue that takes place during a symposium.
The highlight of the symposium was a lively debate on the ethics of artificial intelligence.

Virtual symposium

An online conference or meeting typically conducted over the internet.
Due to travel restrictions, the organization opted for a virtual symposium this year.

Symposium session

A specific time slot or segment within a symposium dedicated to a particular topic.
One of the most popular symposium sessions focused on advancements in gene editing.

Pre-symposium events

Activities or meetings that take place before the main symposium event.
The pre-symposium events included a series of networking sessions for early career researchers.

Interdisciplinary symposium

A conference that involves experts from various fields discussing a topic that spans multiple disciplines.
The interdisciplinary symposium brought together economists, ecologists, and sociologists.

Symposium workshop

A practical or interactive session conducted as part of a symposium.
The symposium workshop on data analytics was highly engaging and informative.

Symposium publication

A book or journal issue that includes papers or articles derived from a symposium.
She contributed a chapter to the symposium publication on urban planning.

Symposium on [topic]

A conference or meeting specifically focusing on a particular subject.
He is organizing a symposium on renewable energy solutions.

Symposium agenda

The schedule or program of events and presentations planned for a symposium.
The symposium agenda was packed with talks from distinguished scientists.

Symposium theme

The central topic or focus around which a symposium is organized.
This year's symposium theme is 'Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture.'

Post-symposium discussion

Conversations or meetings that occur after the official symposium has ended.
The post-symposium discussion continued to explore solutions for climate change.

Symposium Example Sentences

The symposium offered a variety of workshops and lectures.
Experts from around the world gathered at the symposium.
The symposium's keynote address was inspiring.
The university hosted a symposium on renewable energy.
Each day of the symposium had a different theme.
The medical symposium covered advances in heart surgery.
During the symposium, they debated important environmental issues.
Students presented their projects at the science symposium.
The symposium concluded with a roundtable discussion.
He networked with other professionals at the business symposium.
She was excited to attend her first symposium.
The art symposium featured galleries from emerging artists.
The symposium's agenda was packed with interesting topics.
She received an award for her presentation at the symposium.
The symposium included a session for questions and answers.

Common Curiosities

How is symposium used in a sentence?

Example: "The university organized a symposium on renewable energy."

Why is it called symposium?

"Symposium" comes from the Greek "symposion," meaning "drinking party," from "sym-" (together) and "posis" (drinking). It originally referred to a convivial meeting for drinking, music, and intellectual discussion.

What is a stressed syllable in symposium?

The stressed syllable in "symposium" is the second one: po.

How do we divide symposium into syllables?

"Symposium" is divided into syllables as "sym-po-si-um."

How many syllables are in symposium?

There are four syllables in "symposium."

What is the verb form of symposium?

"Symposium" is a noun and does not have a verb form.

What is the pronunciation of symposium?

Symposium is pronounced as /sɪmˈpoʊ.zi.əm/.

What is the root word of symposium?

The root word of "symposium" is the Greek "symposion."

What is another term for symposium?

Another term for "symposium" is "conference" or "seminar."

What is the opposite of symposium?

The opposite of a "symposium" could be "solitude" or "individual study," depending on context.

Which determiner is used with symposium?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "this" can be used with "symposium."

Is symposium a collective noun?

"Symposium" can be considered a collective noun when it refers to the collective event itself.

Is the word symposium Gerund?

No, "symposium" is a noun and not a gerund.

Which vowel is used before symposium?

The use of a vowel before "symposium" depends on the context and the preceding word.

Is the word symposium imperative?

No, "symposium" is a noun and cannot be imperative.

Is the word “symposium” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Symposium" can be a direct object, as in "We attended the symposium."

Which conjunction is used with symposium?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "symposium."

What part of speech is symposium?

"Symposium" is a noun.

What is the singular form of symposium?

The singular form is "symposium."

Is symposium a noun or adjective?

"Symposium" is a noun.

Is symposium an adverb?

No, "symposium" is not an adverb.

Is symposium a vowel or consonant?

"Symposium" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Which preposition is used with symposium?

Prepositions like "at," "during," or "on" can be used with "symposium."

What is the plural form of symposium?

The plural form is "symposia" or "symposiums."

Is symposium an abstract noun?

"Symposium" is a concrete noun, referring to a specific type of gathering.

Is symposium a negative or positive word?

"Symposium" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is symposium a countable noun?

Yes, "symposium" is a countable noun.

Is the symposium term a metaphor?

"Symposium" can be used metaphorically to represent a gathering of minds or ideas.

Which article is used with symposium?

The articles "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "symposium," depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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