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Takeaway Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
Takeaway refers to a key point, message, or idea to be remembered from something experienced or observed. e.g., The main takeaway from the lecture was the importance of sustainability.

Takeaway Definitions

A key point or lesson learned from an experience or piece of information.
The seminar's takeaway was about effective leadership.
A conclusion drawn from a particular situation.
The main takeaway from the meeting was the need for better communication.
A message or piece of advice that is intended to be remembered.
His speech had a powerful takeaway about perseverance.
Food purchased to be eaten elsewhere.
They ordered a pizza as a takeaway.
The act of taking something away or removing it.
The key takeaway from the policy change was increased transparency.
A business selling food that is not consumed on the premises.
The new Chinese takeaway opened near my house.
A souvenir or item that participants take home from an event.
The conference provided a book as a takeaway for attendees.
An insight or understanding gained from an analysis or study.
The research provided an interesting takeaway on consumer behavior.
The action of gaining possession in a sport by intercepting or taking the ball from the opponent.
The team's defensive strategy led to several takeaways.
(Sports) The act or an instance of taking away the ball or puck from the team on the offensive, as by recovery of a fumbled football or by interception of a passed puck.
The lesson or principle that one learns from a story or event. Used with the.
A concession made by a labor union during contract negotiations; a giveback.
Chiefly British A takeout restaurant.
Chiefly British Takeout.
(Of food) intended to be eaten off the premises from which it was bought.
I couldn't be bothered to cook, so I bought a takeaway curry.
A restaurant that sells food to be eaten elsewhere.
If you're hungry, there's a takeaway just around the corner.
A meal which has been purchased and has been carefully packaged as to be taken and consumed elsewhere.
I fancy an Indian takeaway tonight.
(golf) The preliminary part of a golfer′s swing when the club is brought back away from the ball.
(US) A concession made by a labor union in the course of negotiations.
An idea from a talk, presentation, etc., that the listener or reader should remember and consider.
Prepared food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises;
In England they call takeout food `takeaway'
A concession made by a labor union to a company that is trying to lower its expenditures
The act of taking the ball or puck away from the team on the offense (as by the interception of a pass)
A memorable or noteworthy point from a discussion or presentation.
One important takeaway is the value of teamwork.

Takeaway Snonyms


Food prepared and packaged to be taken out and eaten on the move or at another location.
The deli is popular for its grab-and-go sandwiches.


Food or drinks prepared to be taken away from the place where they are sold.
She ordered her coffee to-go, as she was late for her meeting.


The action of picking up food from a restaurant to take away and eat elsewhere.
The pizza will be ready for pickup in about 15 minutes.

Quick service

A type of food service that is focused on fast and convenient ordering and pick-up.
The new quick service restaurant in town is a hit for lunch breaks.

Home delivery

A service where food is prepared at a restaurant and then delivered to a customer's home.
Home delivery has become more popular with the rise of food ordering apps.


Food that is cooked and sold by a restaurant, which the customer then takes away to eat elsewhere.
We decided to order takeout from our favorite Chinese restaurant.


Food that has been prepared and can be eaten without further cooking or preparation.
Supermarkets have a wide variety of ready-to-eat meals.


North American term for food purchased at a restaurant to be eaten elsewhere.
The café offers carryout coffee and pastries for busy commuters.

Fast food

Food that is prepared and served quickly at outlets, typically for consumption elsewhere.
Sometimes, all you need is fast food when you're in a hurry.

Street food

Ready-to-eat food or drink sold in a street or other public place, often from a portable food booth.
The city's street food offers an amazing variety of takeaway options.

Takeaway Idioms & Phrases

Weekend takeaway

Food ordered from a restaurant to be enjoyed at home, typically on a weekend.
Our weekend takeaway from the new Thai restaurant was absolutely delicious.

My biggest takeaway

The most significant lesson or piece of information one has learned from an experience.
My biggest takeaway from the workshop was how to effectively manage my time.

Takeaway coffee

Coffee ordered and packaged to be consumed away from the place of purchase.
I picked up a takeaway coffee on my way to the office this morning.

Key takeaway

The most important piece of information or lesson learned from an experience or discussion.
The key takeaway from the conference was the importance of digital innovation in business.

Lunchtime takeaway

A meal ordered and taken out from a restaurant to be eaten during lunch.
I grabbed a lunchtime takeaway from the deli near work.

Takeaway container

A container used to package food for takeout.
The restaurant uses biodegradable takeaway containers to minimize environmental impact.

Healthy takeaway options

Nutritious food choices available for order and takeout.
The restaurant offers several healthy takeaway options for those watching their diet.

Main takeaway

The principal lesson or point that is intended to be learned or remembered.
The main takeaway from the lecture is that critical thinking skills are essential in all fields.

Takeaway message

The main point or lesson intended to be learned or remembered from something.
The takeaway message of the film is about the power of resilience in the face of adversity.

Family takeaway night

A designated evening where a family orders food to enjoy at home together.
Friday is our family takeaway night; it's something we all look forward to.

Final takeaway

The last and often most impactful point or lesson taken from an experience or presentation.
The speaker's final takeaway emphasized the need for continuous learning.

Memorable takeaway

A lesson or piece of information from an experience that is particularly impactful or unforgettable.
A memorable takeaway from my travels is the importance of cultural sensitivity.

Quick takeaway meal

A fast and convenient food option ordered for takeout.
On busy nights, a quick takeaway meal can be a real time-saver.

Takeaway from the discussion

The lesson or significant point derived from a conversation or debate.
The main takeaway from the discussion was that we need better communication strategies.

Instant takeaway

Food that is ready to be taken out immediately, without a long wait.
I was in a hurry, so I grabbed an instant takeaway sandwich from the cafe.

Takeaway culture

The societal habit or trend of ordering food to go rather than dining in restaurants.
Takeaway culture has grown significantly with the rise of food delivery apps.

Takeaway habit

The routine practice of ordering food for takeout.
My takeaway habit has increased now that I have less time to cook at home.

Office takeaway order

Food ordered for takeout to be eaten by office staff or during meetings.
We placed an office takeaway order for the team working late tonight.

Personal takeaway

An individual’s unique interpretation or lesson learned from an experience.
My personal takeaway from the book is to be more mindful of the present moment.

Gourmet takeaway

High-quality or specialty food available for takeout, often from a fine dining establishment.
For our anniversary, we treated ourselves to gourmet takeaway from our favorite restaurant.

Takeaway Example Sentences

Their favorite Friday night tradition is ordering a takeaway.
The workshop provided useful takeaways for improving productivity.
The takeaway from the documentary is the impact of climate change.
We decided to pick up a takeaway from the local diner.
Each chapter of the book ends with a summary of takeaways.
The teacher emphasized the lesson's takeaway to ensure understanding.
The main takeaway of the article was quite thought-provoking.
The presentation ended with three key takeaways for the audience.
On busy nights, a takeaway meal is their go-to solution.
The team's successful takeaway led to a winning goal.
After the game, they grabbed a quick takeaway to celebrate.
The conference attendees appreciated the practical takeaways from the sessions.
He wrote down his takeaways from the training to share with his team.
The debate offered several interesting takeaways on the issue.
The takeaway from the experiment could revolutionize our approach.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in takeaway?

There are three syllables in "takeaway."

How do we divide takeaway into syllables?

"Takeaway" is divided into syllables as "take-a-way."

How is takeaway used in a sentence?

Example: "We decided to get a takeaway from our favorite Chinese restaurant."

What is the pronunciation of takeaway?

Takeaway is pronounced as /ˈteɪk.ə.weɪ/.

Why is it called takeaway?

It's called "takeaway" because it refers to food that is prepared in a restaurant and taken away to be eaten elsewhere, or a key point or idea that is to be remembered from an experience or piece of information.

What is the verb form of takeaway?

As a compound noun, "takeaway" doesn't have a verb form. However, the action related to it can be described by the verbs "take" and "away" used separately.

What is the singular form of takeaway?

The singular form is "takeaway."

What is a stressed syllable in takeaway?

The stressed syllable in "takeaway" is the first one: "take."

What is the first form of takeaway?

As a noun, "takeaway" doesn't have conjugated forms. As verbs, the first form is "take" and "away."

What is the third form of takeaway?

For the verb, the third form is "taken" (for "take").

What part of speech is takeaway?

"Takeaway" is primarily a noun.

What is the plural form of takeaway?

The plural form is "takeaways."

What is the second form of takeaway?

For the verb, the second form is "took" (for "take").

What is the opposite of takeaway?

The opposite could be "dine-in" or "eat-in."

Is takeaway a negative or positive word?

"Takeaway" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is takeaway a vowel or consonant?

The word "takeaway" starts with a consonant.

What is the root word of takeaway?

The root words are "take" and "away."

Is the takeaway term a metaphor?

"Takeaway" can be used metaphorically to refer to the main message or lesson learned from an experience.

Is the word takeaway imperative?

"Takeaway" itself is not imperative, but its root verb "take" can be used in an imperative form, e.g., "Take away."

Is the word takeaway Gerund?

"Takeaway" is a noun and not a gerund. The gerund form of "take" is "taking."

Which determiner is used with takeaway?

Determiners such as "a," "the," or "my" can be used with "takeaway."

Is takeaway a noun or adjective?

"Takeaway" is a noun.

Which article is used with takeaway?

Articles such as "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "takeaway" depending on the context.

What is another term for takeaway?

Another term for "takeaway" is "to-go" (in American English) or "carry-out."

Is takeaway an adverb?

No, "takeaway" is not an adverb.

Is takeaway an abstract noun?

"Takeaway" is a concrete noun when referring to food, but it can be considered abstract when referring to an idea or lesson learned.

Is takeaway a countable noun?

Yes, "takeaway" is a countable noun.

Is takeaway a collective noun?

"Takeaway" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word “takeaway” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Takeaway" can serve as a direct object in sentences, e.g., "I ordered a takeaway."

Which conjunction is used with takeaway?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or" can be used in sentences involving "takeaway."

Which vowel is used before takeaway?

The use of a vowel before "takeaway" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Which preposition is used with takeaway?

Common prepositions used with "takeaway" include "from" and "for."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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