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Taut Definition and Meaning

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Published on May 1, 2024
Taut refers to stretched or pulled tight; not slack. e.g., The ropes were taut and secure on the ship's deck.

Taut Definitions

Tense, not relaxed, as in muscles or nerves.
Her shoulders were taut with stress.
Stretched or stressed to the point of rigidity.
The bridge cables were taut due to the heavy load.
Describing a situation or atmosphere filled with tension.
The meeting room was taut with anticipation.
Mentally or emotionally strained.
The constant pressure kept him taut and on edge.
Pulled or drawn tight without any slack.
He pulled the string taut to make the kite fly higher.
Firmly controlled, showing efficiency or neatness.
The organization runs a taut operation.
Describing a narrative or plot that is fast-paced and involving.
The thriller was a taut and gripping read.
Maintained or kept in good order; tight and effective.
The crew kept the ship taut and shipshape.
Concisely edited, with no superfluous elements, often used in writing or speech.
His writing style is very taut, leaving no room for unnecessary details.
Showing emotional strain or stress.
Her expression was taut after hearing the news.
Pulled or drawn tight; not slack.
Flexed or not loose
Taut muscles.
Strained or tense
Taut nerves.
Kept in good order; trim
A taut ship.
Marked by the efficient, sparing, or concise use of something, such as language or detail
A taut movie script.
Under tension, like a stretched bowstring, rope, or sail; tight.
(of a body, muscles, etc.) Not flabby; firm, toned; (of a person) having a lean, strong body.
(of music, writing, etc.) Containing only relevant parts; brief and controlled.
(figuratively) Experiencing anxiety or stress.
Neat and well-disciplined; (by extension) efficient and in order.
(oenology) Strong; uncompromising.
(transitive) To make taut; to tauten, to tighten.
Tight; stretched; not slack; - said esp. of a rope that is tightly strained.
Snug; close; firm; secure.
Pulled or drawn tight;
Taut sails
A tight drumhead
A tight rope
Subjected to great tension; stretched tight;
The skin of his face looked drawn and tight
Her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow

Taut Snonyms


Stretched tight or rigid.
His muscles were tense after the workout.


Stretched or drawn tightly.
The ropes on the tent were pulled tight to withstand the wind.


Firmly fixed in place; tight.
The lid on the jar was snug, preventing any leaks.


Neat and smart in appearance.
The garden was kept trim and tidy.


Extended or drawn out to full length.
The canvas was stretched across the frame.


Unable to bend or be forced out of shape.
The metal rod was rigid and unbending.


Stretched to the limit, either physically or metaphorically.
Their relationship was strained after the disagreement.


Having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure.
The mattress was firm, supporting her back well.


Closely and neatly packed together.
The article was compact and to the point.


To provoke or tease with scornful remarks.
He would often taunt his opponents before a match.

Taut Idioms & Phrases

Taut as a drum

Extremely tight or firm.
The new drumhead was as taut as a drum.

Taut and trim

Maintained in an efficient or neat state.
Everything in the store was taut and trim.

Snap taut

To become tight suddenly.
The line snapped taut as the fish took the bait.

Wind taut

Wound up tightly.
The clock's springs were wound taut.

Pull taut

To make something tightly stretched.
He pulled the rope taut to secure the load.

Taut nerves

A state of being very tense or on edge.
The suspense had everyone's nerves taut.

Hold taut

To keep something stretched or in a fixed position.
Hold the rope taut while I tie this knot.

Keep it taut

Maintain discipline or efficiency.
The manager told his team to keep it taut throughout the project.

Stand taut

To stand firm and ready.
The soldiers stood taut during the inspection.

Taut atmosphere

An environment filled with tension or anticipation.
There was a taut atmosphere in the office as layoffs were announced.

Taut Example Sentences

She kept her face taut to hide her emotions.
He maintained a taut posture throughout the interview.
Her voice was taut with barely contained anger.
The rope bridge was taut enough to walk across safely.
The violin strings were perfectly taut for the concert.
They kept the budget taut to avoid any waste.
She felt her nerves become taut as she stepped onto the stage.
The security line was taut and unyielding.
The narrative of the film was taut and engaging.
The team’s schedule was kept taut to maximize productivity.
His writing style is very taut, with no unnecessary words.
The atmosphere in the room was taut with suspense.
He gave a taut smile in response to the teasing.
The fabric was stretched taut over the frame.
The plot of the book was taut and thrilling.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in taut?

Taut has one syllable.

What is a stressed syllable in taut?

The stressed syllable in "taut" is the only syllable: taut.

What is the verb form of taut?

Taut does not have a verb form; it is an adjective.

Why is it called taut?

"Taut" comes from the Middle English "tought," possibly influenced by the Old Norse "togt," related to "tight," emphasizing a state of being tightly stretched.

What part of speech is taut?

Taut is an adjective.

How do we divide taut into syllables?

Taut is divided into syllables like this: taut.

What is the root word of taut?

The root word of "taut" is from the Old Norse "togt," related to "tight."

How is taut used in a sentence?

Taut is used as an adjective to describe something that is tightly stretched or tense. e.g., The canvas was taut and ready for painting.

What is the pronunciation of taut?

Taut is pronounced as /tɔːt/.

Is taut an abstract noun?

No, "taut" is an adjective.

Is taut a collective noun?

No, "taut" is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with taut?

Determiners such as "a," "the," and possessive pronouns can be used with "taut" depending on the context.

Is taut an adverb?

No, "taut" is not an adverb.

Is taut a negative or positive word?

"Taut" is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is taut a vowel or consonant?

The word "taut" starts with a consonant.

Is the word taut imperative?

No, "taut" is not used in imperative forms as it is an adjective.

What is the plural form of taut?

The plural form of "taut" is "taut."

Which conjunction is used with taut?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "taut" depending on sentence structure.

Is taut a countable noun?

"Taut" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is the word taut a Gerund?

No, "taut" is not a gerund; it is an adjective.

What is another term for taut?

Another term for "taut" is "tight."

What is the singular form of taut?

The singular form of "taut" is "taut."

What is the opposite of taut?

The opposite of taut could be "loose" or "slack."

Is taut a noun or adjective?

Taut is an adjective.

Is the taut term a metaphor?

"Taut" can be used metaphorically to describe situations or emotions that are tense.

Is the word “taut” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Taut" cannot be a direct or indirect object as it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before taut?

The vowel used before "taut" depends on the context in sentences.

Which preposition is used with taut?

Prepositions like "as" (e.g., as taut as a wire) are commonly used with "taut."

Which article is used with taut?

The articles "a" and "the" are commonly used with "taut," depending on the specific use in a sentence.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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