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Touchdown Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Touchdown" is a term in American football, scoring six points when a player carries the ball into or catches it in the opposing team's end zone. e.g., The quarterback threw a pass that resulted in a touchdown.

Touchdown Definitions

Touchdown refers to the act of an aircraft landing.
The plane made a smooth touchdown at the airport.
Touchdown can describe a successful achievement or arrival.
The project's completion felt like a touchdown.
Touchdown can mean achieving a goal or objective.
The team's touchdown was reaching the sales target.
Touchdown denotes a significant or triumphant moment.
Winning the award was like scoring a touchdown.
Touchdown involves establishing contact or connection.
The outreach program's touchdown with the community was successful.
Touchdown pertains to the moment a spacecraft lands on a surface.
The Mars rover's touchdown was a historic moment.
Touchdown describes the exact moment of contact in landing.
The gymnast's touchdown on the mat was perfect.
Abbr. TD(Football) An act of carrying, receiving, or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent's goal line for a score of six points.
The contact, or moment of contact, of a landing aircraft or spacecraft with the landing surface.
A six-point score occurring when the ball enters possession of a team's player in the opponent's end zone.
Today I scored my first touchdown.
(rugby) A defensive action of grounding the ball in the team's own in-goal to stop the play.
(rugby) A try scoring play of grounding the ball in the opposing team's in-goal.
(aviation) The moment when an aircraft or spacecraft makes first or final contact with the ground during a landing.
The passengers audibly relaxed at touchdown.
The moment of contact of a tornado with the ground.
The act of touching the football down behind the opponents' goal; also the score (6 points) resulting from such a play.
A score in American football; being in possession of the ball across the opponents' goal line
A landing (as the wheels touch the landing field); especially of airplanes
Touchdown means scoring in football by crossing the opponent's goal line.
He celebrated his first touchdown of the season.
Touchdown is used for a point in a journey or process.
The touchdown of the project's first phase was celebrated.
Touchdown can refer to a pivotal or defining moment.
The product launch was the company's touchdown.

Touchdown Snonyms


The act of gaining points in a game or sport.
The player's score brought the team into the lead.


An instance of scoring a point or points in a sporting event.
The striker celebrated after a spectacular goal.

Touching down

The act of an aircraft or spacecraft making contact with the ground during landing.
The spacecraft touching down on Mars was a historic moment.


The action of arriving.
The crowd cheered at the team's arrival.


An instance of coming or bringing something to land, either from the air or from water.
The pilot executed a perfect landing despite the turbulence.


Come to rest; come down after flight.
The bird settled gently on the branch.


Fall or descend to a lower place or level.
He watched the feather dropping slowly to the floor.


An action of moving downward, dropping, or falling.
The plane began its descent towards the airport.


Cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.
After the long journey, they were looking forward to resting.


Descend from a train, bus, or other form of transport.
Passengers alighting at the next stop should prepare to disembark.

Touchdown Idioms & Phrases

Touchdown in sight

Being very close to achieving a goal or success.
After years of hard work, his dream job was finally a touchdown in sight.

Aiming for touchdown

Striving to achieve a significant goal or success.
The team was aiming for touchdown with their innovative project.

Touchdown moment

A pivotal or crucial moment of success or achievement.
Winning the award was a touchdown moment in her career.

Just short of a touchdown

Nearly achieving success but ultimately falling short.
Their negotiations were just short of a touchdown, lacking a final agreement.

Make the touchdown

To successfully achieve a goal or objective.
She worked tirelessly and finally made the touchdown with her groundbreaking research.

Closing in on touchdown

Approaching a major goal or milestone.
As election day approached, the candidate felt like he was closing in on touchdown.

Score a touchdown

To achieve a significant success or make a major accomplishment.
Launching the new product line was like scoring a touchdown for the company.

Touchdown dance

An expression of joy or celebration after a significant achievement.
He did a little touchdown dance after hearing the good news.

Celebrate the touchdown

To rejoice or celebrate a major achievement or success.
The team gathered to celebrate the touchdown of completing the project on time.

On the verge of touchdown

Being very close to completing a goal or achieving success.
After years of research, the scientist was on the verge of touchdown with his discovery.

Touchdown turnaround

A significant change or improvement leading to success.
The company experienced a touchdown turnaround after implementing new strategies.

Touchdown approach

The final steps or actions taken to successfully complete a task or reach a goal.
We are in our touchdown approach for the product launch.

Touchdown celebration

Rejoicing after achieving a significant victory or accomplishment.
The company held a big touchdown celebration after securing the major contract.

No touchdown yet

An acknowledgment that success or completion has not yet been achieved.
We've made progress, but no touchdown yet.

Touchdown goal

An ultimate objective or target that one aims to achieve.
His touchdown goal was to expand his business internationally.

Touchdown run

A successful period or phase leading to an achievement.
The last quarter of the year was a touchdown run for the sales team.

Touchdown territory

Being in a position or situation where success is likely.
With their innovative approach, they were quickly in touchdown territory.

Final drive to touchdown

The last effort or push needed to achieve success.
The team was in its final drive to touchdown in the championship game.

Touchdown pass

An act of giving responsibility or opportunity to someone else to complete a task successfully.
The manager gave a touchdown pass to her assistant to finalize the deal.

Fumble before touchdown

Making a mistake or encountering a setback just before achieving success.
The deal was almost closed, but they fumbled before touchdown.

Touchdown Example Sentences

After a long flight, the pilot announced the touchdown.
The crowd cheered loudly for the spectacular touchdown.
Scoring a touchdown requires teamwork and strategy.
They watched the touchdown replay on the big screen.
The touchdown moment of the project was approaching.
Everyone anxiously awaited the spacecraft's touchdown on the comet.
The running back sprinted towards the end zone for a touchdown.
The touchdown of the new train line was widely anticipated.
During the game, there were three incredible touchdowns.
The touchdown in the championship game was unforgettable.
He practiced every day to score his first touchdown.
The whole school celebrated the team's winning touchdown.
The touchdown dance became a viral sensation.
The touchdown marked a turning point in the game.
The touchdown of her speech left the audience inspired.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in touchdown?

There are two syllables in "touchdown."

Why is it called touchdown?

"Touchdown" is called so, particularly in American football, because it refers to the action of the ball "touching down" in the end zone for a score.

How is touchdown used in a sentence?

Example: "The quarterback threw a perfect pass for a touchdown."

How do we divide touchdown into syllables?

"Touchdown" is divided into syllables as touch-down.

What is a stressed syllable in touchdown?

The first syllable, "touch," is the stressed syllable in "touchdown."

What is the root word of touchdown?

The root words of "touchdown" are "touch" and "down."

What is the singular form of touchdown?

The singular form of "touchdown" is "touchdown."

What is the pronunciation of touchdown?

Touchdown is pronounced as /ˈtʌtʃˌdaʊn/.

What is the plural form of touchdown?

The plural form of "touchdown" is "touchdowns."

What is the verb form of touchdown?

There is no direct verb form of "touchdown"; it is a noun.

Is the touchdown term a metaphor?

"Touchdown" can be used metaphorically in contexts outside of sports to signify achieving a goal.

Is touchdown a noun or adjective?

"Touchdown" is a noun.

Is the word “touchdown” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Touchdown" can be used as either a direct object or an indirect object in a sentence.

Which determiner is used with touchdown?

Determiners such as "the," "a," "an," "this," "that," etc., can be used with "touchdown."

What part of speech is touchdown?

"Touchdown" is a noun.

Is touchdown an adverb?

No, "touchdown" is not an adverb.

Is touchdown a negative or positive word?

"Touchdown" generally has a positive connotation, especially in the context of football.

Is touchdown a vowel or consonant?

"Touchdown" is a word, not a vowel or consonant. However, it starts with a consonant.

Is the word touchdown is imperative?

No, "touchdown" is not used in the imperative; it's a noun.

Is the word touchdown Gerund?

No, "touchdown" is not a gerund. It's a noun.

Which preposition is used with touchdown?

Prepositions like "for," "after," or "during" can be used with "touchdown," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with touchdown?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "touchdown," depending on the sentence structure.

What is the opposite of touchdown?

The opposite of "touchdown" could be "turnover" or "defensive stop," depending on the context.

Is touchdown a countable noun?

Yes, "touchdown" is a countable noun.

Is touchdown a collective noun?

No, "touchdown" is not a collective noun.

Which article is used with touchdown?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with "touchdown," depending on whether it's used in a specific or general context.

What is another term for touchdown?

Another term for "touchdown" is "goal."

Is touchdown an abstract noun?

No, "touchdown" is a concrete noun, referring to a specific action in sports.

Which vowel is used before touchdown?

The choice of vowel before "touchdown" depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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