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Turnon Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Turn on means to activate or start the operation of a device, system, or mechanism. e.g., She used the remote to turn on the TV.

Turnon Definitions

To activate or start a machine or device.
He had to turn on the computer for work.
To initiate the operation of a system.
The pilot will turn on the aircraft's engines.
To start the functioning of an appliance.
She needed to turn on the oven for baking.
To begin the flow of power or electricity.
Can you turn on the lights in the hallway?
To switch a device from off to on.
She learned how to turn on the coffee maker.
To begin broadcasting or transmitting.
The radio station will turn on at 6 AM.
To cause a device to operate.
The technician showed them how to turn on the projector.
To switch on a light or lamp.
It's getting dark; I should turn on the light.
To engage a mechanism or process.
He forgot to turn on the car alarm.
To commence the flow of water or gas.
The gardener will turn on the sprinkler system.
Alternative form of turn-on

Turnon Snonyms


An agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.
The new policy acted as a catalyst for positive change.


To ignite or excite a feeling or action.
The novel sparked his interest in history.


A driving force; impulse.
The award gave her the impetus to continue her work.


Something that incites, instigates, angers, or irritates.
His remarks served as a provocation to the crowd.


To cause an action or process to begin.
His comment triggered a lively debate.


Something that initiates or causes an increase in activity.
Sunlight is an activator for plant growth.


Something that provides a reason or stimulus to do something.
His coach was a major motivator in his career.


Something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought, etc.
The movie was a visual stimulus that turned his interest to filmmaking.


An action that encourages or prompts to action.
The spirited speech was an incitement to the team.


A sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.
The beautiful scenery served as inspiration for her painting.

Turnon Idioms & Phrases

Turn on the charm

To start acting in a charming or persuasive manner.
To win over the clients, he decided to turn on the charm during the meeting.

Turn on the pressure

To start applying pressure or stress to someone or something.
As the deadline approached, the team turned on the pressure to complete the project.

Turn on the waterworks

To start crying, often to gain sympathy.
When caught in a lie, she would turn on the waterworks to deflect blame.

Turn on the heat

To increase intensity, pressure, or competition.
In the second half of the game, they really turned on the heat.

Turn on the spotlight

To focus attention on someone or something.
The scandal turned on the spotlight on the need for political reform.

Turn on the lights of understanding

To suddenly understand or realize something.
It was only after the lecture that she turned on the lights of understanding about the subject.

Turn on your heel

To turn around quickly, often in a show of disregard or anger.
After hearing the insult, she turned on her heel and left the room.

Turn on a dime

To change direction or opinion suddenly and completely.
The politician could turn on a dime when it came to public opinion.

Turn on the engine of innovation

To start or initiate creative thinking or innovative processes.
The new CEO aimed to turn on the engine of innovation within the company.

Turn on a show

To perform impressively or extravagantly.
The performers really turned on a show for the delighted audience.

Turn on the style

To start performing or behaving with flair and confidence.
As soon as he walked into the party, he turned on the style.

Turn on your brain

To start thinking carefully or intelligently about something.
It's time to turn on your brain and solve this problem.

Turn on a pivot

To change direction or strategy quickly and efficiently.
The company had to turn on a pivot to adapt to the new market conditions.

Turn on the signal

To indicate one's intentions or plans, especially when changing direction.
Before making the strategic move, the company turned on the signal to its investors.

Turn on the green light

To give permission or approval to proceed with something.
The board turned on the green light for the new project.

Turn on the path of success

To start moving towards success or achieving goals.
With his new strategy, he turned on the path of success.

Turn on the jets

To suddenly move faster or exert more effort.
Seeing the finish line, she turned on the jets and sprinted to victory.

Turn on the alarm

To become alert or aware of potential danger or trouble.
The sudden drop in stocks turned on the alarm for investors.

Turn on your A-game

To start performing at your highest level.
In order to win the championship, he knew he had to turn on his A-game.

Turnon Example Sentences

She reached over to turn on her bedside lamp.
He was excited to turn on his new gaming console.
The first thing she does in the morning is turn on the coffee machine.
After the power outage, they needed to turn on all the appliances.
Can you turn on the fan? It's hot in here.
Make sure to turn on the dishwasher before going to bed.
Don't forget to turn on the alarm before leaving.
The children were taught how to turn on the computer safely.
They used a switch to turn on the outdoor lights.
She couldn't figure out how to turn on the smart TV.
He was too short to turn on the light switch.
He had to turn on the water pump for the garden.
The teacher asked a student to turn on the projector.
He forgot how to turn on the new washing machine.
Remember to turn on the heat when it gets cold.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide turnon into syllables?

"Turnon" is divided into syllables as "turn-on."

How is turnon used in a sentence?

"A good sense of humor is a real turnon for me."

How many syllables are in turnon?

"Turnon" has two syllables.

What is the verb form of turnon?

The phrase "turn on" serves as the verb form, as in "to activate" or "to excite."

What is the first form of turnon?

As a phrasal verb, the first form is "turn on."

Why is it called turnon?

"Turnon" or "turn-on" is called so because it denotes something that causes excitement or interest, metaphorically 'turning on' one's enthusiasm or arousal.

What is a stressed syllable in turnon?

The second syllable "on" is stressed in "turnon."

What is the pronunciation of turnon?

Turnon is pronounced as /ˈtɜrnˌɒn/.

What is the root word of turnon?

The root words of "turnon" are "turn" and "on," derived from the phrasal verb "to turn on."

What is another term for turnon?

Another term for "turnon" could be "attraction" or "stimulus."

Is turnon an adverb?

No, "turnon" is not an adverb.

Is the word turnon Gerund?

The gerund form related to "turnon" would be "turning on" when referring to the action derived from the verb "to turn on."

What is the singular form of turnon?

The singular form is "turnon" or "turn-on."

What is the opposite of turnon?

The opposite of "turnon" is "turnoff."

Is turnon a noun or adjective?

"Turnon" is primarily a noun.

Is turnon an abstract noun?

Yes, "turnon" is an abstract noun as it refers to a concept or quality that excites or interests someone.

Is turnon a negative or positive word?

"Turnon" is generally considered a positive word, as it refers to things that cause excitement or interest.

Is the turnon term a metaphor?

"Turnon" can be used metaphorically to describe something that excites or engages someone.

Is the word “turnon” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Turnon" as a noun can be a direct object in a sentence (e.g., "That is a major turnon for me").

Which preposition is used with turnon?

Prepositions like "for" (as in "a turnon for someone") can be used with "turnon," depending on the context.

What is the third form of turnon?

The third form (past participle) of "turn on" is "turned on."

Is turnon a countable noun?

Yes, "turnon" is a countable noun (e.g., "There are several turnons for me in this situation.").

Is turnon a collective noun?

No, "turnon" is not a collective noun.

Which vowel is used before turnon?

The vowel used before "turnon" depends on the preceding word in a sentence; there's no specific vowel that always precedes it.

What is the second form of turnon?

The second form (past tense) of "turn on" is "turned on."

What part of speech is turnon?

"Turnon" is a noun when used as a single term. As a phrasal verb, "turn on" is an action.

What is the plural form of turnon?

The plural form is "turnons" or "turn-ons."

Is turnon a vowel or consonant?

The term "turnon" starts with the consonant "t."

Is the word turnon imperative?

The phrasal verb form "turn on" can be used in an imperative mood (e.g., "Turn on the lights"), but "turnon" as a noun is not imperative.

Which determiner is used with turnon?

Determiners such as "a," "the," or "that" can be used with "turnon," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with turnon?

Conjunctions like "and," "or," and "but" can be used with "turnon," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with turnon?

Both "the" (definite article) and "a" (indefinite article) can be used with "turnon," depending on whether the noun is being specified or introduced.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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