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Twisty Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
Twisty describes something that is full of twists, turns, or bends, often referring to roads, paths, or narratives that are not straightforward or direct. e.g., The mountain road was narrow and twisty.

Twisty Definitions

Intricate or convoluted in design or structure.
The maze was particularly twisty.
Marked by unexpected changes in direction.
The conversation took a twisty turn.
Not straightforward or direct.
His reasoning was twisty and hard to follow.
Having a tortuous or complicated form.
The twisty vines climbed up the wall.
Describing a route with many changes in direction.
The twisty road made them feel dizzy.
To wind together (two or more threads, for example) so as to produce a single strand.
To form in this manner
Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.
To wind or coil (vines or rope, for example) about something.
To interlock or interlace
Twist flowers in one's hair.
To make (one's way) in a tortuous manner
Twisted my way through the briar patch.
To cause to rotate or turn in another direction
Twisted their heads around at the sound of the doorbell.
To impart a spiral or coiling shape to, as by turning the ends in opposite directions
Twisting wire into a loop.
To turn or open by turning
Twisted off the bottle cap.
To pull, break, or snap by turning
Twist off a dead branch.
To wrench or sprain
Twist one's wrist.
To alter the normal aspect of; contort
Twist one's mouth into a wry smile.
To alter or distort the intended meaning of
The cross-examiner twisted the words of the witness.
To alter or distort the mental, moral, or emotional character of
The trauma twisted the child's outlook.
To be or become twisted.
To move or progress in a winding course; meander
The river twisted toward the sea.
To squirm; writhe
Twist with pain.
To rotate or turn in another direction
The owl's head twisted around toward me.
To dance the twist.
A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes.
Tobacco leaves processed into the form of a rope or roll.
A loaf of bread or other bakery product made from pieces of dough twisted together.
A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring.
A spin, twirl, or rotation.
A complete rotation of the body around its vertical axis, as in diving and gymnastics.
A spinning motion given to a ball when thrown or struck in a specific way.
The state of being twisted into a spiral; torsional stress or strain.
The degree or angle of torsional stress.
A contortion or distortion of the body, especially the face.
A distortion of meaning
Gave my words a misleading twist.
A sprain or wrench, as of an ankle.
A change in direction; a turn
A sharp twist in the path.
An unexpected change in a process or a departure from a pattern, often producing a distortion or perversion
A twist of fate.
A story with a quirky twist.
A personal inclination or eccentricity; a penchant or flaw
An odd twist to his character.
A dance characterized by vigorous gyrations of the hips and arms.
Characterised by a twist or twists; twisting.
Lost in a twisty labyrinth
Something that is twisty, such as a road
A strand of hair twisted together in a braid-like fashion
(GUI) A collapsible element having a marker such as a small triangle that rotates between horizontal and vertical positions to indicate whether the content is currently hidden or expanded.
Marked by repeated turns and bends;
A tortuous road up the mountain
Winding roads are full of surprises
Had to steer the car down a twisty track
Having many bends or turns.
The twisty trail confused the hikers.
Characterized by winding or curving shapes.
The river had a twisty course.
Complex and not easily followed.
The plot of the novel was twisty.
Referring to something that turns often.
The twisty roller coaster thrilled the kids.
Serpentine or labyrinthine in nature.
The garden's twisty paths were beautiful.

Twisty Snonyms


Made up of curves; not straight.
The curvy path through the park is popular among cyclists.


Having a winding course, as a road; sinuous.
The serpentine river flowed through the valley.


Bent or turned in many directions.
The twisted branches of the tree created eerie shadows at night.


Having many curves and turns.
The dancer's movements were smooth and sinuous.


(of a river or road) following a winding course.
We took a leisurely drive down the meandering countryside road.


(of a network) like a labyrinth; irregular and twisting.
The labyrinthine streets of the old city were a challenge to navigate.


Following a twisting or spiral course.
The winding road up the mountain was both beautiful and treacherous.


Characterized by bends; curving in different directions.
The bendy toy could be shaped into various forms.


Formed into a curved or spiral shape.
The leaves of the plant curled at the edges.


Full of twists and turns.
The tortuous path through the jungle was difficult to follow.

Twisty Idioms & Phrases

Twisty logic

Reasoning that is complicated and difficult to follow.
Trying to understand his twisty logic was like unraveling a knot.

Twisty argument

A complex and convoluted line of reasoning.
Her twisty argument left everyone in the room puzzled.

Twisty path

A route or way forward that is full of unexpected changes or complications.
His career took a twisty path, but he eventually found his true calling.

Twisty turn of events

A series of unexpected changes in a situation.
The investigation took a twisty turn of events, leading to an unforeseen conclusion.

Twisty plot

A plot in a story or movie that has many unexpected twists and turns.
The film's twisty plot kept the audience guessing until the very end.

Twisty road

A road that has many bends and curves.
The twisty road to the mountain top was both challenging and exhilarating to drive on.

Twisty thriller

A suspenseful story or movie with many surprising developments.
She loves reading twisty thrillers that keep her on the edge of her seat.

Twisty tale

A story with many surprising or unexpected turns.
The novel was a twisty tale of intrigue and mystery.

Twisty corridors

Corridors that have many bends and are difficult to navigate.
The old mansion was full of twisty corridors that led to hidden rooms.

Twisty emotions

Emotions that are complex and often changing.
He experienced a range of twisty emotions during the intense movie.

Twisty negotiations

Discussions or bargaining processes that are full of unexpected changes or complications.
The trade talks were twisty negotiations, with frequent shifts in positions.

Twisty mind

A mind that thinks in complex, often ingenious ways.
His twisty mind was always coming up with innovative solutions.

Twisty adventure

An adventure full of unexpected and exciting developments.
Their vacation turned into a twisty adventure when they decided to explore off the beaten path.

Twisty puzzle

A puzzle or problem that is complex and difficult to solve.
The escape room presented a twisty puzzle that required all of our wits to solve.

Twisty reasoning

A way of thinking that is intricate and sometimes deceptive.
She unraveled his twisty reasoning to reveal the truth behind his argument.

Twisty conversation

A discussion that moves in unexpected or changing directions.
Their twisty conversation covered a wide range of topics.

Twisty challenge

A challenge that is complicated and not straightforward.
The team faced a twisty challenge in the new project.

Twisty humor

Humor that is clever and often involves surprising twists or wordplay.
His twisty humor always kept his audience laughing and thinking.

Twisty journey

A journey or process that involves many changes in direction or unexpected developments.
His journey to success was a twisty one, filled with ups and downs.

Twisty relationship

A relationship characterized by many complications or unexpected turns.
Their twisty relationship was hard for their friends to understand.

Twisty Example Sentences

The story was exciting and twisty.
The twisty path led them through the forest.
They navigated the twisty backstreets of the city.
The game's storyline was twisty and unpredictable.
She loved the twisty slides at the playground.
The twisty puzzle was difficult to solve.
The twisty corridors of the old house were mysterious.
Their journey was full of twisty surprises.
The twisty road to the beach offered stunning views.
He enjoyed driving on the twisty mountain roads.
The river snaked through the valley in a twisty pattern.
The twisty branches of the tree were fascinating to look at.
The garden was a labyrinth of twisty paths.
The twisty logic of the argument was hard to understand.
The twisty thriller kept them on the edge of their seats.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called twisty?

"Twisty" is called so because it describes something that twists or has many twists and turns. It comes from the word "twist."

How is twisty used in a sentence?

Example: "The road through the mountains was narrow and twisty."

How many syllables are in twisty?

There are two syllables in "twisty."

What is the pronunciation of twisty?

Twisty is pronounced as /ˈtwɪs.ti/.

How do we divide twisty into syllables?

"Twisty" is divided into syllables as "twist-y."

What is the root word of twisty?

The root word of "twisty" is "twist."

What part of speech is twisty?

"Twisty" is an adjective.

What is a stressed syllable in twisty?

The stressed syllable in "twisty" is the first one: twist-.

What is the verb form of twisty?

The verb form related to "twisty" is "twist."

Is twisty an adverb?

No, "twisty" is not an adverb.

What is another term for twisty?

Another term for "twisty" is "winding" or "serpentine."

What is the singular form of twisty?

The singular form is "twisty."

Is twisty a collective noun?

No, "twisty" is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with twisty?

Determiners like "a," "the," or "this" can be used with "twisty."

Is twisty a noun or adjective?

"Twisty" is an adjective.

Is the word twisty imperative?

No, "twisty" is an adjective and cannot be imperative.

Is twisty a countable noun?

"Twisty" is an adjective, not a noun, so it is neither countable nor uncountable.

Is the twisty term a metaphor?

"Twisty" can be used metaphorically to describe complex or convoluted situations.

Is the word twisty Gerund?

No, "twisty" is an adjective and not a gerund.

Which vowel is used before twisty?

The use of a vowel before "twisty" depends on the context and the preceding word.

Which article is used with twisty?

The articles "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "twisty," depending on the context.

What is the plural form of twisty?

"Twisty" remains the same in plural form, as it is an adjective.

What is the opposite of twisty?

The opposite of "twisty" might be "straight" or "linear."

Is twisty an abstract noun?

"Twisty" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is twisty a negative or positive word?

"Twisty" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is twisty a vowel or consonant?

"Twisty" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Is the word “twisty” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Twisty" as an adjective is neither a direct object nor an indirect object.

Which preposition is used with twisty?

Prepositions like "on," "through," or "around" can be used with "twisty."

Which conjunction is used with twisty?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "twisty."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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