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Unlock Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 6, 2024
Unlock means to open or release by turning a key or similar mechanism. e.g., She used the key to unlock the door.

Unlock Definitions

To free from restraints or limitations.
The training helped her unlock her potential.
To permit entry or access by unlocking.
Please unlock the gate for the guests.
To decipher or understand something complex.
The detective managed to unlock the code.
To enable use or operation by unlocking.
Unlocking the car remotely is convenient.
To make accessible or available; to release.
The new software update will unlock additional features.
To reveal or make known; to solve.
Scientists aim to unlock the mysteries of the universe.
To achieve understanding or insight.
Meditation can help unlock deeper levels of consciousness.
To remove restrictions or unlock a digital device or content.
Can you unlock my phone?
To disengage a locking mechanism.
The pilot will unlock the landing gear before touchdown.
To undo (a lock) by turning a key or corresponding part.
To undo the lock of.
To give access to; open.
To set free; release
The news unlocked a torrent of emotion.
To provide a key to; disclose or reveal
Unlock a mystery.
To become unfastened, loosened, or freed from something that restrains.
(transitive) To undo or open a lock or something locked by, for example, turning a key, or selecting a combination.
I unlocked the door and walked in.
(transitive) To obtain access to something; to meet the requirements of a security or protection system.
I unlocked the dictionary article so I could edit it.
This computer game is shareware, but you can pay for a code to unlock the full version.
To configure (a mobile phone) so that it is not bound to any particular carrier.
(transitive) To disclose or reveal previously unknown knowledge or potential.
The discovery of a clue unlocked the mystery.
(intransitive) To be or become unfastened or unrestrained.
(figurative) To make available.
To undermine something that has control over a situation; to find a way to counter or oppose.
The act of unlocking something.
To unfasten, as what is locked; as, to unlock a door or a chest.
To open, in general; to lay open; to undo.
Unlock your springs, and open all your shades.
[Lord] unlock the spell of sin.
Open the lock of;
Unlock the door
Set free or release
Become unlocked;
The door unlocked from the inside
Lock the bike to the fence
To open a lock by using a key, combination, or similar method.
He needs to unlock the safe to access the documents.

Unlock Snonyms


To allow something to move freely after being previously locked in place.
Release the latch to open the gate.


To release something fastened, especially by undoing a lock.
He unfastened the lock with a click.


To release or detach something from being locked together or in position.
She disengaged the safety lock on the baby gate.


To remove a seal or covering from something, often implying breaking a seal that has kept it shut or protected.
They unsealed the envelope containing the official documents.


To free something from chains or from being physically restrained.
He unchained the bicycle from the post.


To move or adjust a door, window, or cover so that it is no longer closed or obstructed.
She opened the locked door with her key.


To open a lock or something that has been locked.
He used the code to unlock the safe.


To withdraw or open a bolt, allowing a door or window to be opened.
She unbolted the door to let in fresh air.


To undo or loosen a tie or knot, metaphorically applied to unlocking in some contexts.
He untied the ropes securing the boat.


To remove bars that are locking or blocking something.
They unbarred the gates to the ancient castle.

Unlock Idioms & Phrases

Unlock potential

To release or realize someone's or something's full capabilities.
The new program aims to unlock students' potential.

Key to unlock

The crucial element needed to understand or solve something.
Patience is the key to unlock complex problems.

Unlock the truth

To discover or reveal the reality or truth of a situation.
The investigation will unlock the truth behind the scandal.

Unlock new horizons

To open up new opportunities or possibilities.
The technology will unlock new horizons in medicine.

Unlock one's heart

To make oneself emotionally vulnerable or open to someone.
She finally unlocked her heart to her friend.

Unlock the mystery

To solve or clarify something that was previously unclear or unknown.
The final clue helped to unlock the mystery.

Unlock a secret

To discover or reveal a secret.
The diary helped to unlock a family secret.

Unlock the door to

To provide an opportunity or means to achieve something.
Education can unlock the door to a successful career.

Unlock the past

To uncover or reveal historical information or secrets.
The archaeological dig aims to unlock the past of the ancient civilization.

Unlock an achievement

To reach a milestone or accomplish a significant task.
Completing the marathon was like unlocking a personal achievement.

Unlock a puzzle

To solve a challenging or complex problem.
It took hours to unlock the puzzle.

Unlock the potential of

To enable the full capabilities or possibilities of something.
The project aims to unlock the potential of renewable energy.

Unlock the value

To reveal or realize the worth or potential of something.
The merger is expected to unlock significant value for shareholders.

Unlock one's creativity

To allow for the expression or discovery of creative potential.
The workshop is designed to unlock one's creativity.

Unlock the code

To decipher a complex system or set of information.
The cryptographers worked tirelessly to unlock the code.

Unlock the gate

To provide access or entry to a new area or domain.
The agreement will unlock the gate to new markets.

Unlock one's imagination

To stimulate or encourage creative thinking or ideas.
The storybook was designed to unlock children's imagination.

Unlock the future

To pave the way for future developments or innovations.
The breakthrough in research could unlock the future of space travel.

Unlock a memory

To recall or bring back a forgotten or suppressed memory.
The old photograph helped to unlock a cherished memory.

Unlock a challenge

To present or introduce a new challenge to be overcome.
The next level of the game will unlock a tougher challenge.

Unlock Example Sentences

To enter, you must unlock the security system.
The ceremony will unlock the celebrations.
The clue helped them unlock the puzzle.
He used a password to unlock the computer.
The teacher helped him unlock his understanding of math.
She forgot to unlock her bicycle from the rack.
They were excited to unlock the secrets of the ancient text.
The app can unlock your device's full potential.
The agreement will unlock trade between the two countries.
The game requires you to unlock new levels by completing tasks.
They hoped to unlock new opportunities with the merger.
To unlock the car, press the button on the key fob.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide unlock into syllables?

Unlock is divided into syllables as un-lock.

How many syllables are in unlock?

There are two syllables in "unlock."

Why is it called unlock?

"Unlock" comes from the prefix "un-" meaning "not" or "reverse of," and "lock," referring to a mechanism for securing. Together, they mean to reverse the locking action or to open.

What is the verb form of unlock?

The verb form is "unlock," as in "to unlock something."

What is a stressed syllable in unlock?

The stressed syllable in "unlock" is the second one, -lock.

What is the first form of unlock?

The first form is "unlock," used as the present tense.

How is unlock used in a sentence?

Unlock is often used to describe the action of opening something secured by a lock, e.g., Please unlock the door when you leave.

What is the pronunciation of unlock?

Unlock is pronounced as /ʌnˈlɒk/ in British English and /ʌnˈlɑk/ in American English.

What is the root word of unlock?

The root word of "unlock" is "lock," with "un-" being a prefix meaning "not" or "to reverse the action of."

What is the second form of unlock?

The second form is "unlocked," which is the past simple tense.

What is the third form of unlock?

The third form is also "unlocked," used as the past participle.

Is unlock a countable noun?

"Unlock" is not typically used as a noun; it's a verb.

What is another term for unlock?

Another term for unlock is "open" or "unfasten," depending on the context.

Is unlock an abstract noun?

No, "unlock" is not an abstract noun; it's a verb.

Is unlock a collective noun?

No, "unlock" is not a collective noun.

Is the unlock term a metaphor?

"Unlock" can be used metaphorically to describe the process of making something accessible, available, or understood.

Is the word unlock a Gerund?

The gerund form of "unlock" is "unlocking."

Is the word “unlock” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In a sentence, "unlock" is a verb, and the thing being unlocked would be the direct object, e.g., "She unlocked the door."

Which determiner is used with unlock?

Determiners are not typically used directly with "unlock" since it is a verb, but they may be used with the noun forms of actions or objects related to the verb, e.g., "the unlocking of the door."

Is unlock a negative or positive word?

"Unlock" is generally considered a neutral word, though it can have positive connotations when referring to releasing potential or opportunities.

Is unlock a vowel or consonant?

The word "unlock" starts with a vowel sound.

Which vowel is used before unlock?

The use of a vowel before "unlock" depends on the article or adjective preceding it, not on "unlock" itself.

Which preposition is used with unlock?

Prepositions like "with," "by," or "using" can be used with "unlock," depending on the context, e.g., "Unlock the door with the key."

What part of speech is unlock?

"Unlock" is a verb, referring to the action of opening or releasing something that is locked.

Is the word unlock imperative?

"Unlock" can be used in the imperative form, as in a command or instruction to open something, e.g., "Unlock the door."

What is the singular form of unlock?

"Unlock" remains the same in both singular and plural contexts when used as a verb.

What is the plural form of unlock?

As a verb, "unlock" does not have a plural form; it changes form based on tense, not number.

What is the opposite of unlock?

The opposite of unlock is "lock" or "secure."

Is unlock a noun or adjective?

"Unlock" is a verb. It is not commonly used as a noun or adjective.

Is unlock an adverb?

No, "unlock" is not an adverb.

Which conjunction is used with unlock?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used in sentences with "unlock," depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with unlock?

Articles are not typically used directly with "unlock" since it is a verb. However, when referring to the act or state of unlocking, articles like "the" can be used, e.g., "The unlocking of the safe was a crucial moment."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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