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Waiting Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
Waiting refers to the act of staying in one place or delaying action until a particular time or event occurs. e.g., There was a long line of people waiting for the store to open.

Waiting Definitions

The act of staying where one is or delaying action until a specific time.
The doctor's office was full of patients waiting.
Remaining inactive or in a state of repose until something expected happens.
They spent the afternoon waiting for the rain to stop.
Being in a temporary state of inactivity.
The project was waiting for approval.
Holding off on taking action or proceeding.
He was waiting for the right moment to speak.
To pause for someone to catch up or join.
I'll be waiting at the corner for you.
To stay in readiness for some purpose.
The lifeguard is always waiting to assist swimmers.
The process of expecting or looking forward to something.
Waiting for the holiday season filled her with excitement.
The state of being ready and available.
The taxi was waiting outside the hotel.
A period during which one waits.
The waiting time for the procedure could be up to three hours.
Serving or attending on someone.
She was waiting at the table during the dinner party.
The act of remaining inactive or stationary.
A period of time spent waiting.
Present participle of wait
Your guest has been waiting for you.
Waiting for something to happen is part of the job.
They hurried into the waiting car.
(obsolete) Watching.
The act of staying or remaining in expectation.
Attendance, service.
The act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something);
The wait was an ordeal for him
Being and remaining ready and available for use;
Waiting cars and limousines lined the curb
Found her mother waiting for them
An impressive array of food ready and waiting for the guests
Military forces ready and waiting

Waiting Snonyms


To keep or detain in a particular location or condition.
The doctor's office was holding patients in the waiting room.


Temporarily stopping or ceasing from doing something.
We're pausing the game until everyone returns.


Remaining or staying somewhere.
She was biding her time until the right moment.


Expecting or predicting that something will happen.
She spent the morning anticipating his call.


Causing someone or something to be slow or late.
Traffic was delaying everyone this morning.


Staying in a place longer than necessary.
He lingered outside, waiting for her to arrive.


Waiting for someone or something.
Everyone is eagerly awaiting the announcement.


Delaying or putting off to a later time.
They're postponing the meeting until next week.

Standing by

Remaining ready and waiting for further instructions or developments.
The team is standing by for your command.


Delaying or being deliberately slow.
She was stalling to avoid the difficult conversation.

Waiting Idioms & Phrases

Waiting on hand and foot

To serve or attend to someone very attentively or obsequiously.
During his stay at the luxury resort, he was waited on hand and foot by the staff.

Waiting for the dust to settle

Waiting for a situation to become clear or for the results of a tumultuous event to become apparent before taking action.
After the surprising election results, the party decided to wait for the dust to settle before making any major decisions.

Waiting in the wings

Being ready to take action or to make an appearance when the opportunity arises.
Jessica was waiting in the wings for years before she finally got her big break in acting.

Long time waiting

Something that has been anticipated or needed for a long period.
The community center, a long time waiting, finally opened its doors to the public.

Time's a-waiting

Time is passing by, often used to encourage quick action or decision-making.
We need to make a decision now; time's a-waiting, and we can't afford to lose this opportunity.

Waiting in line

Awaiting one's turn, often in the context of awaiting service or an opportunity.
Fans were waiting in line overnight to get tickets to the concert.

Waiting room

A state of anticipation or waiting, especially when a decision or outcome is pending.
The weeks before the college acceptance letters arrived felt like a giant waiting room for the students.

Waiting at the altar

To be left waiting for a commitment or promise that is not fulfilled, especially in the context of a relationship or marriage.
She felt like she was waiting at the altar when her partner hesitated to move in together after years of dating.

Waiting game

A strategy or situation in which one or more parties prefer to delay action or decisions in order to gain advantage or for other reasons.
Negotiating the contract became a waiting game, with each side trying to outlast the other.

Waiting on the edge of your seat

To wait in great anticipation or excitement, often feeling anxious or eager to find out what happens next.
The entire audience was waiting on the edge of their seats during the thriller movie's climax.

Waiting behind closed doors

Waiting in private or without public knowledge, often for a secretive or surprise event or announcement.
The surprise party was planned while she was waiting behind closed doors, oblivious to the preparations.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

Anticipating a further or inevitable consequence after the first of two related or similar events has already occurred.
After the CEO resigned, employees were waiting for the other shoe to drop regarding company restructuring.

Waiting for a sign

Awaiting a clear indication or guidance before making a decision or taking action.
He was waiting for a sign before he decided to quit his job and travel the world.

Waiting list

Being on a list of people awaiting their turn for something, often for services or admission to an institution.
Despite her qualifications, she was placed on the waiting list for the prestigious university.

Waiting in the shadows

Waiting discreetly or in the background, often to observe or to seize an opportunity unnoticed.
The young detective was waiting in the shadows, gathering evidence without attracting attention.

Waiting to exhale

Waiting to release pent-up emotions or to relax after a stressful situation.
After months of preparation, the team was waiting to exhale as they awaited the product launch results.

The waiting is the hardest part

A phrase that emphasizes how waiting for something, especially an important or desired outcome, can be more challenging than taking action.
As he awaited the jury's verdict, he realized the waiting is the hardest part.

Waiting Example Sentences

The children were waiting excitedly for their birthday party.
We're waiting for the bus in the rain.
The team is waiting for the final decision.
They were waiting patiently in line for tickets.
The dog was waiting at the door for its owner.
He spent the morning waiting at the dentist's office.
The library is waiting for the new books to be delivered.
I'm waiting for the paint to dry before adding another coat.
Everyone is waiting to hear the news.
She's been waiting for a call from the university.
The plane was waiting on the tarmac for clearance.
She was waiting for her friend to arrive.
They kept waiting for the weather to improve.
The cat is waiting by the bowl for its dinner.
The audience was waiting in anticipation for the concert to start.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called waiting?

It's called "waiting" because it describes the action of staying in place or delaying action until a particular time or event.

What is a stressed syllable in waiting?

The stressed syllable in "waiting" is the first one: "wait."

How do we divide waiting into syllables?

"Waiting" is divided into syllables as "wait-ing."

How many syllables are in waiting?

There are two syllables in "waiting."

What is the second form of waiting?

The second form (simple past tense) of "wait" is "waited."

What is the third form of waiting?

The third form (past participle) of "wait" is "waited."

What is the first form of waiting?

The first form (present tense) of "waiting" is "wait."

How is waiting used in a sentence?

Example: "We spent hours waiting at the airport."

What is the verb form of waiting?

"Waiting" is the present participle form of the verb "wait."

What part of speech is waiting?

"Waiting" can function as a verb (present participle) and as a noun (gerund) indicating the action of waiting.

Is waiting a noun or adjective?

"Waiting" can be a noun (gerund) when referring to the act itself, or an adjective as in "waiting room."

Is waiting a negative or positive word?

"Waiting" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is waiting a collective noun?

"Waiting" is not a collective noun.

Is the word waiting imperative?

The base form "wait" can be used as an imperative; "waiting" itself is not typically used in imperative sentences.

What is the pronunciation of waiting?

Waiting is pronounced as /ˈweɪ.tɪŋ/.

What is the root word of waiting?

The root word of "waiting" is "wait."

What is another term for waiting?

Another term for "waiting" could be "anticipating."

What is the plural form of waiting?

"Waiting" remains the same; it does not have a plural form.

Is waiting an adverb?

No, "waiting" is not an adverb.

Is waiting an abstract noun?

As a gerund, "waiting" refers to an action rather than a tangible object, making it somewhat abstract.

What is the singular form of waiting?

As a gerund or present participle, "waiting" does not change form between singular and plural; it remains "waiting."

What is the opposite of waiting?

The opposite of "waiting" could be "acting" or "proceeding."

Is the waiting term a metaphor?

"Waiting" can be used metaphorically in various contexts to signify anticipation or delay.

Which determiner is used with waiting?

Determiners like "the" can be used with "waiting" when it functions as a noun, e.g., "The waiting is hard."

Is the word waiting Gerund?

Yes, "waiting" is a gerund when used as a noun.

Is the word “waiting” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Waiting" as a gerund can function as a direct object in a sentence, e.g., "I don't like waiting."

Which preposition is used with waiting?

Common prepositions used with "waiting" include "for" and "on."

Is waiting a vowel or consonant?

The word "waiting" starts with a consonant.

Is waiting a countable noun?

As a gerund, "waiting" is not typically counted and therefore not a countable noun.

Which vowel is used before waiting?

The use of a vowel before "waiting" depends on the specific context and preceding words in a sentence.

Which conjunction is used with waiting?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "while" can be used with "waiting."

Which article is used with waiting?

Articles like "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "waiting" when it is used as a noun.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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