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Walkin Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
A walk-in refers to an arrangement or space accessible without an appointment or reservation. e.g., The clinic accepts walk-in patients every morning.

Walkin Definitions

A fridge or freezer room accessed by walking in.
Restaurants often have a walk-in cooler.
A business or service that allows unscheduled access.
They run a walk-in tutoring center.
An arrangement where reservations are not necessary.
The restaurant has a walk-in policy for lunch.
A type of shower without barriers to entry.
The bathroom has a luxurious walk-in shower.
A room or closet large enough to walk into.
The house features a spacious walk-in closet.
A medical appointment without a pre-arranged time.
The doctor's office has walk-in hours in the afternoon.
A situation where someone can enter or participate without prior arrangement.
The workshop is a walk-in event.
A type of storage space that one can enter.
The walk-in pantry offers ample storage space.
A customer or client who arrives without prior appointment.
The hair salon welcomes walk-ins.
A situation or service that is immediately accessible.
They offer walk-in registration for the conference.

Walkin Snonyms


To walk in a leisurely way.
They decided to stroll through the park to enjoy the sunny weather.


To walk with a regular, measured tread.
The soldiers march in unison during the parade.


To go on a long arduous journey, typically on foot.
They planned to trek across the desert over several days.


To walk in a slow, relaxed manner.
He sauntered down the street without a care in the world.


To walk or move in a leisurely, aimless way.
She liked to wander around the city exploring new areas.


To walk at a steady and consistent speed.
She paced the floor nervously waiting for the news.


To walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions.
After the long hike, they trudged back to their campsite.


To take a long walk, especially in a natural setting.
They go on a hike in the mountains every summer.


To walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
He strode confidently into the room.


To walk at a slow, easy pace.
They ambled along the beach, watching the sunset.

Walkin Idioms & Phrases

Walk-in welcome

A situation where appointments or reservations are not necessary; anyone can arrive unannounced.
The salon had a sign that read, Walk-ins welcome, so she decided to get a haircut on the spot.

Walk-in opportunity

A chance or prospect that is available to anyone without prior arrangements.
The job fair presented a walk-in opportunity for those seeking employment.

Walk-in interview

An interview conducted for candidates who arrive without an appointment.
She landed her first job through a walk-in interview at the local retail store.

Walk-in session

A meeting or consultation that does not require an appointment.
The counselor offered walk-in sessions for students during exam week.

Walk-in closet

A closet large enough for a person to enter and move around in.
Their new house featured a spacious walk-in closet in the master bedroom.

Walk-in basis

Operating or serving clients who arrive without prior appointments.
The clinic operates on a walk-in basis, serving patients as they come.

Walk-in customer

A customer who arrives at a business without a prior appointment.
The store saw an increase in walk-in customers during the holiday season.

Walk-in service

Services provided without the need for an appointment.
They appreciated the convenience of the walk-in service at the auto repair shop.

Walk-in traffic

The flow of customers who arrive at a business spontaneously.
The store's central location attracted a lot of walk-in traffic.

Walk-in no appointment

The option to receive service without scheduling in advance.
The sign read Walk-in, no appointment needed, which was perfect for her tight schedule.

Walk-in ready

Prepared to accept or serve individuals who arrive spontaneously.
The team was walk-in ready, with resources allocated for unexpected visitors.

Walk-in rate

The price or fee charged for services to customers who arrive without a reservation.
The hotel's walk-in rate was higher than the online booking price.

Take walk-ins

To accept or serve clients who arrive without an appointment.
Though busy, the barber still took walk-ins.

Walk-in patient

A patient who arrives at a healthcare facility without a prior appointment.
The doctor was able to see a few walk-in patients in between scheduled appointments.

Walk-in policy

A policy allowing or accommodating people who arrive without an appointment.
The clinic's walk-in policy helped accommodate urgent patient needs.

Make a walk-in

To visit a place without having an appointment.
She decided to make a walk-in visit to the hair salon.

Walk-in special

A deal or discount offered to customers who arrive without prior arrangement.
The restaurant offered a walk-in special during lunch hours.

Walk-in access

The ability to use or enter a facility without prior arrangement.
The library provided walk-in access to all its resources.

Walk-in condition

The state of being able to be used or entered immediately without additional preparation.
The apartment was in walk-in condition, fully furnished and clean.

Walkin Example Sentences

Their new house has a walk-in pantry.
Many customers prefer walk-in services for convenience.
The hotel offers walk-in bookings if rooms are available.
She installed a walk-in bathtub in her home.
They converted their attic into a walk-in wardrobe.
The ice cream shop is popular with walk-in customers.
He prefers walk-in appointments as they save time.
The clinic has a separate entrance for walk-in patients.
The restaurant was full, but they accepted walk-ins.
The store has a walk-in policy for returns.
She loves her new apartment with the walk-in closet.
The walk-in freezer keeps their produce fresh.
The walk-in clinic is open seven days a week.
Many gyms allow walk-in guests for a fee.
They found a walk-in campsite at the park.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called walk-in?

It's called "walk-in" because it refers to spaces that are large enough to walk into or services that can be accessed without an appointment, emphasizing direct and easy access.

How do we divide walk-in into syllables?

"Walk-in" is divided into syllables as "walk-in."

What is the verb form of walk-in?

"Walk-in" itself is not a verb; it's typically used as a noun or adjective.

What is the singular form of walk-in?

The singular form is "walk-in."

What is a stressed syllable in walk-in?

The stressed syllable in "walk-in" is the first one: "walk."

How is walk-in used in a sentence?

Example: "The restaurant accepts walk-in customers without reservations."

What is the third form of walk-in?

"Walk-in" does not have a third form as it is a noun or adjective.

How many syllables are in walk-in?

There are two syllables in "walk-in."

What is the root word of walk-in?

The root words of "walk-in" are "walk" and "in."

What part of speech is walk-in?

"Walk-in" is used as a noun and an adjective.

What is the plural form of walk-in?

The plural form is "walk-ins."

Is walk-in a countable noun?

Yes, "walk-in" as a noun can be countable.

What is the pronunciation of walk-in?

Walk-in is pronounced as /ˈwɔːk ɪn/.

What is the first form of walk-in?

As a noun or adjective, "walk-in" does not have verb forms.

Is walk-in an abstract noun?

As a noun, "walk-in" is concrete, referring to a physical space or type of service.

Which vowel is used before walk-in?

The vowel used before "walk-in" depends on the context of the sentence.

Is walk-in a negative or positive word?

"Walk-in" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is walk-in a collective noun?

"Walk-in" is not typically used as a collective noun.

Is the word walk-in imperative?

"Walk-in" as a noun or adjective cannot be used in the imperative form.

Is the word “walk-in” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, "walk-in" can be a direct object in a sentence.

Which determiner is used with walk-in?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "this" can be used with "walk-in."

Which preposition is used with walk-in?

Common prepositions used with "walk-in" include "for" and "with."

Which conjunction is used with walk-in?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "walk-in," depending on the sentence.

What is another term for walk-in?

Another term for "walk-in" could be "drop-in" (for services) or "accessible" (for spaces).

What is the opposite of walk-in?

The opposite of "walk-in" might be "by appointment only" or "non-accessible."

Is walk-in an adverb?

No, "walk-in" is not an adverb.

Which article is used with walk-in?

Articles such as "the," "a," or "an" can be used with "walk-in," depending on the context.

What is the second form of walk-in?

"Walk-in" as a noun or adjective does not have a second form.

Is walk-in a noun or adjective?

"Walk-in" can be both a noun and an adjective.

Is walk-in a vowel or consonant?

The word "walk-in" starts with a consonant.

Is the walk-in term a metaphor?

"Walk-in" is generally used literally and not as a metaphor.

Is the word walk-in Gerund?

"Walk-in" does not have a gerund form as it is not a verb.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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