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Wattsecond Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 5, 2024
A wattsecond is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt of power expended for one second. e.g., The small light bulb used ten wattseconds of energy.

Wattsecond Definitions

Unit representing one watt of power used over one second.
The experiment measured energy output in wattseconds.
Used to measure electrical energy in specific applications.
The battery's capacity was expressed in wattseconds.
Equivalent to one joule in energy terms.
The device consumed fifty wattseconds, or fifty joules, of energy.
A measurement of energy in terms of power and time.
The appliance's energy usage was calculated in wattseconds.
A unit for small-scale energy calculations.
The LED light operates at a few wattseconds.
A basic unit of energy in the International System of Units.
Engineers use wattseconds to quantify small energy amounts.
Reflects the duration and power of energy use.
The calculator indicated the energy used in wattseconds.
Utilized in scientific experiments for precision.
The lab's instruments measure energy release in wattseconds.
Helps in comparing energy efficiencies of devices.
The new model uses fewer wattseconds than the old one.
A term used in physics and engineering.
Students learned about wattseconds in their physics class.

Wattsecond Snonyms


A unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI), equal to one wattsecond.
The light bulb consumed 60 joules of energy per minute.


A term denoting the product of power and time, equivalent to a joule.
A device using one watt of power for one second uses one power-second of energy.

Work Unit

A physical unit of work or energy.
Wattsecond is a work unit demonstrating energy transfer or consumption.

Thermal Unit

A measure of heat energy.
While wattsecond measures energy, thermal units specifically refer to heat energy.

Mechanical Energy Unit

Pertains to energy from mechanical sources.
In physics, wattseconds can represent mechanical energy.

Newton Meter

Another term for joule, emphasizing the mechanical work aspect.
Lifting a one-kilogram mass one meter requires 9.8 newton meters of work.

Caloric Value

Relates to the amount of energy in the form of calories.
Though not directly equivalent, caloric value is another way to discuss energy.

Energy Unit

A measure of work or heat energy.
Wattseconds and joules are both units used to measure energy.

Kinetic Energy Measure

Relates to the energy of motion.
The kinetic energy of a moving object can be expressed in wattseconds.

Electrical Energy Unit

A measure used for electrical energy.
Wattseconds quantify the electrical energy used by an appliance.

Wattsecond Idioms & Phrases

Watt-second of insight

A quick, yet illuminating idea or understanding.
He had a watt-second of insight that solved the complex problem.

A watt-second of thought

A brief moment of consideration or thought.
Give it just a watt-second of thought before making a decision.

Watt-second's notice

A very short amount of time to react or make a decision.
We had to be ready to move at a watt-second's notice.

Watt-second reaction

A very quick response to something.
Her watt-second reaction saved the child from danger.

In a watt-second

Very quickly or in a brief moment.
Everything changed in a watt-second.

Watt-second of courage

A very brief moment of bravery.
It only took a watt-second of courage to send the important email.

Watt-second of energy

A very small burst of effort or enthusiasm.
He put every watt-second of energy into the last lap of the race.

Watt-second spark

A brief moment of inspiration or creativity.
The artist needed just a watt-second spark to finish his masterpiece.

Watt-second wonder

Something that impresses or has an impact for only a very short time.
The pop song was a watt-second wonder, quickly forgotten after its initial popularity.

Burn a watt-second

To expend a small amount of energy or effort.
She didn’t even burn a watt-second thinking about the risks involved.

Not worth a watt-second

Not worth any amount of consideration or effort.
Arguing about it isn’t worth a watt-second of your time.

Watt-second decision

A decision made extremely quickly.
In the heat of the moment, he made a watt-second decision.

Watt-second impulse

A sudden and brief urge or desire.
On a watt-second impulse, she bought a ticket to Paris.

Watt-second glance

A very quick look.
She took a watt-second glance at the document before signing it.

Watt-second of hesitation

A very brief pause before taking action.
There was just a watt-second of hesitation before she said 'yes.'

Watt-second's work

A very small or insignificant amount of work.
Fixing the error required only a watt-second's work.

Watt-second of joy

A very brief moment of happiness.
His joke brought a watt-second of joy in an otherwise dull meeting.

Watt-second of silence

A very brief period of quiet or stillness.
There was a watt-second of silence before the crowd erupted in applause.

Watt-second of power

A very brief display of strength or influence.
The CEO showed a watt-second of power in the meeting, quickly silencing the critics.

Watt-second leap

A very small step or minor progress in something.
The new software update was a watt-second leap forward in usability.

Wattsecond Example Sentences

The solar panel produces energy measured in wattseconds.
He calculated the light bulb's consumption in wattseconds.
The small motor used about 120 wattseconds of energy.
Each flash of the camera uses several wattseconds.
Their science project involved measuring energy in wattseconds.
One wattsecond is the same as one joule.
In class, they learned how to convert wattseconds to joules.
The energy usage of the clock was just a few wattseconds.
The wattsecond is a useful unit for small devices.
They compared the energy use of bulbs in wattseconds.
Her calculator displayed the result in wattseconds.
The experiment required precise measurement in wattseconds.
The wattsecond helped them understand energy efficiency better.
He explained the concept of wattsecond to his younger brother.
The wattsecond is a practical unit for household energy use.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called wattsecond?

It's called "wattsecond" because it combines "watt," a unit of power, with "second," a unit of time, to measure energy.

How is wattsecond used in a sentence?

Example: "The energy consumed was measured in wattseconds."

How many syllables are in wattsecond?

There are three syllables in "wattsecond."

What is the pronunciation of wattsecond?

Wattsecond is pronounced as /ˈwɒt.sɛk.ənd/.

How do we divide wattsecond into syllables?

"Wattsecond" is divided into syllables as "watt-sec-ond."

What is another term for wattsecond?

Another term for "wattsecond" is "joule," as 1 wattsecond equals 1 joule.

What is a stressed syllable in wattsecond?

The first syllable "watt" is the stressed syllable in "wattsecond."

What is the root word of wattsecond?

The root words of "wattsecond" are "watt" and "second."

What is the singular form of wattsecond?

The singular form is "wattsecond."

What is the verb form of wattsecond?

"Wattsecond" does not have a verb form as it is a unit of measurement.

Is the word wattsecond imperative?

"Wattsecond," being a noun, is not used in an imperative form.

Is wattsecond a noun or adjective?

"Wattsecond" is a noun.

Is the word wattsecond Gerund?

"Wattsecond" is a noun and does not have a gerund form.

What is the plural form of wattsecond?

The plural form is "wattseconds."

Is wattsecond an adverb?

No, "wattsecond" is not an adverb.

Is wattsecond an abstract noun?

"Wattsecond" is a concrete noun, as it refers to a specific unit of measurement.

Is wattsecond a negative or positive word?

"Wattsecond" is neutral; it is neither negative nor positive.

Is wattsecond a collective noun?

"Wattsecond" is not a collective noun.

What part of speech is wattsecond?

"Wattsecond" is a noun.

Is wattsecond a vowel or consonant?

The word "wattsecond" starts with a consonant.

Is wattsecond a countable noun?

Yes, "wattsecond" is a countable noun.

Which determiner is used with wattsecond?

Determiners like "a," "the," or "this" can be used with "wattsecond."

Which vowel is used before wattsecond?

The vowel used before "wattsecond" depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with wattsecond?

Common prepositions used with "wattsecond" include "in" and "of."

Which conjunction is used with wattsecond?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "wattsecond," depending on the sentence.

What is the opposite of wattsecond?

There is no direct opposite for "wattsecond" as it is a unit of measurement.

Is the wattsecond term a metaphor?

"Wattsecond" is used literally as a unit of measurement, not metaphorically.

Is the word “wattsecond” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Wattsecond" can be used as a direct object in a sentence.

Which article is used with wattsecond?

Articles such as "the" or "a" can be used with "wattsecond," depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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