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Weary Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
"Weary" describes feeling tired or exhausted, especially as a result of hard work or mental strain. e.g., After the long hike, he felt incredibly weary.

Weary Definitions

Weary can mean being overburdened or overwhelmed.
The responsibilities made her weary.
Weary pertains to being worn out due to effort or stress.
The lengthy negotiations left them all weary.
Weary can describe a lack of energy or enthusiasm.
He gave a weary sigh after hours of work.
Weary denotes a state of tiredness from exertion.
The team was weary after the match.
Weary involves showing signs of fatigue.
His eyes looked weary after studying all night.
Weary can refer to being tired of dealing with something.
She was weary of their constant arguing.
Weary describes being bored or impatient with something.
She was weary of the same routine every day.
Physically or mentally tired.
Expressive of or prompted by tiredness
A weary smile.
Having one's interest, forbearance, or indulgence worn out
Weary of delays.
Causing fatigue; tiresome
A weary wait.
To make or become weary.
Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; tired; fatigued.
A weary traveller knocked at the door.
Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted; tired; sick.
Soldiers weary of marching, or of confinement;
I grew weary of studying and left the library.
Expressive of fatigue.
He gave me a weary smile.
Causing weariness; tiresome.
To make or to become weary.
Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; worn out in respect to strength, endurance, etc.; tired; fatigued.
I care not for my spirits if my legs were not weary.
[I] am weary, thinking of your task.
Causing weariness; tiresome.
Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted; tired; sick; - with of before the cause; as, weary of marching, or of confinement; weary of study.
To reduce or exhaust the physical strength or endurance of; to tire; to fatigue; as, to weary one's self with labor or traveling.
So shall he waste his means, weary his soldiers.
To make weary of anything; to exhaust the patience of, as by continuance.
I stay too long by thee; I weary thee.
To harass by anything irksome.
I would not ceaseTo weary him with my assiduous cries.
To grow tired; to become exhausted or impatient; as, to weary of an undertaking.
Exhaust or tire through overuse or great strain or stress;
We wore ourselves out on this hike
Get tired of something or somebody
Physically and mentally fatigued;
`aweary' is archaic
Weary means feeling physically tired or fatigued.
The marathon left her feeling very weary.
Weary refers to being mentally exhausted.
The constant noise made her feel weary.
Weary is used for feeling drained of strength or vitality.
The hot sun made the travelers weary.

Weary Snonyms


Drained of one's physical or mental resources; very tired.
After the marathon, she was completely exhausted.


Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
The patients often feel fatigued during treatment.

Worn out

Extremely tired; exhausted.
The worn-out shoes needed replacing after miles of hiking.


Sleepy and lethargic; half asleep.
The warm room made her feel drowsy.

Burnt out

Suffering from overwork or stress.
The burnt-out teacher decided to take a sabbatical.


Feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep.
He felt tired after the long journey.


Deplete of strength or vitality.
The long hours at work left him feeling drained.


Tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.
She felt jaded after years in the same job.


Having been used and unable to be used again.
By the end of the race, he was completely spent.


Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.
I felt lethargic and uninterested in going out.

Weary Idioms & Phrases

Weary of waiting

Tired or frustrated from having to wait for a long time.
They were weary of waiting for the delayed flight and decided to book a hotel room.

Grow weary

To become tired or bored with something over time.
She grew weary of the constant noise in the city and longed for the quiet of the countryside.

Weary heart

Feeling emotionally exhausted or disheartened.
The continuous bad news left us all with weary hearts.

Weary traveler

A person who is tired from traveling.
After days on the road, the weary traveler was glad to find a comfortable place to rest.

Weary soul

A person feeling tired in a deep, existential sense, often due to life's hardships.
The weary soul sought solace in music and art.

Weary to the bone

Extremely tired, both physically and mentally.
After the marathon, she was weary to the bone and could barely stand.

Weary of the world

Feeling disillusioned or tired of life's struggles and complexities.
Sometimes, he felt weary of the world and wished for simpler times.

Weary eyes

Eyes that look tired, often from lack of sleep or too much strain.
Hours of studying left him with weary eyes and a need for rest.

Weary smile

A smile that shows tiredness or fatigue.
Despite his exhaustion, he managed a weary smile for his friends.

Weary work

Work that is exhausting or feels endless.
Digging the garden by hand was weary work, but the results were rewarding.

Weary mind

A mind that is tired, often from overthinking or stress.
Meditation helps to calm my weary mind.

Weary sigh

A deep sigh indicating tiredness or resignation.
She let out a weary sigh as she looked at the pile of work still to be done.


Extremely tired or fatigued from long-term involvement in challenging situations or conflicts.
The battle-weary soldiers looked forward to a time of peace.

Weary with age

Feeling tired as a result of old age or the passage of time.
The old tree, weary with age, stood silently in the meadow.

Weary world

A description of the world as being tired or burdened by troubles.
In these trying times, it feels like we live in a weary world.

Weary of conflict

Tired of dealing with disagreements or fights.
After months of disputes, they were all weary of conflict.

Weary acceptance

Agreeing to something with resignation, without the energy to resist.
With weary acceptance, she realized that some things couldn't be changed.

Weary steps

Walking in a way that shows one is very tired.
She made her way home with weary steps after a long day at work.

Weary night

A night that feels long and tiring, often due to restlessness or worry.
It was a weary night, with sleep eluding her till the early hours.

Weary journey

A trip or voyage that is exhausting.
The refugees faced a long and weary journey to safety.

Weary Example Sentences

The workers were weary at the end of the day.
They were too weary to continue hiking.
The children grew weary of the long car ride.
The mountain climbers were weary but determined.
His weary eyes struggled to stay open.
The long journey made him weary.
She felt weary after the exam.
The constant noise left her feeling weary.
He looked weary but satisfied with his work.
The teacher felt weary after a long week.
Her voice sounded weary over the phone.
The weary traveler sought a place to rest.
The dog was weary after playing all day.
The audience grew weary from the lengthy lecture.
She laid down, feeling weary and sleepy.

Common Curiosities

How is weary used in a sentence?

"After the long journey, the travelers were weary and ready for rest."

Why is it called weary?

"Weary" comes from the Old English word "werig," meaning tired or fatigued, referring to a state of physical or mental exhaustion.

What is the pronunciation of weary?

Weary is pronounced as /ˈwɪə.ri/ or /ˈwɪr.i/ in American English.

What is the first form of weary?

The first form (present tense) is "weary."

What is a stressed syllable in weary?

The stressed syllable in "weary" is "wea."

What is the root word of weary?

The root word is the Old English "werig," meaning tired.

What is the third form of weary?

The third form (past participle) is "wearied."

What is another term for weary?

Another term for "weary" is "exhausted."

What is the singular form of weary?

As an adjective, "weary" remains the same in both singular and plural contexts.

How many syllables are in weary?

There are two syllables in "weary."

How do we divide weary into syllables?

Weary is divided into syllables as wea-ry.

What is the second form of weary?

The second form (simple past tense) is "wearied."

Is weary an abstract noun?

No, "weary" is not a noun; it is an adjective and a verb.

Is the word “weary” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Weary" as an adjective cannot be a direct or indirect object. As a verb, it can take a direct object, e.g., "The long walk wearied him."

Which vowel is used before weary?

The article "a" is used before "weary" because it starts with a consonant sound.

What is the verb form of weary?

The verb form is "weary," as in "to weary" or "wearying."

What is the plural form of weary?

As an adjective, "weary" does not change form for plural nouns.

Is weary a vowel or consonant?

The word "weary" starts with the consonant "w."

Is the word weary imperative?

"Weary" can be used in the imperative form as a verb, e.g., "Do not weary yourself with overwork."

Which article is used with weary?

Both "a" (indefinite) and "the" (definite) can be used with "weary," depending on whether it's being used in a specific or nonspecific context, e.g., "a weary traveler" or "the weary journey."

What part of speech is weary?

"Weary" can be used as both an adjective and a verb.

Is weary a noun or adjective?

"Weary" is primarily an adjective but can also be used as a verb.

Is weary a negative or positive word?

"Weary" generally has a negative connotation as it describes a state of tiredness or exhaustion.

Is weary a countable noun?

"Weary" is not a noun; it's an adjective and a verb and therefore not countable.

Is weary a collective noun?

No, "weary" is not a noun and therefore cannot be a collective noun.

Is the weary term a metaphor?

"Weary" can be used metaphorically to describe someone or something that seems tired or worn out, not just in a literal sense.

Which determiner is used with weary?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "this," "that," "every," and "no" can be used with "weary," depending on the context.

Which preposition is used with weary?

Prepositions like "of" or "from" can be used with "weary," depending on the context, e.g., "weary of the noise" or "weary from the journey."

Which conjunction is used with weary?

Conjunctions such as "and," "but," or "or" can be used with "weary" in compound sentences.

What is the opposite of weary?

The opposite of "weary" could be "energized" or "refreshed."

Is weary an adverb?

No, "weary" is not an adverb. The adverb form would be "wearily."

Is the word weary Gerund?

The gerund form of "weary" is "wearying," which functions as a noun.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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