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Wrapup Definition and Meaning

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 5, 2024
A wrapup is the finalization or conclusion of an event, activity, or discussion, summarizing key points or outcomes. e.g., The meeting ended with a quick wrapup of the main decisions.

Wrapup Definitions

Meeting Conclusion: Summarizing and concluding the discussions of a meeting.
The manager provided a wrapup at the end of the team meeting.
Project Finalization: Completing the final tasks and summarizing a project's outcomes.
The project wrapup included a review of all completed objectives.
Literary Conclusion: A final chapter or section that concludes a book's plot.
The novel's wrapup resolved all the lingering mysteries.
Event Summary: A brief overview of the events and key highlights.
The conference ended with a wrapup of the week's seminars.
News Recap: Summarizing the main news stories in a brief segment.
The nightly news includes a wrapup of the day's events.
Debate Finalization: Summarizing the points made during a debate.
Each side presented a wrapup of their arguments.
Workshop Recap: A summary of key points and lessons from a workshop.
The facilitator provided a wrapup of the day's activities.
Sports Summary: Concluding remarks summarizing a sports game or season.
The post-game wrapup highlighted the best plays.
Educational Summary: Concluding a lesson or series of lessons with key takeaways.
The teacher's wrapup helped students understand the main concepts.
Financial Close: Summarizing financial performance at the end of a period.
The quarterly report included a wrapup of financial results.
Alternative form of wrap-up

Wrapup Snonyms


A brief statement or account of the main points of something.
He provided a summary of the meeting's key outcomes.


A point-by-point summary or overview.
She gave us a quick rundown of the project's status.


The end or finish of an event, process, or text.
The conclusion of her presentation was very impactful.


The process of making something final or finished.
The finalization of the contract took longer than expected.


A summary of the main points of an argument or theory.
The lawyer's summation clearly outlined the case's key facts.


A section at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened.
The epilogue provided closure to the story's complex narrative.


A recapitulation or brief review of what has been said or done.
The meeting started with a recap of last week's decisions.


The final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
The film's denouement left the audience in tears.


The highest or climactic point of something, especially as obtained after a long time.
The project's success was the culmination of years of hard work.


Another spelling for 'wrapup', indicating the finalization or conclusion of something.
The wrap-up session will occur at the end of the conference.

Wrapup Idioms & Phrases

Time to wrap up

Indicating that it is time to conclude activities or efforts.
It's getting late; it's time to wrap up and go home.

Wrap up the meeting

To conclude or bring a meeting to an end.
Let's wrap up the meeting by summarizing the action points.

Wrap up in a nutshell

To summarize something concisely.
To wrap up in a nutshell, the strategy focuses on customer satisfaction.

Wrap up loose ends

To deal with the final details or unfinished business.
Before launching the product, we need to wrap up loose ends.

Wrap up the day

To finish the day's work or activities.
Let's wrap up the day with a quick review of what we've accomplished.

Wrap up in thoughts

To become deeply engrossed in one's thoughts.
She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the doorbell.

Wrap up the semester

To conclude the academic term with all tasks completed.
As we wrap up the semester, please submit all your final assignments.

Wrap up warm

To dress warmly in cold weather.
It's freezing outside, so make sure you wrap up warm.

Wrap up a deal

To finalize or conclude a business transaction.
After weeks of negotiation, we finally managed to wrap up the deal.

Wrap up the project

To complete all aspects of a project.
We're aiming to wrap up the project by the end of the month.

Wrap up the story

To bring a narrative to a conclusion.
The author skillfully wraps up the story in the final chapter.

Wrap up the case

To conclude an investigation or legal case.
The detective hoped to wrap up the case by finding the missing evidence.

Wrap up in emotions

To become deeply involved or overwhelmed by one's feelings.
After the news, they were all wrapped up in their emotions.

Wrap up with a bow

To complete something perfectly or satisfactorily.
The team managed to wrap up the project with a bow, exceeding the client's expectations.

Wrap up a conversation

To bring a discussion to a close.
We need to wrap up this conversation and make a decision.

Wrap up the session

To conclude a session or workshop.
We'll wrap up the session with some Q&A from the audience.

Wrap up an argument

To conclude a dispute or disagreement.
It's time we wrap up this argument and agree to disagree.

Wrap up the year

To conclude the year, often by reflecting on achievements and challenges.
As we wrap up the year, let's look back at what we've accomplished.

Wrap up the show

To conclude a performance or broadcast.
That's all for tonight; let's wrap up the show with our final act.

Wrap up the chapter

To finish writing or reading a chapter.
I'll wrap up this chapter before going to bed.

Wrapup Example Sentences

The wrapup of the event included thanks to all participants.
She did a great job with the meeting wrapup.
The wrapup of the story left everyone satisfied.
The training session ended with a comprehensive wrapup.
Let's start the wrapup of today's workshop.
Our project wrapup is scheduled for next Friday.
The wrapup session will include a Q&A segment.
Please prepare a wrapup of the monthly sales.
The documentary's wrapup tied all the elements together.
The wrapup of the debate clarified the team's positions.
He provided a detailed wrapup of the research findings.
The conference wrapup will be available online.
Before we leave, let's have a quick wrapup.
They're working on the wrapup of the annual report.
The season's wrapup episode aired last night.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called wrapup?

It is called a wrapup because it refers to the act of concluding or summarizing information or activities, essentially "wrapping up" details into a cohesive summary.

How many syllables are in wrapup?

There are two syllables in wrapup.

How do we divide wrapup into syllables?

Wrapup is divided into syllables as wrap-up.

What is a stressed syllable in wrapup?

The first syllable, "wrap," is the stressed syllable in wrapup.

How is wrapup used in a sentence?

"Let's do a quick wrapup of the meeting points before we finish."

What is the root word of wrapup?

The root words are "wrap" and "up," used together in this compound form.

What is the pronunciation of wrapup?

The pronunciation of wrapup is /ˈræp.ʌp/.

What is the verb form of wrapup?

The verb form is "wrap up."

What is the opposite of wrapup?

The opposite of wrapup could be "introduction" or "commencement."

Is wrapup an abstract noun?

Yes, wrapup can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to the concept of concluding or summarizing.

What is the first form of wrapup?

As a noun, it remains "wrapup." As a verb, the base form is "wrap up."

What is the singular form of wrapup?

The singular form is "wrapup."

Is wrapup an adverb?

No, wrapup is not an adverb.

Is wrapup a negative or positive word?

Wrapup is neutral; it does not inherently convey a negative or positive connotation.

Is the wrapup term a metaphor?

Wrapup can be used metaphorically to describe the act of concluding various types of activities or discussions.

Is the word wrapup Gerund?

The gerund form of "wrap up" would be "wrapping up."

Is the word “wrapup” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Wrapup" as a noun can serve as a direct object, e.g., "We need a wrapup of today's topics."

What is another term for wrapup?

Another term for wrapup could be "conclusion" or "summary."

Which vowel is used before wrapup?

Articles "a" or "an" are used based on the following word's initial sound; "a" is used before "wrapup" since it starts with a consonant sound.

What is the second form of wrapup?

Not applicable, as wrapup is typically used as a noun. For the verb "wrap up," there is no traditional second form, but it would be "wrapped up" in the past tense.

What is the third form of wrapup?

Not applicable for the noun. For the verb "wrap up," the third form (past participle) is "wrapped up."

Is wrapup a countable noun?

Yes, wrapup can be considered a countable noun (e.g., several wrapups of different meetings).

Is wrapup a collective noun?

No, wrapup is not typically used as a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with wrapup?

Determiners such as "the," "a," or "this" can be used with wrapup, depending on the context.

What is the plural form of wrapup?

The plural form is "wrapups."

Is wrapup a vowel or consonant?

This question does not apply to the word "wrapup" as a whole; it pertains to individual letters.

Is the word wrapup is imperative?

When used as a verb, "wrap up" can be imperative, e.g., "Wrap up the session now."

Which preposition is used with wrapup?

Common prepositions used with "wrapup" include "of" as in "a wrapup of the event."

Which article is used with wrapup?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" can be used with "wrapup" depending on whether it refers to a specific conclusion or a general one, e.g., "the wrapup of the meeting" or "a wrapup of events."

What part of speech is wrapup?

Wrapup is a noun when used as one word. When used as two words, "wrap up" is a phrasal verb.

Is wrapup a noun or adjective?

Wrapup is primarily used as a noun.

Which conjunction is used with wrapup?

Conjunctions like "and," "or," and "but" can be used in sentences involving "wrapup."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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