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Democratical vs. Democratic — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 20, 2024
Democratical is the incorrect spelling of democratic, which means relating to democracy or its principles.
Democratical vs. Democratic — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Democratical or Democratic

How to spell Democratic?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Keep in mind that major political terms tend to be succinct: "democratic" fits this pattern better.
Remember that "cratic" aligns with other political terms like "aristocratic" and "bureaucratic," which are also not elongated.
Democratic is shorter and more commonly used than the outdated form democratical.

How Do You Spell Democratic Correctly?

Incorrect: Their policies are too democratical to be practical.
Correct: Their policies are too democratic to be practical.
Incorrect: She believes in a democratical form of government.
Correct: She believes in a democratic form of government.
Incorrect: Is the organization really democratical in its elections?
Correct: Is the organization really democratic in its elections?
Incorrect: He described the system as highly democratical.
Correct: He described the system as highly democratic.
Incorrect: The meeting was conducted in a very democratical manner.
Correct: The meeting was conducted in a very democratic manner.

Democratic Definitions

Pertaining to the Democratic Party in the United States.
The democratic candidate won the election with a significant margin.
Relating to democracy in the way of free and equal participation.
The organization holds democratic elections for its leadership.
Pertaining to or characterized by the principle of political or social equality for all.
Democratic governments strive to ensure equal rights for all citizens.
Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy
Democratic government.
A democratic union.
Of or for the people in general; popular
A democratic movement.
Democratic art forms.
Believing in or practicing social equality
"a proper democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords" (George du Maurier).
Democratic Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Democratic Party.
Pertaining to democracy; constructed upon or in line with the principle of government chosen by the people.
The United States is a democratic country, as the citizens are allowed to choose leaders to represent their interests.
Exhibiting social equality; egalitarian.
Alternative case form of Democratic
Mount Vernon is run by a strong democratic party organization.
Synonym of democrat
Pertaining to democracy; favoring democracy, or constructed upon the principle of government by the people.
Belonging to or relating to the Democratic party, the political party so called.
Befitting the common people; - opposed to aristocratic.
Characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality;
Democratic government
A democratic country
A democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords
Belong to or relating to the Democratic Party;
Democratic senator
Representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large;
Democratic art forms
A democratic or popular movement
Popular thought
Popular science
Popular fiction
Advocating or upholding democracy.
She was known for her democratic views in a predominantly authoritarian area.
Belonging to or supporting democracy as a system of government.
The democratic party in the country promotes progressive policies.

Democratic Meaning in a Sentence

The democratic process is essential for a free society.
Every citizen has a democratic right to vote.
The democratic principles of the organization are well respected.
The democratic leader was elected with a large majority.
He always promotes democratic values in his teachings.
The school encourages a democratic approach to decision-making.
She participated in the democratic debates with enthusiasm.
His democratic stance is evident in his fair treatment of all employees.
The community held a democratic vote to decide the issue.
They organized a democratic forum to discuss community problems.
The democratic method was used to resolve the dispute.
Their policies reflect a strong democratic ethos.
The democratic rally drew a large crowd.
The meeting was run in a democratic manner, allowing everyone to speak.
He believes in a democratic system of governance.
The democratic principles are a foundation of the constitution.
He's known for his democratic way of managing the team.
The legislation was passed following a democratic vote.
The new policies will enhance democratic governance.
She campaigned on a platform of democratic reforms.
The group advocates for more democratic practices in schools.
She wrote a paper on the importance of democratic education.
They argued that a more democratic approach was necessary.
Democratic societies tend to have higher levels of citizen participation.
The event was organized to celebrate democratic achievements.

Democratic Idioms & Phrases

Democratic spirit

Having an attitude or approach that encourages equal participation.
The teacher fostered a democratic spirit in her classroom.

Democratic values

The principles that uphold democracy such as equality, freedom, and justice.
He championed democratic values throughout his career.

Democratic governance

Administration or management of an organization or state that follows the principles of democracy.
The country improved under democratic governance.

Democratic process

The method through which fair and free decisions are made by voting.
The law was passed following a rigorous democratic process.

Democratic reforms

Changes made to promote or strengthen democracy.
The government implemented several democratic reforms.

Democratic tradition

Long-standing democratic practices or customs.
The festival is part of the region's democratic tradition.

Democratic participation

Involvement of citizens in the democratic process.
The campaign focused on increasing democratic participation.

Democratic decision

A decision made through the democratic process.
The policy change was a democratic decision.

Democratic rights

The rights that ensure one's participation in the democratic process.
Voting is a key democratic right.

Democratic principle

A fundamental rule or belief that supports democracy.
Freedom of speech is a key democratic principle.

Democratic majority

A majority that is formed in a democratic manner.
The democratic majority in the assembly pushed for progressive legislation.

Democratic choice

A choice made freely by the majority.
The community made a democratic choice to build the new park.

Democratic platform

A set of democratic goals or policies proposed by a party or candidate.
The candidate's democratic platform included extensive civil rights protections.

Democratic society

A society that practices democracy and promotes its values.
They thrived in a democratic society that valued open dialogue.

Democratic mandate

The authority granted through a democratic process to carry out policies or actions.
The mayor had a clear democratic mandate to reform the city’s infrastructure.

Democratic nation

A country that practices democracy.
As a democratic nation, we value open elections.

Democratic leadership

A style of leadership that involves all members in the decision-making process.
She was praised for her democratic leadership style.

Democratic era

A period characterized by democracy.
The country entered a new democratic era after the revolution.

Democratic debate

A discussion or argument that follows democratic principles.
The democratic debate helped clarify the party's position.

Democratic challenge

A problem or obstacle that tests the strength or integrity of democracy.
The upcoming election represents a significant democratic challenge.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called democratic?

Democratic is called so because it relates to democracy, a system of government by the whole population, typically through elected representatives.

What is a stressed syllable in democratic?

The stressed syllable in democratic is "crat."

How many syllables are in democratic?

Democratic has four syllables.

How do we divide democratic into syllables?

Democratic is divided into syllables as de-mo-crat-ic.

How is democratic used in a sentence?

Democratic is used as an adjective to describe anything related to or promoting democracy.

What is the pronunciation of democratic?

Democratic is pronounced as /dɛməˈkrætɪk/.

What is the root word of democratic?

The root word of democratic is "democracy."

What is the verb form of democratic?

Democratic is not a verb; it is an adjective. The related verb is "democratize."

What is another term for democratic?

Another term for democratic could be egalitarian, especially in the context of equality.

Is democratic an adverb?

No, democratic is not an adverb.

Is the democratic term a metaphor?

Democratic is not typically used as a metaphor; it directly describes aspects related to democracy.

Is the word “democratic” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As an adjective, democratic cannot be a direct or indirect object.

What is the singular form of democratic?

Democratic does not have a singular or plural form as it is an adjective.

What is the plural form of democratic?

Democratic does not have a plural form as it is an adjective.

Is democratic a negative or positive word?

Democratic is generally considered a positive word, reflecting principles of fairness and equality.

Is democratic a vowel or consonant?

The word democratic starts with a consonant.

What is the opposite of democratic?

The opposite of democratic could be autocratic or dictatorial.

Is democratic a noun or adjective?

Democratic is an adjective.

Is democratic a countable noun?

Democratic is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before democratic?

There is no specific rule for the vowel used before democratic; it depends on the context of the sentence.

Which conjunction is used with democratic?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with clauses involving democratic.

What part of speech is democratic?

Democratic is an adjective.

Is democratic an abstract noun?

No, democratic is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the word democratic imperative?

Democratic cannot be imperative as it is an adjective, not a verb.

Which determiner is used with democratic?

Determiners like "a," "the," and possessive forms can be used with democratic, depending on the context.

Is democratic a collective noun?

Democratic is not a collective noun; it is an adjective.

Is the word democratic Gerund?

No, democratic is an adjective and does not have a gerund form.

Which preposition is used with democratic?

Common prepositions used with democratic include "in," "by," and "with."

Which article is used with democratic?

The article "the" is commonly used with democratic when referring to specific systems or processes, e.g., "the democratic process."

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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