Determinated vs. Determined — Which is Correct Spelling?
Edited by Urooj Arif — By Sumaia Saeed — Updated on April 23, 2024
"Determinated" is the incorrect spelling of "determined," which refers to having a firmness of purpose or a resolute attitude.
Table of Contents
Which is correct: Determinated or Determined
How to spell Determined?
Incorrect Spelling
Correct Spelling
Key Differences
Remember that "determined" combines "determine" with "-ed," straightforwardly indicating past action or a state.
Focus on "determined," noting that it follows the common English suffix "-ed," which is used to form adjectives from verbs.
Think of "determined" as an adjective describing someone who has set their mind definitively, like a line drawn firmly in sand.
Visualize the "mine" in "determined" to emphasize a mindset that one owns or firmly holds.
How Do You Spell Determined Correctly?
Incorrect: You need to be more determinated if you want to succeed in this field.
Correct: You need to be more determined if you want to succeed in this field.
Incorrect: Her determinated attitude helped her overcome many obstacles.
Correct: Her determined attitude helped her overcome many obstacles.
Incorrect: Their team was not determinated enough, and they lost the game.
Correct: Their team was not determined enough, and they lost the game.
Incorrect: He was very determinated about finishing his project on time.
Correct: He was very determined about finishing his project on time.
Incorrect: He seems too determinated to change his mind now.
Correct: He seems too determined to change his mind now.
Determined Definitions
Determined can describe showing resoluteness and purpose.
His determined effort in the last quarter of the game won them the match.
It can also mean appearing decisive and unwavering.
The leader's determined speech rallied the crowd.
It involves perseverance and firmness in achieving a goal.
Her determined pursuit of justice was inspiring to many.
Determined means having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
She was determined to finish her degree despite the challenges.
Determined is used to indicate being strongly motivated to succeed.
They were determined to improve their performance next season.
Marked by or showing determination; resolute
Was engaged in a protracted struggle with a determined enemy.
Decided or resolved
She is determined to be a doctor.
Decided; resolute, possessing much determination.
I'm determined to get a good grade on my exam.
Simple past tense and past participle of determine
Decided; resolute.
Characterized by great determination;
A struggle against a determined enemy
Having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation
Devoting full strength and concentrated attention to;
Made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters
Determined or decided upon as by an authority;
Date and place are already determined
The dictated terms of surrender
The time set for the launching
Strongly motivated to succeed
Determined Meaning in a Sentence
He was determined to learn a new language this year.
The team's determined defense kept them in the game.
She gave a determined nod, signaling she was ready to begin.
They were determined to climb the mountain despite the weather.
His determined stance against corruption won him many supporters.
The scientist was determined to find a cure.
The children were determined to win the school competition.
Determined to make a difference, she volunteered at the local shelter.
The negotiations required a determined approach to reach an agreement.
She walked in a determined manner toward the stage.
He remained determined even in the face of setbacks.
His determined outlook was contagious, motivating the entire team.
She was determined not to let her fears hold her back.
They were determined to keep the park clean and green.
The athlete's determined training regimen led to many victories.
Her determined efforts in the community did not go unnoticed.
His determined pursuit of knowledge made him a top student.
They entered the contest determined to do their best.
The director was determined to finish the film on schedule.
Her determined advocacy for rights made a significant impact.
Determined to save the historic building, the community raised funds.
Determined to stay fit, he jogged every morning.
She was determined to pass her driving test this time.
The committee was determined to address all the issues.
Determined to keep their traditions alive, the elders taught the young ones.
Determined Idioms & Phrases
A determined effort
A strong, committed attempt to achieve something.
They won the game through a determined effort.
Determined by nature
Naturally persistent and resolute.
Determined by nature, she never gave up on her goals.
Determined stride
Walking with purpose and determination.
With a determined stride, he entered the conference room.
With determined resolve
With firm or fixed intention.
He faced his challenges with determined resolve.
Live a determined life
To lead a life characterized by purpose and determination.
He chose to live a determined life, focused on achieving his dreams.
Determined to the end
Continuing with firm determination until the completion of a task.
She was determined to the end to finish her novel.
Feel determined
To experience a strong feeling of determination.
She felt determined to tackle the problem head-on.
Set in determined ways
Firmly established in one's methods or actions.
The old master was set in his determined ways.
Determined by fate
Decided by destiny or fate.
Their meeting seemed determined by fate.
A determined glance
A look that shows firmness and decision.
She gave a determined glance before answering the question.
Be determined against
To oppose or resist firmly.
He was determined against making any compromises.
Determined beyond doubt
Without any doubt; with certainty.
His innocence was determined beyond doubt.
Determined by circumstances
Influenced or decided by the conditions or situations faced.
Their success was determined by circumstances beyond their control.
Determined under pressure
Being resolute even when facing stress or adversity.
She remained determined under pressure.
Markedly determined
Noticeably resolute or decided.
Her response was markedly determined.
Determined through adversity
Maintaining determination despite difficult circumstances.
They remained determined through adversity.
Determined in pursuit
Persistent and relentless in chasing a goal.
He was determined in pursuit of justice.
Determined for success
Aimed or directed towards achieving success.
They were determined for success in their new venture.
Determined to a fault
Being determined to an excessive extent.
His determined to a fault sometimes led him into trouble.
Stand determined
To maintain a firm position or stance.
They stood determined against the opposition.
Common Curiosities
How do we divide determined into syllables?
It is divided as de-ter-mined.
What is a stressed syllable in determined?
The stressed syllable in determined is "ter."
How is determined used in a sentence?
Determined is used as an adjective to describe someone's resolute and unwavering intent to achieve something.
Why is it called determined?
It's called "determined" from the past participle of the verb "determine," meaning to decide firmly.
What is the verb form of determined?
The verb form from which "determined" is derived is "determine."
What is the root word of determined?
The root word is "determine," which comes from the Latin "determinare," meaning to limit, fix, or set boundaries.
How many syllables are in determined?
Determined has three syllables.
What is another term for determined?
Another term could be "resolute" or "decisive."
What is the third form of determined?
The third form is also "determined."
What is the pronunciation of determined?
Determined is pronounced as /dɪˈtɜrmɪnd/.
What is the first form of determined?
The first form is "determine" as a verb.
What part of speech is determined?
Determined is an adjective and also used as the past participle of the verb "determine."
What is the plural form of determined?
The adjective determined does not change in plural form.
Is determined an abstract noun?
No, it is an adjective, not a noun.
What is the second form of determined?
The second form is "determined."
Is determined a countable noun?
It is not a noun; it is an adjective.
Is the determined term a metaphor?
It can be used metaphorically to describe someone's strong will or decision.
Which determiner is used with determined?
Determiners such as "a," "the," or possessive pronouns can be used with the noun it modifies, not directly with "determined."
Is determined a vowel or consonant?
The word starts with a consonant.
Is the word determined imperative?
As an adjective, it does not form imperatives.
Is the word “determined” a Direct object or an Indirect object?
It cannot be an object as it is an adjective; it modifies nouns.
Is determined a negative or positive word?
Determined is generally positive, implying firmness and purpose.
Which vowel is used before determined?
It does not specifically require a vowel before it; it modifies nouns which might have an article like "a" or "the."
Which conjunction is used with determined?
Conjunctions such as "and" or "but" can be used in a clause where "determined" modifies a noun.
Which article is used with determined?
Articles such as "the" or "a" can precede the noun that "determined" modifies.
What is the singular form of determined?
As an adjective, it does not have a singular or plural form; it modifies nouns of any number.
Is determined a noun or adjective?
Determined is an adjective.
Is determined an adverb?
No, determined is not an adverb.
Is determined a collective noun?
No, it is not a noun at all.
Is the word determined a Gerund?
No, it is not a gerund; it's an adjective or past participle.
Which preposition is used with determined?
Common prepositions include "to," as in "determined to succeed."
What is the opposite of determined?
The opposite could be "indecisive" or "wavering."
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Written by
Sumaia SaeedEdited by
Urooj ArifUrooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.