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Diety vs. Deity — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 22, 2024
Diety is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Deity," which refers to a god or goddess in a religion or mythology.
Diety vs. Deity — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Diety or Deity

How to spell Deity?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "Dei" in "Deity" as similar to "Die," which we know how to spell.
"Diet" is something we eat, and "Deity" is someone we might pray to.
Associate the word "Deity" with a godly figure that oversees all, including minor things like spelling.
In "Deity," the 'e' comes before the 'i', just like in the word "their."
Memorize this rhyme: "With 'e' before 'i', to the gods you draw nigh."

How Do You Spell Deity Correctly?

Incorrect: She followed a strict diety to improve her health.
Correct: She followed a strict deity to improve her health.
Incorrect: Their culture revolves around the worship of a sun diety.
Correct: Their culture revolves around the worship of a sun deity.
Incorrect: The diety was worshipped by the ancient tribe.
Correct: The deity was worshipped by the ancient tribe.
Incorrect: Offerings were made to the diety for a good harvest.
Correct: Offerings were made to the deity for a good harvest.
Incorrect: He studied various diety figures in mythology.
Correct: He studied various deity figures in mythology.

Deity Definitions

A Deity is a god or goddess in a religion or mythology.
In ancient Greece, Zeus was a prominent Deity.
A Deity embodies divine characteristics in religious contexts.
In some cultures, the sun or moon might be considered a Deity.
A Deity represents a divine being worshipped by followers.
Hindus have a multitude of deities, each with unique stories.
A Deity can refer to the Creator in monotheistic religions.
In Christianity, God is the central Deity.
A Deity signifies supreme divine power and presence.
Some people pray to a Deity for guidance and strength.
A deity or god is a supernatural being considered divine or sacred. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines deity as a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion), or anything revered as divine.
A god or goddess.
The essential nature or condition of being a god; divinity.
Deity God. Used with the.
Synonym of divinity: the state, position, or fact of being a god.
A supernatural divine being; a god or goddess.
The collection of attributes which make up the nature of a god; divinity; godhead; as, the deity of the Supreme Being is seen in his works.
They declared with emphasis the perfect deity and the perfect manhood of Christ.
A god or goddess; a heathen god.
To worship calves, the deitiesOf Egypt.
This great poet and philosopher [Simonides], the more he contemplated the nature of the Deity, found that he waded but the more out of his depth.
Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force

Deity Meaning in a Sentence

Offerings and prayers are common ways of showing devotion to a deity.
The deity of the sea was believed to control the ocean's tides and storms.
Many cultures have a creation deity who is responsible for the world's genesis.
In monotheistic religions, the single deity is believed to be omnipotent and omniscient.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Deity?

There isn't a direct verb form of "Deity."

What is the root word of Deity?

The root word is the Latin "deus," meaning "god."

Why is it called Deity?

It's called "Deity" from the Latin "deus" meaning "god."

Which vowel is used before Deity?

There is no specific vowel always used before "Deity."

Is Deity a negative or positive word?

Deity is neutral; it can be positive or negative based on context.

What is the pronunciation of Deity?

Deity is pronounced as /ˈdiː.ɪ.ti/.

What is the plural form of Deity?

The plural form is "Deities."

Is Deity an abstract noun?

Yes, Deity is an abstract noun.

Which article is used with Deity?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "Deity" based on context.

What is the singular form of Deity?

The singular form is "Deity."

Is the word Deity imperative?

No, "Deity" is not imperative.

What is another term for Deity?

Another term for Deity is "god" or "divine being."

Which preposition is used with Deity?

Various prepositions can be used with "Deity," the common one being "of" (e.g., Deity of War).

Which conjunction is used with Deity?

Any conjunction can be used with "Deity" based on the context of the sentence.

Is Deity an adverb?

No, Deity is not an adverb.

Is the word Deity a gerund?

No, "Deity" is not a gerund.

How do we divide Deity into syllables?


What is the stressed syllable in Deity?

The first syllable, "Dei," is stressed.

What is the opposite of Deity?

There isn't a direct opposite, but "mortal" contrasts with the divine nature of a Deity.

Is Deity a vowel or consonant?

Deity is a word, not a single letter, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Deity a collective noun?

No, Deity is not a collective noun.

Is the Deity term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Is the word “Deity” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Deity" can function as either a direct or indirect object depending on sentence structure.

What is the third form of Deity?

Deity is a noun, so it doesn't have verb forms.

What is the first form of Deity?

Deity is a noun, so it doesn't have verb forms like first, second, or third.

How is Deity used in a sentence?

"Many ancient cultures worshipped the sun as a Deity."

Is Deity a noun or adjective?

Deity is a noun.

Is Deity a countable noun?

Yes, Deity is a countable noun (e.g., multiple deities).

How many syllables are in Deity?

Deity has three syllables.

What part of speech is Deity?

Deity is a noun.

Which determiner is used with Deity?

Various determiners can be used (e.g., "the," "this," "that").

What is the second form of Deity?

Deity is a noun, so it doesn't have verb forms.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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