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Difuse vs. Diffuse — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 1, 2024
"Difuse" is an incorrect spelling. The proper spelling is "Diffuse," meaning to spread out over a wide area or among many people.
Difuse vs. Diffuse — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Difuse or Diffuse

How to spell Diffuse?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall that "diffusion" has two f's, just like "diffuse."
Think of "different" where the "diff-" prefix also has two f's.
Envision something spreading out, getting "fuzzy" — both "fuzzy" and "diffuse" have two f's.
Associate with "double" as in double "f" for "diffuse."
Use mnemonics: "Don't Inflict Few; Use Second 'F' Every time."

How Do You Spell Diffuse Correctly?

Incorrect: The company plans to difuse its products globally.
Correct: The company plans to diffuse its products globally.
Incorrect: The fog began to difuse as the sun rose.
Correct: The fog began to diffuse as the sun rose.
Incorrect: The light was too difuse to read by.
Correct: The light was too diffuse to read by.
Incorrect: She tried to difuse the situation with humor.
Correct: She tried to diffuse the situation with humor.
Incorrect: The perfume had a subtle difuse scent.
Correct: The perfume had a subtle diffuse scent.

Diffuse Definitions

To spread or cause something to spread in many directions.
The light was diffused through the curtains.
To distribute or be distributed in all directions.
The colors diffused into a beautiful spectrum.
In physics, relating to the movement of particles in a fluid from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration.
Perfume will diffuse throughout a room.
Lacking clarity or conciseness.
His lecture was diffuse and hard to follow.
To cause to spread out freely
Smoke that is diffused throughout the room.
To make known to or cause to be used by large numbers of people; disseminate
Diffuses ideas over the internet.
To make less brilliant; soften
Light that is diffused through frosted glass.
To make less intense; weaken
A remark that diffused the tension in the interview.
(Physics) To cause to undergo diffusion.
To become widely dispersed; spread out
The hormone diffuses throughout the body.
(Physics) To undergo diffusion.
Widely spread or scattered; not concentrated
Diffuse light is often hard to read by.
Wordy or unclear
A diffuse description.
(transitive) To spread over or through as in air, water, or other matter, especially by fluid motion or passive means.
(intransitive) To be spread over or through as in air, water, or other matter, especially by fluid motion or passive means.
Food coloring diffuses in water.
The riot diffused quite suddenly.
Everywhere or throughout everything; not focused or concentrated.
Such a diffuse effort is unlikely to produce good results.
Wordy; verbose.
To pour out and cause to spread, as a fluid; to cause to flow on all sides; to send out, or extend, in all directions; to spread; to circulate; to disseminate; to scatter; as to diffuse information.
Thence diffuseHis good to worlds and ages infinite.
We find this knowledge diffused among all civilized nations.
To pass by spreading every way, to diffuse itself.
Poured out; widely spread; not restrained; copious; full; esp., of style, opposed to concise or terse; verbose; prolix; as, a diffuse style; a diffuse writer.
A diffuse and various knowledge of divine and human things.
Move outward;
The soldiers fanned out
Spread or diffuse through;
An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration
Music penetrated the entire building
Cause to become widely known;
Spread information
Circulate a rumor
Broadcast the news
Spread out; not concentrated in one place;
A large diffuse organization
Lacking conciseness;
A diffuse historical novel
Widely spread or scattered; not concentrated.
The smoke had a diffuse spread across the room.

Diffuse Meaning in a Sentence

The news about the school trip began to diffuse excitement among the students.
She opened the window to diffuse the smell of paint in the room.
Diffuse lighting is preferred in photography because it reduces harsh shadows.
Flowers in the garden diffuse a pleasant scent in the air.
As the sun set, the colors began to diffuse across the sky in beautiful patterns.
The morning sun began to diffuse through the curtains, filling the room with light.
Teachers often use diagrams to help diffuse complex information to students.
The goal of the workshop is to diffuse new ideas across the company.
Social media platforms can diffuse information quickly to a wide audience.
Scientists study how gases diffuse in different environments.
Public health campaigns aim to diffuse important messages about disease prevention.
The charity aims to diffuse awareness about hunger issues worldwide.
The invention of the printing press helped to diffuse knowledge more widely.
Artists often use diffuse light to create a soft and natural look in their paintings.
Public speakers use stories to diffuse their message more effectively.
The spread of invasive plants can diffuse quickly, threatening native species.
He used a fan to help diffuse the heat throughout the room.
The introduction of invasive species can diffuse rapidly, impacting local ecosystems.
The organization works to diffuse cultural awareness through its programs.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Diffuse?

Diffuse (as in "to diffuse light").

What is the root word of Diffuse?

The Latin verb "diffundere."

What is the pronunciation of Diffuse?


What is the singular form of Diffuse?


Which vowel is used before Diffuse?

"A" as in "a diffuse glow."

What is the plural form of Diffuse?

Diffuses (though this is rare as the term is often an adjective).

Is Diffuse a negative or positive word?


Which preposition is used with Diffuse?

"Through" as in "diffuse through."

Is Diffuse a noun or adjective?

It can be both, but it's commonly used as an adjective.

Is Diffuse an adverb?


Why is it called Diffuse?

It comes from the Latin "diffundere," meaning "to pour out or spread."

Is Diffuse an abstract noun?


Which article is used with Diffuse?

"The" as in "the diffuse light."

Is Diffuse a countable noun?

Not typically.

Is Diffuse a collective noun?


Is the Diffuse term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

Which conjunction is used with Diffuse?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence.

Is Diffuse a vowel or consonant?

It's a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Diffuse imperative?

It can be when used as a verb.

What is a stressed syllable in Diffuse?

The second syllable, "fuse."

What is another term for Diffuse?


What is the opposite of Diffuse?


Is the word Diffuse a gerund?


Which determiner is used with Diffuse?

"Such" as in "such a diffuse light."

How many syllables are in Diffuse?


How do we divide Diffuse into syllables?


What part of speech is Diffuse?

Adjective or verb.

What is the first form of Diffuse?


What is the second form of Diffuse?


What is the third form of Diffuse?


How is Diffuse used in a sentence?

"The soft light diffused throughout the room, creating a calming ambiance."

Is the word “Diffuse” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on the sentence structure.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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