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Dilate vs. Dialate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Dilate vs. Dialate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Dilate or Dialate

How to spell Dilate?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Dilate Definitions

Make or become wider, larger, or more open
Her eyes dilated with horror
The woman dilated her nostrils
Speak or write at length on (a subject)
The faithful could hear the minister dilate on the role religion could play
To make wider or larger; cause to expand.
To become wider or larger; expand.
To speak or write at great length on a subject; expatiate.
(transitive) To enlarge; to make bigger.
The eye doctor put drops in my eye to dilate the pupil so he could see the nerve better.
(intransitive) To become wider or larger; to expand.
His heart dilates and glories in his strength.
(ambitransitive) To speak largely and copiously; to dwell in narration; to enlarge; with "on" or "upon".
To use a dilator to widen (something, such as a vagina).
To expand; to distend; to enlarge or extend in all directions; to swell; - opposed to contract; as, the air dilates the lungs; air is dilated by increase of heat.
To enlarge upon; to relate at large; to tell copiously or diffusely.
Do me the favor to dilate at fullWhat hath befallen of them and thee till now.
To grow wide; to expand; to swell or extend in all directions.
His heart dilates and glories in his strength.
To speak largely and copiously; to dwell in narration; to enlarge; - with on or upon.
But still on their ancient joys dilate.
Extensive; expanded.
Become wider;
His pupils were dilated
Add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing;
She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation

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