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Discrete Variable vs. Continuous Variable — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 15, 2023
Discrete Variables are countable and distinct, while Continuous Variables can take any value within a range.
Discrete Variable vs. Continuous Variable — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Discrete Variable and Continuous Variable


Key Differences

Discrete Variables represent countable values or categories. Each value that a discrete variable can take is distinct and separate. For instance, the number of cars in a household or the number of students in a class are examples of discrete variables, as they represent countable entities.
On the contrary, Continuous Variables can assume any value within a specified range. Such variables do not have distinct, separate values but rather a continuum of them. For instance, a person's weight or height, the temperature on a given day, or the age of an individual are continuous, as they can lie anywhere within a given range and can be measured with great precision.
The nature of Discrete Variables often makes them easier to graph and analyze, as each value or category can be distinctly represented. They typically arise in situations where entities can be clearly counted.
Continuous Variables challenge analysts because they can take infinite possible values, even within a limited range. Measurements involving continuous variables often involve rounding or approximating because of their infinite precision.
While Discrete Variables find common application in situations that involve counting, such as population studies, Continuous Variables are frequent in measurements and scientific studies, where precision and range matter.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech

Noun (Compound)
Noun (Compound)

Use in Compound Sentences

"While a Discrete Variable is countable, a Continuous Variable can take infinite values within its range."
As mentioned earlier

Dependent Prepositions

"In terms of Discrete Variables"
"Within the realm of Continuous Variables"

Common Adjectives Describing Them

"Countable, distinct"
"Infinite, measurable"


Assumes distinct values
Assumes any value within a range

Compare with Definitions

Discrete Variable

A data point that assumes separate, identifiable values.
The count of apples in a basket represents a Discrete Variable.

Continuous Variable

A data point with infinite possible values, even within limits.
Temperature throughout the day represents a Continuous Variable.

Discrete Variable

A quantifiable entity with distinct categories or values.
The number of books on a shelf is a Discrete Variable.

Continuous Variable

A data type allowing for infinite values between any two points.
The weight of grains in a sack is a Continuous Variable.

Discrete Variable

A measurable entity with individual, countable outcomes.
In a dice roll, the result is a Discrete Variable with values from 1 to 6.

Continuous Variable

An entity measurable with infinite precision within its domain.
The exact time it takes for a candle to burn out is a Continuous Variable.

Discrete Variable

A variable representing countable, distinct values.
The number of pets in each household is a Discrete Variable.

Continuous Variable

A quantifiable entity with a range of outcomes without gaps.
The amount of water in a jug, measured to the minutest unit, is a Continuous Variable.

Discrete Variable

A data type that doesn't allow for values between distinct points.
The number of students in a class is a Discrete Variable.

Continuous Variable

A variable that can assume any value within a specified range.
A person's height is a Continuous Variable.

Common Curiosities

How does a Continuous Variable differ?

It can take any value within a specified range, offering infinite precision.

What is a Discrete Variable?

It's a variable with countable, distinct values.

Do Discrete Variables allow for values between points?

No, they represent distinct, countable values.

Is the number of shoes a person owns a Discrete Variable?

Yes, as it represents a countable, distinct value.

Are measurements like height and weight Continuous Variables?

Yes, because they can assume infinite values within a range.

How are Discrete Variables typically graphed?

Often as bar graphs, with distinct bars for each value.

Are gender categories a Discrete Variable?

Yes, as they represent distinct, countable categories.

Is time a Discrete or Continuous Variable?

Time is generally treated as a Continuous Variable.

Can a Discrete Variable have decimal values?

Typically, no. It represents whole, countable values.

Can a Discrete Variable become Continuous?

Not inherently, but data representation can sometimes blur the lines.

Is age a Discrete or Continuous Variable?

It can be both, depending on representation. Years are discrete, but age measured to the second is continuous.

Can a Continuous Variable be rounded off?

Yes, for practicality, but it inherently has infinite precision.

Between Discrete Variables and Continuous Variables, which is easier to analyze?

Discrete Variables can be simpler due to their countable nature, but it depends on the context.

Are line graphs suitable for Continuous Variables?

Yes, they can represent the continuous nature of the data.

Can fractions be Continuous Variables?

They can, especially if they represent measurements with infinite precision within a range.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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