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Disney Fastpass vs. Fastpass Plus — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 10, 2023
Disney Fastpass allowed park guests to skip regular lines for limited attractions. Fastpass Plus enhanced this by allowing advance digital reservation for attractions. They're both queue management systems at Disney parks but vary in functionality.
Disney Fastpass vs. Fastpass Plus — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Disney Fastpass and Fastpass Plus


Key Differences

Origination and Purpose: Disney Fastpass was introduced as a virtual queue system, allowing guests to enjoy other park attractions without standing in traditional lines. Fastpass Plus expanded upon this by integrating technology, giving visitors the ability to pre-book experiences.
Reservation Method: While Disney Fastpass relied on physical paper tickets distributed at kiosks in the parks, Fastpass Plus transitioned to a digital system, enabling guests to make reservations through the My Disney Experience app or website.
Advance Booking: With Disney Fastpass, reservations were made the day of the visit, requiring guests to be in the park. Fastpass Plus, however, allowed guests to book experiences up to 60 days in advance if staying at a Disney resort and 30 days for other guests.
Quantity and Flexibility: Disney Fastpass had a limit to how many Fastpasses a guest could hold at once. Fastpass Plus provided more flexibility, allowing guests to pre-book three experiences per day and add more once those were used.
Integration: Fastpass Plus was deeply integrated with RFID technology, specifically MagicBands, which served as the medium for park entry, Fastpass Plus redemption, and more. Disney Fastpass didn't have such integration, relying on separate paper tickets.

Comparison Chart

Reservation System

Physical paper tickets at kiosks
Digital via My Disney Experience app/website

Advance Booking

Day-of, in the park
Up to 60 days in advance (Disney Resort guests), 30 for others

Number of Reservations

Limited by time intervals
Three per day initially, more after using initial ones


Standalone paper tickets
Integrated with MagicBands and RFID technology


Less flexibility in selection
Greater choice and flexibility in selection

Compare with Definitions

Disney Fastpass

A method to reserve access to attractions, events, and more.
We got a Disney Fastpass for the evening parade.

Fastpass Plus

Integrated with MagicBands for seamless park experiences.
My MagicBand scanned easily at the entry thanks to Fastpass Plus.

Disney Fastpass

An innovation to manage guest flow in attractions.
Disney Fastpass ensured we didn’t waste hours in lines.

Fastpass Plus

A tool for guests to manage their Disney itinerary.
We adjusted our dining reservations based on our Fastpass Plus selections.

Disney Fastpass

A system to enhance park experience by reducing wait times.
Thanks to Disney Fastpass, we enjoyed more rides in less time.

Fastpass Plus

An advanced digital reservation system for Disney park experiences.
We booked our favorite rides using Fastpass Plus before our vacation started.

Disney Fastpass

A virtual queue system at Disney parks.
With Disney Fastpass, we avoided long wait times for popular rides.

Fastpass Plus

An enhanced version of Disney’s virtual queue system.
Fastpass Plus took the convenience of Disney Fastpass to a new level.

Disney Fastpass

A ticket-based reservation system at Disney attractions.
We picked up our Disney Fastpass tickets early in the morning.

Fastpass Plus

A feature allowing guests to pre-book attractions.
Fastpass Plus let us plan our day around the shows we pre-booked.

Common Curiosities

How many experiences could be booked with Fastpass Plus?

Initially, three per day, but more could be added after using those.

Could you switch from a Disney Fastpass to Fastpass Plus in a day?

Once Fastpass Plus was introduced, the original Disney Fastpass was phased out.

Was Disney Fastpass free?

Yes, it was included with park admission.

Were all attractions available for Fastpass Plus reservation?

Most, but not all, attractions were available.

How did one access their Fastpass Plus reservations?

Through the My Disney Experience app or at in-park kiosks.

Did both systems operate simultaneously?

No, Fastpass Plus eventually replaced the original Disney Fastpass.

Could guests modify Fastpass Plus reservations?

Yes, they could be modified based on availability.

How early could Disney Resort guests book with Fastpass Plus?

Up to 60 days in advance.

Was there a cost associated with Fastpass Plus?

No, Fastpass Plus was also included with park admission.

Were there limits on how many Disney Fastpasses one could hold?

Yes, it depended on time intervals between ticket acquisitions.

Did Disney Fastpass require an app or electronic device?

No, it was based on paper tickets.

Could I use both systems on a single attraction?

Once Fastpass Plus was implemented, only it was used.

Was the original Disney Fastpass tied to MagicBands?

No, it was separate and used paper tickets.

Was Fastpass Plus available for shows and parades?

Yes, it covered various events, not just rides.

Did all Disney parks implement Fastpass Plus?

Initially, it was at Walt Disney World Resort, but it expanded over time.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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