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Dispell vs. Dispel — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Dispell" is an incorrect spelling. The right spelling is "Dispel," which means to drive away or cause to vanish.
Dispell vs. Dispel — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Dispell or Dispel

How to spell Dispel?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "Dispel" only has one "l" just like "tell."
"Dispel" can be split into "dis-" and "pel" with no double letters.
Visualize "dispelling" a double letter to get "Dispel."
Think of "Dispel" as removing or getting rid of the extra "l."
Associate with similar words like "repel," which also has a single "l."

How Do You Spell Dispel Correctly?

Incorrect: The teacher asked the student to dispell any doubts by asking questions.
Correct: The teacher asked the student to dispel any doubts by asking questions.
Incorrect: He tried to dispell his fears by talking about them.
Correct: He tried to dispel his fears by talking about them.
Incorrect: The sunlight did nothing to dispell the fog this morning.
Correct: The sunlight did nothing to dispel the fog this morning.
Incorrect: Can you dispell these rumors before they get out of hand?
Correct: Can you dispel these rumors before they get out of hand?

Dispel Definitions

To drive away or cause to scatter.
She hoped to dispel the rumors.
To make disappear or vanish.
The sun helped dispel the morning fog.
To negate or prove false.
The evidence helped dispel the myths.
To dismiss or push aside.
She tried to dispel her fears.
To alleviate or rid of.
He wanted to dispel any doubts.
To break up, drive away, or cause to disappear
The breeze dispelled the bad odor. Her cheerfulness dispelled the gloom. The report dispelled my doubts.
(transitive) To drive away or cause to vanish by scattering.
(transitive) To remove (fears, doubts, objections etc.) by proving them unjustified.
An act or instance of dispelling.
To drive away by scattering, or so to cause to vanish; to clear away; to banish; to dissipate; as, to dispel a cloud, vapors, cares, doubts, illusions.
[Satan] gently raisedtheir fainting courage, and dispelled their fears.
I saw myself the lambent easy lightGild the brown horror, and dispel the night.
Force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings;
Drive away potential burglars
Drive away bad thoughts
Dispel doubts
The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers
To cause to separate and go in different directions;
She waved her hand and scattered the crowds

Dispel Meaning in a Sentence

He spoke gently to dispel the child's fear of the dark.
They held a meeting to dispel any confusion about the new policy.
The magician tried to dispel the audience's skepticism with an amazing trick.
The evidence presented served to dispel the jury's doubts.
A good night's sleep can often dispel feelings of anxiety.
She read extensively to dispel her ignorance on the topic.
A brisk walk in the fresh air can help dispel lethargy.
He used humor to dispel the awkwardness of the situation.
The warm morning light helped to dispel the coldness of the dawn.
Physical exercise can dispel stress and improve mental health.
A thorough investigation helped to dispel any fears of wrongdoing.
The warm welcome did much to dispel their apprehensions about moving to a new place.
Learning about different cultures can dispel prejudices.
The facts were laid out clearly to dispel the prevalent myths.
The company issued a statement to dispel the rumors of bankruptcy.
Community events can dispel a sense of isolation among residents.
Listening to music can dispel feelings of sadness or melancholy.
The government's prompt action helped to dispel public panic.
The clarification from the author helped dispel misunderstandings about the book.
To dispel the gloom, they lit candles and told stories.
The therapist worked to dispel the patient's negative beliefs.
The documentary aimed to dispel stereotypes about the culture.
Seeing the successful project, they could finally dispel their doubts.
Her smile did much to dispel the tension in the room.
An open discussion is a good way to dispel any uncertainties.

Dispel Idioms & Phrases

Dispel fears

To alleviate fears or concerns.
The safety demonstration was meant to dispel fears about flying.

Dispel rumors

To put an end to rumors by clarifying the truth.
The company quickly acted to dispel rumors of a takeover.

Dispel the darkness

To remove darkness, literally or figuratively.
The streetlights dispel the darkness along the lonely road.

Dispel any doubts

To remove uncertainties or misconceptions.
The presentation was designed to dispel any doubts about the product's effectiveness.

Dispel myths

To eliminate false beliefs or ideas.
The book aims to dispel myths about healthy eating.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Dispel?

"a" as in "a dispelling notion."

Why is it called Dispel?

It's derived from Latin "dispellere," meaning to drive apart or scatter.

What is the verb form of Dispel?


What is the pronunciation of Dispel?


What is the plural form of Dispel?


What is the root word of Dispel?

The Latin "dispellere."

Which preposition is used with Dispel?

"of" as in "dispel of doubts."

Which article is used with Dispel?

Both "a" and "the" can be used depending on the context.

Is Dispel an adverb?


Is Dispel a vowel or consonant?

"Dispel" is a word consisting of both vowels and consonants.

What is the singular form of Dispel?


Is Dispel a negative or positive word?

Neutral; depends on the context.

Is the word Dispel imperative?

It can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Dispel those thoughts!"

What is another term for Dispel?


What is the first form of Dispel?


Which conjunction is used with Dispel?

No specific conjunction is exclusively associated with "Dispel."

Is Dispel a noun or adjective?


Is Dispel a collective noun?

No, it's a verb.

Is the Dispel term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically in expressions.

Is Dispel an abstract noun?


How do we divide Dispel into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Dispel?

The second syllable, "pel."

What is the opposite of Dispel?

Gather or attract.

What is the second form of Dispel?


Is Dispel a countable noun?

"Dispel" is a verb, not a noun.

Is the word Dispel a gerund?

"Dispelling" is the gerund form of "dispel."

What part of speech is Dispel?


What is the third form of Dispel?


Is the word “Dispel” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can function as a verb with a direct object. For instance, "Dispel the myth."

How many syllables are in Dispel?


Which determiner is used with Dispel?

"This" or "that" can be used depending on context.

How is Dispel used in a sentence?

"The teacher tried to dispel the students' misconceptions about the topic."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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