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Dissarray vs. Disarray — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 31, 2024
"Dissarray" is an incorrect spelling. The correct form is "Disarray", denoting a lack of order or organization.
Dissarray vs. Disarray — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Dissarray or Disarray

How to spell Disarray?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the prefix "dis-" which means "apart" or "away."
Remember that "disarray" means disorder, and the word itself doesn’t need extra disorder with an additional "s."
Associate it with similar words with the "dis-" prefix, like "disconnect" or "disengage."
Visualize the word as "dis-array," like an array that’s gone wrong.
Practice writing the word several times, reinforcing muscle memory.

How Do You Spell Disarray Correctly?

Incorrect: The kitchen was left in complete dissarray after the party.
Correct: The kitchen was left in complete disarray after the party.
Incorrect: The team's plans fell into dissarray when the leader resigned unexpectedly.
Correct: The team's plans fell into disarray when the leader resigned unexpectedly.
Incorrect: His financial records were in a state of dissarray, making the audit difficult.
Correct: His financial records were in a state of disarray, making the audit difficult.
Incorrect: The room was in dissarray, with clothes and books scattered everywhere.
Correct: The room was in disarray, with clothes and books scattered everywhere.
Incorrect: The company's project was in dissarray due to a lack of clear communication.
Correct: The company's project was in disarray due to a lack of clear communication.

Disarray Definitions

The condition of being untidy or not organized.
His papers were always in disarray.
The disruption of a systematic or organized arrangement.
The sudden news threw their plans into disarray.
A state of disorder or confusion.
The room was in complete disarray after the party.
A breakdown in standard operation or structure.
The company fell into disarray after the CEO's resignation.
A disorganized or chaotic state of affairs.
She was in disarray after losing her luggage.
A state of disorder; confusion.
Disorderly dress.
To throw into confusion; upset.
To undress.
(transitive) To throw into disorder; to break the array of.
(transitive) To take off the dress of; to unrobe.
Lack of array or regular order; disorder; confusion.
Confused attire; undress; dishabille.
To throw into disorder; to break the array of.
Who with fiery steedsOft disarrayed the foes in battle ranged.
To take off the dress of; to unrobe.
So, as she bade, the witch they disarrayed.
Want of array or regular order; disorder; confusion.
Disrank the troops, set all in disarray.
Confused attire; undress.
A mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior;
A confusion of impressions
Untidiness (especially of clothing and appearance)
Bring disorder to

Disarray Meaning in a Sentence

After the earthquake, the city was in complete disarray.
His desk is always in disarray, but he claims he can find everything he needs.
The team was in disarray after the coach quit.
The sudden rainstorm left the outdoor event in disarray.
The unexpected question left her thoughts in disarray.
The garden was in disarray after being neglected for months.
The loss of the main actor threw the play’s production into disarray.
After the party, the house was in total disarray.
Without proper leadership, the group quickly fell into disarray.
Their plans were thrown into disarray by the sudden cancellation.
Her schedule was in disarray after several appointments were rescheduled.
The library books were in disarray after the students left.
The kitchen was in disarray after trying to cook a new recipe.
The debate team’s argument was in disarray, weakening their position.
The filing system was in disarray, making it hard to find important documents.
His absence left the team in disarray during the critical project phase.
The computer files were in disarray, leading to data loss.
The sudden policy change threw the department into disarray.
After the concert, the venue was in disarray with trash everywhere.
The storm left the town’s power grid in disarray.
The classroom was in disarray after the school festival.
Their strategy was in disarray after their main competitor launched a new product.
The project was in disarray due to poor management.
The unexpected snowstorm put the city's traffic in disarray.
The family’s routine was in disarray during the move.

Disarray Idioms & Phrases

Throw into disarray

To cause confusion or disorder in something.
The sudden resignation of the manager threw the project into disarray.

In complete disarray

In a state of total confusion or disorder.
After the storm, the town was in complete disarray.

In a state of disarray

Being disorganized or in confusion.
The documents were found in a state of disarray.

Leave in disarray

To leave something in a state of disorder.
The thieves left the house in disarray.

Put into disarray

To cause a situation or system to become disorganized.
The new law put the entire industry into disarray.

Fall into disarray

To become disorganized or chaotic.
The plan fell into disarray when key members left.

Turn into disarray

To change from a state of order to disorder.
The peaceful protest turned into disarray by evening.

Out of disarray

To emerge from a state of confusion or disorder.
The team managed to come out of disarray and win the match.

Bring into disarray

To cause a system, place, or group to become disorganized.
The unexpected news brought the negotiation into disarray.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Disarray?

The root word is "array."

Why is it called Disarray?

The term "disarray" comes from the prefix "dis-", meaning "apart" or "away," and "array" meaning "order," indicating a lack of order.

What is the plural form of Disarray?

"Disarrays" can be a plural form when referring to various instances of disorder.

Which preposition is used with Disarray?

"In" as in "in disarray."

What is the pronunciation of Disarray?

It is pronounced as /dɪsəˈreɪ/.

Is Disarray an abstract noun?

Yes, it refers to a state or condition, which is an abstract concept.

Is Disarray an adverb?

No, "disarray" is not an adverb.

What is the verb form of Disarray?

The verb form is "disarray" as in "to disarray something."

Which vowel is used before Disarray?

The vowel "i" is used in the prefix "dis-" of "disarray."

Is Disarray a noun or adjective?

"Disarray" is primarily a noun, but can also be used as a verb.

Is the word “Disarray” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Disarray" can serve as a direct object, e.g., "The news caused disarray."

What is another term for Disarray?

Another term might be "chaos" or "disorder."

What is the singular form of Disarray?

"Disarray" is the singular form.

Which conjunction is used with Disarray?

Any conjunction can be used based on sentence context, like "and" or "but."

Is Disarray a countable noun?

It's primarily uncountable when referring to the state of disorder but can be countable when referring to multiple instances.

Is the word Disarray is Gerund?

No, "disarray" is not a gerund.

How do we divide Disarray into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Disarray?

The third syllable, "ray," is stressed.

Is Disarray a vowel or consonant?

"Disarray" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Is Disarray a collective noun?

No, "disarray" is not a collective noun.

Is the word Disarray is imperative?

No, "disarray" is not an imperative.

What part of speech is Disarray?

"Disarray" is primarily a noun but can also be used as a verb.

What is the first form of Disarray?

As a verb, the base form is "disarray."

What is the third form of Disarray?

The past participle is also "disarrayed."

Is the Disarray term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically to describe non-physical states of confusion or disorder.

What is the opposite of Disarray?

The opposite is "order" or "organization."

What is the second form of Disarray?

As a verb, the past tense is "disarrayed."

Which article is used with Disarray?

Either "a" or "the" can be used based on context: "a state of disarray" or "the disarray was evident."

Is Disarray a negative or positive word?

It's generally perceived as negative, indicating disorder or confusion.

How many syllables are in Disarray?

"Disarray" has three syllables.

Which determiner is used with Disarray?

Determiners like "this," "that," "such" can be used based on context.

How is Disarray used in a sentence?

"The unexpected announcement left the team in disarray."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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