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Distriction vs. Distraction — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Munazza Shafiq — By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 16, 2024
Distriction is the incorrect spelling of distraction, which means something that diverts attention away from the original focus.
Distriction vs. Distraction — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Distriction or Distraction

How to spell Distraction?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Note that distraction includes "act" in the middle, pointing to the action of diverting attention.
Break down the word: dis-trac-tion, ensuring the "tion" at the end for correct spelling.
Remember that distraction has the root word "distract," which helps recall the correct spelling.
The suffix "-tion" is a common ending for nouns in English indicating the state or result of an action, similar to "action" or "construction."

How Do You Spell Distraction Correctly?

Incorrect: She was trying to avoid any distriction while studying.
Correct: She was trying to avoid any distraction while studying.
Incorrect: There are too many distriction at the amusement park.
Correct: There are too many distractions at the amusement park.
Incorrect: The loud noise was a major distriction during the exam.
Correct: The loud noise was a major distraction during the exam.
Incorrect: He used music as a form of distriction from the noise around him.
Correct: He used music as a form of distraction from the noise around him.
Incorrect: To avoid distriction, she turned off all her notifications.
Correct: To avoid distraction, she turned off all her notifications.

Distraction Definitions

A thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
Constant notifications on his phone were a distraction during work.
A strategy or tactic used to divert attention from a primary target.
The magician used a distraction to perform his trick unnoticed.
Something that draws attention away.
Bright signage along the highway can be a dangerous distraction to drivers.
An extreme agitation of the mind or emotions.
He was in a state of distraction after hearing the bad news.
Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from a desired area of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information. Distraction is caused by: the lack of ability to pay attention; lack of interest in the object of attention; or the great intensity, novelty or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention.
The act of distracting, or the condition of being distracted
Inexperienced drivers are especially vulnerable to distraction. His distraction of the child worked well, and the child stopped crying.
Something that makes it difficult to pay attention or that draws attention away from familiar or everyday concerns
Was annoyed by the distractions of having so many roommates.
Found that the shopping mall was always full of pleasant distractions.
Mental or emotional disturbance; agitation or confusion
Loved the puppy to distraction.
Was driven to distraction by the noisy neighbors.
Something that distracts.
Poking one's eye is a good distraction from a hurting toe.
The process of being distracted.
We have to reduce distraction in class if we want students to achieve good results.
Perturbation; disorder; disturbance; confusion.
Mental disarray; a deranged state of mind; insanity.
The incessant nightmares drove him to distraction.
Traction so exerted as to separate surfaces normally opposed.
The act of distracting; a drawing apart; separation.
To create distractions among us.
That which diverts attention; a diversion.
A diversity of direction; detachment.
His power went out in such distractions asBeguiled all species.
State in which the attention is called in different ways; confusion; perplexity.
That ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction.
Confusion of affairs; tumult; disorder; as, political distractions.
Never was known a night of such distraction.
Agitation from violent emotions; perturbation of mind; despair.
The distraction of the children, who saw both their parents together, would have melted the hardest heart.
Derangement of the mind; madness.
Mental turmoil;
He drives me to distraction
An obstacle to attention
An entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations
The act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something;
Conjurers are experts at misdirection
Mental diversion by entertainment or amusement.
The movie served as a pleasant distraction from her worries.

Distraction Meaning in a Sentence

He needed a distraction from his homework, so he took a short walk.
She uses puzzles as a distraction from daily stress.
The music was a good distraction from the noise in the neighborhood.
During the long drive, they talked and laughed, using conversation as a distraction from the monotony.
A distraction during the meeting caused him to lose his train of thought.
Finding the right kind of distraction can help manage anxiety.
The scenic view was a distraction from the difficulties of the hike.
The new TV series was a welcome distraction from her routine.
He uses exercise as a distraction from stress.
The noise from the construction site was a constant distraction.

Distraction Idioms & Phrases

Distraction technique

A method used to divert someone's attention.
He used distraction techniques to soothe the toddler during the vaccination.

Distraction-free environment

A setting that minimizes interruptions or disturbances.
She created a distraction-free environment at home for deep work.

Source of distraction

Something that consistently draws attention away.
His phone was a major source of distraction during lectures.

A mere distraction

Something unimportant that diverts attention from serious topics.
The argument was a mere distraction from the main issue.

Distraction strategy

A planned way to divert attention or focus.
The team used a distraction strategy during the negotiation to gain advantage.

A welcome distraction

Something diverting one's attention pleasantly from serious concerns.
The comedy show was a welcome distraction from the stress of exams.

Limit distractions

To set boundaries or controls to minimize interruptions.
She set her phone to do-not-disturb mode to limit distractions.

Visual distraction

Anything seen that diverts attention.
The clutter on his desk was a visual distraction.

Mental distraction

Thoughts or worries that divert one's attention from the task at hand.
Concerns about the move were a constant mental distraction.

Physical distraction

Interruptions caused by physical activity or presence around.
The construction work outside was a physical distraction.

Auditory distraction

Sounds that interrupt concentration or thought.
Auditory distractions in the cafe made it hard to focus.

Distraction from reality

Engaging in activities to avoid dealing with real-life issues.
Video games were his distraction from reality.

Intentional distraction

Deliberately creating diversions to focus away from certain thoughts or feelings.
He used intentional distractions to manage his stress.

Distraction from grief

Seeking activities or focus to lessen the impact of sorrow.
Volunteering was her distraction from grief.

Emotional distraction

Feelings that hinder one's ability to concentrate.
Her anxiety was an emotional distraction during the interview.

Distraction from pain

Activities or focus points used to divert attention from physical discomfort.
Music served as a distraction from pain during recovery.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in distraction?

There are three syllables in distraction.

How is distraction used in a sentence?

Distraction is used to describe something that takes your attention away from what you are trying to do.

What is the verb form of distraction?

Distraction is a noun; its verb form is "distract."

What is the pronunciation of distraction?

Distraction is pronounced as /dɪˈstræk.ʃən/.

What is the root word of distraction?

The root word of distraction is "distract."

What is the singular form of distraction?

The singular form is distraction.

How do we divide distraction into syllables?

Distraction is divided into syllables as follows: dis-trac-tion.

Why is it called distraction?

The term "distraction" comes from the Latin "distractus," meaning "pulled apart," reflecting how attention is diverted in different directions.

What is another term for distraction?

Another term for distraction is "diversion."

What is a stressed syllable in distraction?

The stressed syllable in distraction is the second syllable: "trac."

What is the plural form of distraction?

The plural form is distractions.

Is distraction a vowel or consonant?

Distraction starts with a consonant sound.

Is the distraction term a metaphor?

The term distraction can be used metaphorically to describe anything that diverts attention.

Which determiner is used with distraction?

Determiners such as "a," "the," and "some" can be used with distraction.

Is distraction a noun or adjective?

Distraction is a noun.

Is distraction an abstract noun?

Yes, distraction is an abstract noun.

Is distraction a negative or positive word?

Distraction is usually considered a negative word as it implies a hindrance to focus.

Is distraction a countable noun?

Yes, distraction is a countable noun.

Is distraction a collective noun?

No, distraction is not a collective noun.

Is the word “distraction” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Distraction can be used as a direct object in a sentence.

What is the opposite of distraction?

The opposite of distraction is focus or concentration.

Is distraction an adverb?

No, distraction is not an adverb.

Is the word distraction Gerund?

No, distraction is not a gerund; it is a noun.

Which vowel is used before distraction?

"A" is used before distraction, as it starts with a consonant sound.

What part of speech is distraction?

Distraction is a noun.

Is the word distraction imperative?

No, distraction is a noun and cannot be imperative.

Which preposition is used with distraction?

Common prepositions used with distraction include "from" and "by."

Which conjunction is used with distraction?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" are commonly used with distraction.

Which article is used with distraction?

The articles "a" or "the" are typically used with distraction.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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