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Ditto vs. Dito — Which is Correct Spelling?

Ditto vs. Dito — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Ditto or Dito

How to spell Ditto?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Ditto Definitions

The same as stated above or before.
A duplicate; a copy.
A pair of small marks ( " ) used to indicate that the word, phrase, or figure given above is to be repeated.
As before.
To duplicate (a document, for example).
That which was stated before, the aforesaid, the above, the same, likewise.
A duplicate or copy of a document, particularly one created by a spirit duplicator.
Please run off twenty-four dittos of this assignment, for my students.
(by extension) A copy; an imitation.
The ditto mark, 〃; a symbol, represented by two apostrophes, inverted commas, or quotation marks (" "), indicating that the item preceding is to be repeated.
A suit of clothes of the same colour throughout.
As said before, likewise.
(transitive) To repeat the aforesaid, the earlier action etc.
(US) To make a copy using a ditto machine.
Used as an expression of agreement with what another person has said, or to indicate that what they have said equally applies to the person being addressed.
I'm really busy today! —Ditto!
The aforesaid thing; the same (as before). Often contracted to do., or to two "turned commas" ("), or small marks. Used in bills, books of account, tables of names, etc., to save repetition.
A spacious table in the center, and a variety of smaller dittos in the corners.
As before, or aforesaid; in the same manner; also.
A mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated
Repeat an action or statement;
The next speaker dittoed her argument

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