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DLC vs. Expansion Packs — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 4, 2023
DLC (Downloadable Content) is additional content for a game that's usually downloaded, while Expansion Packs are extensive add-ons that significantly augment a game's content and features.
DLC vs. Expansion Packs — What's the Difference?

Difference Between DLC and Expansion Packs


Key Differences

DLC commonly refers to any content that's added to a game post-launch. This can be anything from new costumes to a short mission or even a character. On the other hand, Expansion Packs typically offer a more comprehensive addition to the game, such as new storyline, maps, characters, and more, often transforming the gameplay experience.
While both DLC and Expansion Packs serve to extend the life and enjoyment of a game, their scale differs greatly. A DLC might provide a player with a new weapon or a brief adventure, whereas Expansion Packs could introduce an entirely new campaign or vast areas to explore.
From a cost perspective, DLC usually comes with a smaller price tag, given its limited content. In contrast, Expansion Packs are priced higher, reflecting their more substantial contribution to the game. That said, some games offer free DLC or include it within season passes.
In terms of size, DLC is generally more lightweight, allowing for quicker downloads and integration into the main game. Expansion Packs, due to their depth and breadth, tend to be larger in size and might even feel like a game within a game.
Over time, the distinction between DLC and Expansion Packs has blurred, with many gamers using the terms interchangeably. However, traditionally, DLC is seen as a smaller bite-sized addition, while Expansion Packs are akin to hearty meals that substantially enhance the gaming experience.

Comparison Chart


Additional content post-launch.
Comprehensive add-ons enhancing a game's content and features.

Size & Scope

Smaller in content and size.
Larger, offering significant new content.


Usually cheaper, sometimes free.
Priced higher due to substantial content.


Cosmetic items, small quests.
New campaigns, vast areas, gameplay mechanics.


Easily integrates into main game.
Can sometimes feel like an entirely new game within the original.

Compare with Definitions


Sometimes included in season passes.
The game's season pass included four DLC packs.

Expansion Packs

Extends storylines, maps, characters, and gameplay.
Many players were excited about the Expansion Packs' new storyline.


Bite-sized additions to enhance gameplay.
The new DLC introduced a side quest.

Expansion Packs

Typically requires the base game to play.
Players needed the original game to access the Expansion Packs.


Extra content for games downloadable post-launch.
The latest DLC offers new costumes for the characters.

Expansion Packs

Often feels like a continuation or sequel to the main game.
The Expansion Packs continued the cliffhanger from the main game.


Can range from visual upgrades to minor story additions.
The graphics pack DLC improved the game's visuals.

Expansion Packs

Can introduce new mechanics or systems.
The latest Expansion Packs introduced a new trading system.


Often digitally distributed content extensions.
Players can access the DLC from the game's online store.

Expansion Packs

Significant add-ons to the original game, increasing content.
The Expansion Packs added a new continent to explore.

Common Curiosities

Do Expansion Packs always add new stories?

Often, but not always. Expansion Packs can also focus on gameplay mechanics or other content.

Is DLC always paid?

No, some DLC is free, but others might have a cost.

Can Expansion Packs change a game's mechanics?

Yes, Expansion Packs can introduce new mechanics or alter existing ones.

Can DLC be cosmetic only?

Yes, some DLC offers only cosmetic changes without altering gameplay.

Can DLC be included in Expansion Packs?

Sometimes, an Expansion Pack might include previous DLC content.

Do I always need the base game to play DLC?

Typically, yes. DLC is meant to enhance the base game.

How do I access DLC once purchased?

Usually, DLC integrates into the main game and can be accessed from within.

Are there games that only release DLC and not Expansion Packs?

Yes, some games focus on releasing multiple smaller DLC rather than larger Expansion Packs.

How often are DLC and Expansion Packs released?

It varies by game and developer strategy.

Is every Expansion Pack large in size?

While Expansion Packs are generally substantial, their size can vary.

Do all games offer Expansion Packs?

No, not all games release Expansion Packs.

Can you play an Expansion Pack without the main game?

Typically, no. Expansion Packs usually require the base game.

Is there a difference in quality between DLC and Expansion Packs?

Not necessarily; both can offer high-quality content, but Expansion Packs generally provide more depth.

Are there free Expansion Packs?

Rarely, but some developers do release free Expansion Packs as goodwill gestures.

Why choose DLC over Expansion Packs?

DLC often offers quicker, bite-sized content, while Expansion Packs provide a deeper dive.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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