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Doned vs. Donned — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Doned" is an incorrect spelling. "Donned" is the correct spelling, indicating the act of putting on clothing or gear.
Doned vs. Donned — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Doned or Donned

How to spell Donned?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Say it aloud: "Donned" feels more complete and resonates with the action of dressing.
Associate "don" with "on" – adding an extra 'n' emphasizes the act of putting on.
Think of "don" (to wear) and then its past form "donned" (wore).
The word "don" itself is a verb; adding "ned" makes it past tense.
Always remember "don" needs two 'n's when in past form, just like "run" becomes "runned" (though "runned" isn't correct English).

How Do You Spell Donned Correctly?

Incorrect: He doned his coat before leaving.
Correct: He donned his coat before leaving.
Incorrect: She doned the necklace her grandmother gave her.
Correct: She donned the necklace her grandmother gave her.
Incorrect: The knight doned his armor for the battle.
Correct: The knight donned his armor for the battle.
Incorrect: He doned a serious expression during the meeting.
Correct: He donned a serious expression during the meeting.

Donned Definitions

To assume or take on.
He donned a serious expression.
Past tense of "don," meaning to put on clothing.
She donned her raincoat.
To dress oneself in.
She quickly donned her shoes.
To wrap or envelop oneself in.
They donned their protective gear.
To adorn or cover oneself with.
He donned sunglasses to shield his eyes.
To put on (clothing or an ornament, for example)
Donned long gloves for the costume party.
Don clown make-up for the performance.
To assume or take on
Donned the air of the injured party.
Simple past tense and past participle of don

Donned Meaning in a Sentence

For the wedding, he donned a suit that made him look very distinguished.
He quickly donned his gloves to protect his hands from the cold.
The diver donned her gear carefully, checking every strap and buckle.
She donned a pair of sunglasses to shield her eyes from the glare.
For the masquerade ball, he donned a mysterious mask and elegant attire.
The superhero donned his cape before rushing off to save the city.
He donned his favorite hat and stepped out into the sunlight.
Before the play, she donned her costume and checked her makeup in the mirror.
Every morning, he donned his running shoes and went for a jog around the park.
At the museum, he donned the audio guide headphones to learn more about the exhibits.
In the cold warehouse, he donned a thick coat to keep warm.
She donned her apron and started to mix the ingredients for the cake.
Before entering the clean room, they donned protective suits to prevent contamination.
She donned a smile as she greeted her new students on the first day of school.
He donned a life jacket before boarding the boat for safety.
He donned his badge and uniform, ready to start his shift as a security guard.
She donned a pair of comfortable shoes for the long day ahead.
Before the surgery, the doctor donned sterile gloves and a mask.
She donned a helmet before getting on the motorcycle.
She donned a brave face, even though she was nervous about the presentation.
She donned her reading glasses and opened the book to the marked page.
They donned their graduation gowns and caps, ready for the ceremony.
Before the hike, she donned a backpack filled with essentials.
In preparation for the experiment, the scientist donned protective goggles.
For the themed party, he donned a pirate costume and practiced his "arrrgh."

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Donned?

It is pronounced as /dɒnd/.

Which vowel is used before Donned?

Typically, the article "a" is used before "donned."

Which preposition is used with Donned?

Typically "in" as in "donned in a suit."

What is the verb form of Donned?

The verb form is "don."

What is the plural form of Donned?

Verbs don't have a plural form, so "donned" remains the same.

Is Donned an adverb?

No, "donned" is not an adverb.

Which conjunction is used with Donned?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence, e.g., "and," "but."

Is Donned an abstract noun?

No, it's a verb.

Why is it called Donned?

It's the past tense of "don," meaning to wear or put on clothing.

What is the root word of Donned?

The root word is "don."

What is the singular form of Donned?

"Donned" is the past tense verb and doesn't have a singular form in that context.

Is Donned a noun or adjective?

"Donned" is a verb in its past tense form.

Is the Donned term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically in some contexts.

Which determiner is used with Donned?

Determiners like "the" can be used, as in "the donned attire."

Is Donned a countable noun?

"Donned" is not a noun; it's a verb.

Is the word Donned a gerund?

No, "donning" would be the gerund form.

Is Donned a vowel or consonant?

"Donned" is a word that contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Donned imperative?

No, "donned" is not imperative; it's in the past tense.

How many syllables are in Donned?

There's one syllable in "donned."

How do we divide Donned into syllables?

"Donned" is a single-syllable word.

What is a stressed syllable in Donned?

The entire word "donned" is stressed as it's just one syllable.

What is the opposite of Donned?

The opposite would be "doffed" or "took off."

Which article is used with Donned?

"donned" can be used with both "a" and "the."

Is Donned a collective noun?

No, "donned" is not a collective noun.

What part of speech is Donned?

"Donned" is a verb.

What is the first form of Donned?

The first form is "don."

What is the second form of Donned?

The second form is "donned."

How is Donned used in a sentence?

"After the rain started, he quickly donned his umbrella and raincoat."

Is Donned a negative or positive word?

It is neutral.

Is the word “Donned” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Donned" can be associated with a direct object, e.g., "She donned her coat."

What is another term for Donned?

Another term for donned is "wore" or "put on."

What is the third form of Donned?

The third form is "donned."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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