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Dragonball Z vs. Dragonball Kai — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 19, 2023
Dragonball Z is the original anime series from the late '80s; Dragonball Kai is its remastered version, condensed with filler episodes removed.
Dragonball Z vs. Dragonball Kai — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Dragonball Z and Dragonball Kai


Key Differences

Dragonball Z is an iconic anime series that aired from 1989 to 1996, extending the story of the original Dragonball anime. It brought to the audience the intense battles, power-ups, and Saiyan transformations that have since become staples in the world of anime. With its long-running episodes, Dragonball Z delves deep into the story arcs, often expanding them with side stories and extra content known as "fillers."
Dragonball Kai, alternatively titled "Dragonball Z Kai," was introduced in 2009, marking the 20th anniversary of Dragonball Z. Dragonball Kai is essentially a remastered and recut version of Dragonball Z. It's aimed at presenting the story in a more concise format by removing much of the filler content that was not present in Akira Toriyama's original manga.
For fans of the original series, Dragonball Z remains a nostalgic favorite, replete with its elongated battles and character development. The character designs, animation quality, and even the music are representative of the era it was produced in, making it a classic.
Dragonball Kai, however, offers a streamlined experience, with improved animation quality in certain scenes. The pacing is faster, aligning closer to the original manga's pace. For newcomers or those who prefer a quicker narrative, Dragonball Kai might be the preferred choice.
Both Dragonball Z and Dragonball Kai have their merits. While Dragonball Z is the classic many grew up with, Dragonball Kai provides an updated, brisker journey through the same epic story.

Comparison Chart

Air Date



Includes filler episodes and extended arcs.
Condensed, with fillers removed; closer to the manga.


Longer due to filler content.
Shorter and more concise.

Animation Quality

Classic animation style of the late '80s and '90s.
Remastered with some updated scenes.

Target Audience

Fans of the original series and extended storytelling.
Newcomers and those who prefer faster pacing.

Compare with Definitions

Dragonball Z

Extended the manga's storyline with additional filler episodes.
Dragonball Z included filler arcs, like the Garlic Jr. saga, which weren't in the manga.

Dragonball Kai

Features improved animation quality in some scenes.
Dragonball Kai revisited and enhanced several key battles with updated animation.

Dragonball Z

Part of Akira Toriyama's Dragonball series, focusing on Goku's adulthood.
Dragonball Z explores Goku's journey as an adult and father.

Dragonball Kai

Celebrated the 20th anniversary of Dragonball Z.
Dragonball Kai was a tribute, marking two decades since Dragonball Z's debut.

Dragonball Z

An anime series that followed the original Dragonball, airing from 1989 to 1996.
Dragonball Z introduced the Saiyan transformations, captivating audiences worldwide.

Dragonball Kai

A remastered and recut version of Dragonball Z, aired from 2009 to 2015.
Dragonball Kai provided a refreshed experience for the new generation of Dragonball fans.

Dragonball Z

Known for its iconic battles, transformations, and power-ups.
The battles in Dragonball Z, such as Goku vs. Frieza, are legendary in the anime world.

Dragonball Kai

Aligns more closely with Akira Toriyama's original manga.
Without the fillers, Dragonball Kai's narrative pacing matches the manga's flow.

Dragonball Z

Continuation of Goku's adventures, introducing his Saiyan heritage.
In Dragonball Z, Goku's origins as a Saiyan warrior are revealed.

Dragonball Kai

Streamlined adaptation, eliminating filler content.
By cutting out fillers, Dragonball Kai offers a more concise storyline.

Common Curiosities

Why was Dragonball Kai created?

To celebrate Dragonball Z's 20th anniversary and provide a concise version closer to the manga.

Which is longer, Dragonball Z or Dragonball Kai?

Dragonball Z is longer due to the inclusion of filler content.

Are the voice actors the same in both series?

Largely yes, though there are some changes and re-recordings in Dragonball Kai.

Are the stories in Dragonball Z and Dragonball Kai the same?

Essentially yes, but Dragonball Kai eliminates fillers, sticking closer to the manga's storyline.

How does Dragonball Kai differ from Dragonball Z?

Dragonball Kai is a remastered, condensed version of Dragonball Z with filler content removed.

Which has better animation quality?

Dragonball Kai has some improved animation scenes compared to the original Dragonball Z.

What is Dragonball Z?

Dragonball Z is an anime series from 1989-1996, continuing the story from the original Dragonball anime.

Does Dragonball Z have episodes not present in Dragonball Kai?

Yes, Dragonball Z includes filler episodes not found in Dragonball Kai.

Which series should a newcomer start with?

Dragonball Kai offers a streamlined experience, ideal for newcomers, but Dragonball Z is the classic original.

Are there visual differences between Dragonball Z and Dragonball Kai?

Yes, Dragonball Kai has some visually updated scenes compared to Dragonball Z.

Did Dragonball Kai introduce new music?

Yes, Dragonball Kai features a different soundtrack from the original Dragonball Z.

Was Dragonball Kai well-received by fans?

Reactions were mixed; some appreciated the concise format while others missed the original's extended content.

Which series has more episodes?

Dragonball Z has more episodes due to its filler content.

Why are some fans nostalgic about Dragonball Z?

Dragonball Z is the original many grew up with, making it a classic in anime history.

Do both series cover the entire manga?

Both adapt Akira Toriyama's manga but Dragonball Kai remains truer by excluding fillers.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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