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Droven vs. Driven — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Fiza Rafique — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 23, 2024
Droven is the incorrect spelling of driven, which means being propelled or carried along.
Droven vs. Driven — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Droven or Driven

How to spell Driven?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember, driven aligns with the pattern of using 'i' in the root verb "drive."
Recall that driven is the past participle of "drive," sticking to the usual "i" in the '-ive' ending.
Note the similarity in spelling between driven and other past participles like "given."

How Do You Spell Driven Correctly?

Incorrect: The project was droven forward by her enthusiasm.
Correct: The project was driven forward by her enthusiasm.
Incorrect: The horses were droven hard across the plains.
Correct: The horses were driven hard across the plains.
Incorrect: The company is droven by a commitment to excellence.
Correct: The company is driven by a commitment to excellence.
Incorrect: The team's success was droven by their hard work.
Correct: The team's success was driven by their hard work.
Incorrect: He droven the car too fast around the corner.
Correct: He driven the car too fast around the corner.

Driven Definitions

Operating under the influence of a force or power.
The mill was driven by water power.
Propelled or motivated by something.
She was driven by a desire to help others.
Pushed forward or onward in a direction.
The wind driven leaves scattered across the park.
Inclined or compelled to act in a certain way.
Driven individuals often achieve high success.
Past participle of drive.
Piled up or carried along by a current
Driven snow.
Motivated by or having a compulsive quality or need
A driven person.
Caused, sustained, or stimulated
An export-driven economic recovery.
Powered, operated, or controlled
A piston-driven airplane.
A menu-driven software program.
Inflection of drive
Obsessed; passionately motivated to achieve goals.
Formed into snowdrifts by wind.
Of Drive. Also adj.
Compelled forcibly by an outside agency;
Mobs goaded by blind hatred
Urged or forced to action through moral pressure;
Felt impelled to take a stand against the issue
Strongly motivated to succeed
Transported or conveyed in a vehicle.
They were driven to the ceremony in a limousine.

Driven Meaning in a Sentence

The storm driven waves crashed against the shore.
The car is electrically driven.
He is driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
The driven snow obscured the road.
They were driven off the road by the strong winds.
His fear of failure is what driven him to work hard.
Her ambition has driven her to succeed.
Driven by necessity, they worked day and night.
He is driven by a sense of duty.
The children were driven to school by their father.
The driven gears in the machine are well-oiled.
She's always driven to do her best.
The project was driven to completion ahead of schedule.
The driven parts of the engine require regular maintenance.
The driven athletes train regardless of weather conditions.
The herd was driven through the town to the market.
His driven approach has brought him much success.
She is driven by a passion for justice.
The boat was driven ashore during the storm.
The refugees were driven from their homes.

Driven Idioms & Phrases

Driven to despair

Pushed into a state of hopelessness.
After many failed attempts, he was driven to despair.

Driven home

To make a point clearly and emphatically.
The importance of safety was driven home to all employees.

Driven out of town

Forced to leave a place.
The dishonest merchant was driven out of town by the angry locals.

Driven to succeed

Having a strong determination to achieve success.
He’s always been driven to succeed, no matter the obstacles.

Driven off course

Deviated from one’s planned or intended path.
The ship was driven off course by a sudden storm.

Driven by a desire

Motivated strongly by a specific want or need.
She is driven by a desire to make a difference in the world.

Driven to the edge

Brought to a point of severe stress or frustration.
The endless demands at work driven her to the edge.

Driven to distraction

So bothered or frustrated that one cannot focus.
The constant noise from the construction site driven him to distraction.

Driven into the ground

To cause something to fail through persistent effort or misuse.
The new manager driven the company into the ground.

Driven by results

Focused primarily on achieving specific outcomes.
The new policy was clearly driven by results.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of driven?

The root word of "driven" is "drive."

What is the verb form of driven?

"Driven" is the past participle form of the verb "drive."

Why is it called driven?

It is called "driven" because it is the past participle of the verb "drive," implying being pushed or compelled forward.

How many syllables are in driven?

There are two syllables in "driven."

How do we divide driven into syllables?

Driven is divided as dri-ven.

What is the first form of driven?

The first form is "drive."

What is a stressed syllable in driven?

The first syllable, "dri," is stressed in "driven."

What is the second form of driven?

The second form is "drove."

What part of speech is driven?

Driven is a verb.

How is driven used in a sentence?

e.g., The team was driven by a common goal.

What is the pronunciation of driven?

Driven is pronounced as /ˈdrɪvən/.

What is the opposite of driven?

The opposite could be "static" or "idle."

Is driven a noun or adjective?

"Driven" can be used as an adjective as well as a verb.

Is the driven term a metaphor?

"Driven" can be used metaphorically to describe strong motivation or force.

Is the word “driven” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Driven" can be part of a phrase where it serves as a complement or modifier, not as an object.

Is driven an abstract noun?

No, "driven" is not a noun; it is a verb and can be used as an adjective.

Is driven a negative or positive word?

"Driven" is generally positive, indicating motivation and effort.

Which vowel is used before driven?

Typically, "a" is used, as in "a driven person."

What is another term for driven?

Another term for "driven" could be "motivated."

Is driven a collective noun?

No, "driven" is not a noun and therefore not a collective noun.

Is the word driven Gerund?

No, "driven" is not a gerund; it's a past participle and adjective.

What is the third form of driven?

The third form is "driven."

What is the plural form of driven?

"Driven" remains the same in plural contexts.

Is driven an adverb?

No, "driven" is not an adverb.

Is driven a vowel or consonant?

"Driven" starts with a consonant sound.

Is driven a countable noun?

"Driven" is not a noun; it's primarily used as a verb and an adjective.

Which determiner is used with driven?

Determiners such as "the" and "a" can be used with "driven" when it functions as an adjective.

Which conjunction is used with driven?

Conjunctions such as "and" and "but" can link clauses involving "driven."

Which article is used with driven?

The definite article "the" or indefinite "a" can be used depending on the context.

What is the singular form of driven?

"Driven" does not change; it is used the same way in singular contexts.

Is the word driven imperative?

The word "drive" can be imperative, but "driven" itself is not.

Which preposition is used with driven?

Prepositions like "by" (driven by ambition) and "to" (driven to succeed) are commonly used.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Edited by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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