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E-Ticket vs. I-Ticket — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 30, 2023
E-Ticket (Electronic Ticket) is a digital ticket sent via email. I-Ticket (Internet Ticket) is booked online but physically delivered to the passenger.
E-Ticket vs. I-Ticket — What's the Difference?

Difference Between E-Ticket and I-Ticket


Key Differences

E-Ticket, standing for electronic ticket, facilitates a paperless, digitalized form of ticketing, enhancing the convenience for travelers. I-Ticket, representing internet ticket, implies a process wherein ticket booking is executed online, but the physical version is delivered to the customer. Both aim to simplify the booking process but differ in form and functionality.
In the domain of travel, an E-Ticket is often utilized for its ease of use and environmental benefit of being paperless. The I-Ticket, while harnessing internet technology for booking, still maintains the traditional format of providing a physical ticket, offering tangible proof of purchase. Thus, both E-Tickets and I-Tickets serve passengers with different preferences and needs.
For travelers who prioritize minimizing physical items and are adept at utilizing digital platforms, an E-Ticket becomes the preferred option. Alternatively, for those who favor having a physical ticket in hand, perhaps for record-keeping or as a memento, the I-Ticket poses as a suitable choice. Both E-Tickets and I-Tickets provide options that cater to diverse travel habits and preferences.
E-Tickets require the passenger to carry a digital version, typically on a mobile device, ensuring less physical contact and a smoother check-in process. Contrarily, I-Tickets, while booked online, necessitate the carrying of a physical ticket, introducing a tangible element to the online booking process. E-Tickets and I-Tickets, therefore, provide alternative ticketing solutions for various scenarios and passenger preferences.
Traveling with an E-Ticket usually involves verifying details via a digital device at check-in counters or boarding gates. Conversely, utilizing an I-Ticket implies having a paper ticket checked or stamped during the journey, engaging in a more traditional travel practice. Both E-Tickets and I-Tickets integrate technology into the ticketing process but in varying degrees and forms.

Comparison Chart

Ticket Form


Delivery Method

Physical delivery

Check-in Process

Digital verification
Physical verification

Environmental Impact

Generally eco-friendly
Consumes paper/resources for delivery

Required for Travel

Digital device with ticket details
Physical ticket

Compare with Definitions


A ticket stored and accessed electronically.
He forgot his printout but used his E-Ticket to board the train.


An internet-booked ticket delivered physically.
His I-Ticket for the train journey arrived by courier.


A digital version of a travel ticket.
She showed the E-Ticket on her phone at the airport gate.


A ticketing option combining online booking and physical use.
She booked an I-Ticket to have a tangible record of her travel.


An environmentally friendly ticketing option.
Using an E-Ticket reduces the need for paper use.


A ticket purchased online with a physical format.
She keeps every I-Ticket from her travels as mementos.


A convenient, easily accessible ticket format.
He always chooses an E-Ticket to avoid losing it.


An online-ordered, physically held ticket.
The I-Ticket was mailed to his home address before the trip.


A ticketing form used for seamless travel.
Her E-Ticket contained a QR code for quick scanning.


A conventional ticket form with online booking.
His I-Ticket got wet in the rain but was still readable.


A reservation, as for a seat on an airplane, for which confirmation is granted electronically in place of a printed ticket.


A virtual ticket, especially for a flight, that is issued electronically.

Common Curiosities

Is an E-Ticket the same as an I-Ticket?

No, E-Ticket is digital, while I-Ticket is a physically delivered ticket booked online.

Is an I-Ticket delivered to all locations?

Generally, I-Ticket delivery might be limited to certain locations.

How is an I-Ticket delivered?

I-Tickets are usually delivered by postal service or courier.

Can you travel with just an E-Ticket?

Yes, an E-Ticket is generally accepted as a valid travel document.

Can I show the E-Ticket on my mobile device?

Yes, E-Tickets are commonly presented on mobile devices.

What if my I-Ticket doesn’t arrive before my travel date?

It's crucial to contact the relevant ticketing authority or agency for assistance.

Is an E-Ticket secure?

Yes, E-Tickets typically have secure QR codes or barcodes.

Do I need internet access for an E-Ticket?

Yes, you might need internet access to retrieve the E-Ticket.

Can I transfer my E-Ticket to someone else?

Typically, E-Tickets are non-transferable and issued to a specific traveler.

Can an E-Ticket be printed?

Yes, an E-Ticket can be printed if a physical copy is desired.

Can I get a refund on an I-Ticket?

Refund policies for I-Tickets depend on the issuing entity's rules.

How early should I book an I-Ticket considering delivery time?

Ensure you book an I-Ticket with ample time for possible delivery delays.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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