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Eastre vs. Easter — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 29, 2024
Eastre is incorrect; the correct spelling is Easter. Easter is a Christian festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Eastre vs. Easter — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Eastre or Easter

How to spell Easter?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The spelling "Easter" aligns with the pronunciation /ˈēstər/, making it easier to remember compared to "Eastre."
Remember "Easter" has the same beginning as "east," where the sun rises, symbolizing resurrection.
"Easter" ends with "ter," a common ending in English words, unlike "tre," which is less common and often found in British English spellings.
The word "Easter" contains "ea," often used in English to denote a long "e" sound, unlike the rare "ea" in "Eastre."

How Do You Spell Easter Correctly?

Incorrect: She wore her new dress to the Eastre parade.
Correct: She wore her new dress to the Easter parade.
Incorrect: Eastre bunnies are a common sight during the spring season.
Correct: Easter bunnies are a common sight during the spring season.
Incorrect: Churches are beautifully decorated for the Eastre service.
Correct: Churches are beautifully decorated for the Easter service.
Incorrect: The family gathered around the table for the Eastre feast.
Correct: The family gathered around the table for the Easter feast.
Incorrect: Many children participate in Eastre egg hunts.
Correct: Many children participate in Easter egg hunts.

Easter Definitions

Easter is a Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus.
We celebrate Easter in spring.
Easter involves various customs, such as egg hunting.
Children look forward to Easter for the egg hunts.
Easter denotes hope, renewal, and new beginnings for believers.
Easter symbolizes rebirth in many cultures.
Easter is symbolized by the Easter bunny, eggs, and new life.
The Easter bunny brought gifts for the kids.
Marking the culmination of Holy Week, Easter is celebrated on a Sunday.
Easter Sunday is a significant day for Christians.
Easter, also called Pascha (Aramaic, Greek, Latin), Zatik (Armenian) or Resurrection Sunday is a Christian festival and cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.
A Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.
The day on which this feast is observed, the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or next after March 21.
A strong easterly wind (a wind blowing from the east).
To move toward the east.
An annual church festival commemorating Christ's resurrection, and occurring on Sunday, the second day after Good Friday. It corresponds to the pascha or passover of the Jews, and most nations still give it this name under the various forms of pascha, pasque, pâque, or pask.
The day on which the festival is observed; Easter day.
Sundays by thee more glorious break,An Easter day in every week.
To veer to the east; - said of the wind.
A Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Christ; celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox
A wind from the east

Easter Meaning in a Sentence

We paint eggs every year to prepare for Easter.
For Easter, we usually go to my grandmother's house for a big family lunch.
Easter marks the beginning of spring for many people.
Our church has a special Easter service at sunrise.
The Easter parade in our town attracts visitors from all around.
He bought a special Easter gift for his niece.
I got a beautiful Easter basket filled with candy and toys.
She always bakes a lamb-shaped cake for Easter.
The Easter bunny is said to bring eggs to children.
The Easter story is a central part of our faith.
Easter lilies are popular flowers for the season.
The children were excited about the Easter egg hunt in the park.
I love the chocolate eggs that come with Easter.
Many restaurants offer special Easter brunch menus.
She wore a new dress to celebrate Easter.
We send out Easter cards to family and friends every year.
Schools often have a break around the Easter holiday.
We watched an Easter-themed movie together as a family.
Our neighborhood hosts an annual Easter egg decorating contest.
They attended an Easter concert featuring classical and religious music.

Easter Idioms & Phrases

Easter Sunday best

Wearing one's finest clothes, often in the context of attending church on Easter.
Everyone was in their Easter Sunday best for the morning service.

Easter egg

A hidden message or feature in a movie, video game, or software.
The movie has several Easter eggs referencing the director's previous films.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Easter?

There isn't a verb form of "Easter."

What is the root word of Easter?

The root is debated, but it may come from "Eostre."

What is the plural form of Easter?

Easters, but it's rarely used in plural form.

Which vowel is used before Easter?

The choice of vowel depends on the preceding word in a sentence.

Which preposition is used with Easter?

"On" as in "on Easter Sunday."

Which article is used with Easter?

"The" when referring to the specific day or event.

Is Easter a negative or positive word?

Generally positive, especially for Christians.

Is Easter an adverb?


Why is it called Easter?

It's derived from "Eostre," an ancient Germanic goddess of spring; however, the exact origins are debated.

What is the pronunciation of Easter?

It's pronounced as /ˈiː.stər/.

What is the singular form of Easter?


Is the word Easter imperative?


Is the Easter term a metaphor?

Not in itself, but elements of the Easter story can be metaphorical.

What part of speech is Easter?


What is the first form of Easter?

Not applicable; Easter is a noun.

Which conjunction is used with Easter?

There isn't a specific conjunction that's exclusively used with "Easter."

Is Easter a collective noun?


Which determiner is used with Easter?

Often "the."

How many syllables are in Easter?

Two syllables.

What is the second form of Easter?

Not applicable.

Is Easter an abstract noun?

No, it refers to a specific holiday.

Is Easter a vowel or consonant?

"Easter" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Is Easter a countable noun?

Not typically counted.

How do we divide Easter into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Easter?

The first syllable, "Eas."

What is another term for Easter?

Resurrection Sunday.

What is the third form of Easter?

Not applicable.

Is Easter a noun or adjective?

Noun, but can also be used as an adjective in terms like "Easter egg."

What is the opposite of Easter?

There isn't a direct opposite, but in terms of Christian observances, perhaps "Good Friday" as it commemorates Jesus' crucifixion.

How is Easter used in a sentence?

"Many families come together to celebrate Easter with a festive meal."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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