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Ecentric vs. Eccentric — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
The incorrect spelling "Ecentric" should be correctly spelled as "Eccentric," denoting unconventional or slightly strange behavior.
Ecentric vs. Eccentric — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Ecentric or Eccentric

How to spell Eccentric?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the word "concentric" which has similar spelling cues.
Associate "Eccentric" with "electric," both having "ecc" in them.
Use the mnemonic: Every Cool Character Entertains Notions That Reflect Individual Creative Character.
Recall that "Eccentric" has two 'c's in succession.
Remember, "Eccentric" is extra-centric, hence the extra 'c'.

How Do You Spell Eccentric Correctly?

Incorrect: She is known for her ecentric taste in fashion.
Correct: She is known for her eccentric taste in fashion.
Incorrect: His ecentric behavior made him stand out in a crowd.
Correct: His eccentric behavior made him stand out in a crowd.
Incorrect: The old mansion had an ecentric charm that appealed to many.
Correct: The old mansion had an eccentric charm that appealed to many.
Incorrect: He collected ecentric artifacts from all over the world.
Correct: He collected eccentric artifacts from all over the world.
Incorrect: The inventor's ecentric ideas eventually led to a breakthrough.
Correct: The inventor's eccentric ideas eventually led to a breakthrough.

Eccentric Definitions

Eccentric refers to a person with unconventional or slightly strange behavior.
The artist was known for his eccentric personality.
Eccentric can describe something not placed centrally or not aligned with the center.
An eccentric gear in machinery.
Eccentric may imply deviating from the norm or recognized conventions.
An eccentric fashion style.
Eccentric suggests a quality of being whimsically different or unique.
His eccentric taste in music surprised many.
Eccentric can indicate an offset from a regular position.
The eccentric orbit of the planet.
Departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern.
Deviating from a circular form or path, as in an elliptical orbit.
Not having the same center
Eccentric circles.
Having the axis located elsewhere than at the geometric center.
One that deviates markedly from an established norm, especially a person of odd or unconventional behavior.
(Physics) A disk or wheel having its axis of revolution displaced from its center so that it is capable of imparting reciprocating motion.
Not at or in the centre; away from the centre.
Not perfectly circular; elliptical.
As of 2008, Margaret had the most eccentric orbit of any moon in the solar system, though Nereid's mean eccentricity is greater.
Having a different center; not concentric.
(of a person) Deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly or differently; unconventional and slightly strange.
Against or in the opposite direction of contraction of a muscle (such as results from flexion of the lower arm (bending of the elbow joint) by an external force while contracting the triceps and other elbow extensor muscles to control that movement; opening of the jaw while flexing the masseter).
Having different goals or motives.
One who does not behave like others.
(slang) A kook; a person of bizarre habits or beliefs.
(geometry) A circle not having the same centre as another.
(engineering) A disk or wheel with its axis off centre, giving a reciprocating motion.
(physiology) An exercise that goes against or in the opposite direction of contraction of a muscle.
Deviating or departing from the center, or from the line of a circle; as, an eccentric or elliptical orbit; pertaining to deviation from the center or from true circular motion.
Not having the same center; - said of circles, ellipses, spheres, etc., which, though coinciding, either in whole or in part, as to area or volume, have not the same center; - opposed to concentric.
Pertaining to an eccentric; as, the eccentric rod in a steam engine.
Not coincident as to motive or end.
His own ends, which must needs be often eccentric to those of his master.
Deviating from stated methods, usual practice, or established forms or laws; deviating from an appointed sphere or way; departing from the usual course; irregular; anomalous; odd; as, eccentric conduct.
He shines eccentric, like a comet's blaze.
A circle not having the same center as another contained in some measure within the first.
One who, or that which, deviates from regularity; an anomalous or irregular person or thing.
In the Ptolemaic system, the supposed circular orbit of a planet about the earth, but with the earth not in its center.
A disk or wheel so arranged upon a shaft that the center of the wheel and that of the shaft do not coincide. It is used for operating valves in steam engines, and for other purposes. The motion derived is precisely that of a crank having the same throw.
A person with an unusual or odd personality
A person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities);
A real character
A strange character
A friendly eccentric
The capable type
A mental case
Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual;
Restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
Famed for his eccentric spelling
A freakish combination of styles
His off-the-wall antics
The outlandish clothes of teenagers
Outre and affected stage antics
Not having a common center; not concentric;
Eccentric circles

Eccentric Meaning in a Sentence

The book featured an eccentric character who lived in a treehouse.
Eccentric exercises are important for muscle strengthening.
The eccentric inventor was always coming up with bizarre new gadgets.
Eccentric circles in the design created an interesting optical illusion.
Her grandfather was an eccentric man who wore colorful suits.
She had an eccentric habit of talking to plants.
His eccentric approach to science made his classes very popular.
They threw an eccentric party, with guests encouraged to come in costume.
The eccentric millionaire built a house that looked like a spaceship.
The eccentric orbit of the comet puzzled astronomers.
The novel's protagonist was an eccentric detective with unusual methods.
The town was known for its eccentric festivals celebrating local folklore.
Eccentric fashion icons often set trends with their unique choices.
The garden was filled with eccentric sculptures made from recycled materials.
Eccentric shafts are used in various mechanical applications.
Eccentric training can be very effective for rehabilitation.
Eccentric hobbies can lead to fascinating discoveries.
The film's eccentric humor wasn't to everyone's taste.
He led an eccentric lifestyle, preferring solitude in the wilderness.
The eccentric poet's verses were filled with imaginative and whimsical ideas.
The museum's collection included an eccentric array of modern art.
Their eccentric neighbor painted his house every color of the rainbow.
The eccentric professor had a peculiar way of explaining complex theories.
Her eccentric taste in music ranged from opera to electronic dance music.

Eccentric Idioms & Phrases

Eccentric circle

A group of unconventional individuals who gather based on shared interests or lifestyles.
The writer found inspiration among an eccentric circle of artists and musicians.

Eccentric millionaire

A wealthy individual known for their unconventional lifestyle or spending habits.
The eccentric millionaire invested in building a castle in the middle of the city.

Eccentric genius

Refers to a highly intelligent person whose ideas or behavior are very unusual or unconventional.
The eccentric genius revolutionized technology with his innovative creations.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Eccentric?

There's no direct verb form. However, "eccentricize" can be used colloquially.

What is the root word of Eccentric?

Derived from the Greek word "ekkentros."

Which vowel is used before Eccentric?

The vowel 'e' is used before Eccentric.

Which preposition is used with Eccentric?

"of" as in "eccentric of him."

What is the plural form of Eccentric?


Which conjunction is used with Eccentric?

"and" is commonly used.

What is the singular form of Eccentric?


Is Eccentric a negative or positive word?

Neutral. Context determines its connotation.

Why is it called Eccentric?

Derived from Greek "ekkentros," meaning "out of the center."

What is the pronunciation of Eccentric?


Which article is used with Eccentric?

Both "a" and "the" can be used depending on the context.

Is Eccentric an abstract noun?

No, but it can refer to abstract qualities.

Is the word Eccentric imperative?


Is the word “Eccentric” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be a direct object, e.g., "She is an eccentric."

How do we divide Eccentric into syllables?


Is the word Eccentric a Gerund?


What is another term for Eccentric?

Oddball or quirky.

Is Eccentric a noun or adjective?

It can be both, depending on usage.

What is a stressed syllable in Eccentric?

The second syllable, "cen," is stressed.

What is the opposite of Eccentric?


What is the second form of Eccentric?

Not applicable, as it's not a verb.

What is the third form of Eccentric?

Not applicable, as it's not a verb.

Is Eccentric a countable noun?

Yes, e.g., "There are a few eccentrics in town."

Is the Eccentric term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, but it isn't a metaphor in itself.

How many syllables are in Eccentric?

3 syllables.

Which determiner is used with Eccentric?

"This" or "that" can be used, depending on context.

What is the first form of Eccentric?


Is Eccentric an adverb?


Is Eccentric a vowel or consonant?

Eccentric is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

Is Eccentric a collective noun?


What part of speech is Eccentric?

Adjective or noun.

How is Eccentric used in a sentence?

His eccentric habits make him stand out in a crowd.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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