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Economic Growth vs. Economic Development — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 28, 2023
Economic Growth is an increase in output; Economic Development involves broader well-being improvements.
Economic Growth vs. Economic Development — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Economic Growth and Economic Development


Key Differences

Economic Growth refers to the rise in the value of goods and services produced by an economy. It's often measured by GDP. Economic Development, on the other hand, encompasses a broader range of elements, looking at how the economic pie is distributed and how it impacts the overall quality of life.
While Economic Growth may result in a higher output of goods, Economic Development focuses on the holistic improvement of societal well-being, considering factors like education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
Economic Growth can be seen as a short-term metric that captures the health of an economy at a given point in time. Economic Development is a long-term perspective, focusing on sustained growth and improvements in the overall standard of living.
It's possible for a country to experience Economic Growth without much Economic Development, especially if the gains from growth aren't widely distributed. Conversely, a country can prioritize Economic Development initiatives, even in times of slow or no Economic Growth.
Economic Growth can be driven by factors like technological advancement or increased investment. Economic Development often requires a combination of social, political, and economic reforms to bring about long-term and broad-based improvements.

Comparison Chart


Increase in a nation's output of goods/services.
Holistic improvement in the standard of living.


Often by GDP or GDP per capita.
Human Development Index, education, healthcare.

Time Perspective

Short-term metric.
Long-term perspective.


Does not consider distribution of wealth.
Focuses on even distribution and equity.

Factors Driving

Technological advancements, investments.
Social, political, and economic reforms.

Compare with Definitions

Economic Growth

Expansion of the economy's output capabilities.
Technological innovations have been a key driver of Economic Growth.

Economic Development

The betterment of living standards, encompassing wealth, education, and health.
Nordic countries prioritize Economic Development over mere growth.

Economic Growth

The quantitative measure of economic output expansion.
Despite challenges, India aims for high Economic Growth rates.

Economic Development

Broad-based benefits from growth to enhance the quality of life.
Non-profits often work towards Economic Development in underprivileged areas.

Economic Growth

The escalation in the market value of products and services produced.
Economic Growth in some nations is driven by exports.

Economic Development

A holistic approach to improving societal well-being.
Bhutan focuses on happiness as a measure of Economic Development.

Economic Growth

The rise in GDP or GDP per capita.
China's rapid Economic Growth over the past decades has been a global focus.

Economic Development

The progression of economic, social, and political aspects of a society.
Many African nations seek foreign aid for Economic Development projects.

Economic Growth

An increase in a nation's production of goods and services.
The US experienced significant Economic Growth in the post-war period.

Economic Development

Not just output growth, but distribution and qualitative improvements.
Cuba's focus has been on Economic Development in health and education sectors.

Common Curiosities

Is GDP the only measure of Economic Growth?

No, while GDP is common, measures like GNP or GDP per capita are also used.

Which factors typically drive Economic Growth?

Factors like technological advancement, increased investment, and market expansions.

What are some indicators of Economic Development?

Indicators include Human Development Index, literacy rates, healthcare access, and quality of infrastructure.

What is Economic Growth?

Economic Growth refers to the increase in the value of goods and services produced by an economy, often measured by GDP.

How is Economic Growth different from Economic Development?

Economic Growth is about output increase, while Economic Development focuses on broader well-being improvements, including distribution of wealth.

Can a country have Economic Growth without Economic Development?

Yes, if the gains from growth aren't widely distributed or don't lead to holistic societal improvements.

Why is Economic Development considered a long-term perspective?

Because it focuses on sustained growth and broad-based improvements over time.

What aspects does Economic Development encompass?

Economic Development includes factors like health, education, equity, infrastructure, and overall living standards.

Can a nation prioritize Economic Development over Economic Growth?

Yes, a nation can focus on development initiatives even during slow Economic Growth periods.

How does education relate to Economic Development?

Education improves human capital, leading to better jobs, innovation, and overall societal progress.

Is high Economic Growth always beneficial?

Not necessarily. If not managed well, it can lead to inflation, income inequality, or environmental challenges.

Can Economic Development occur without significant Economic Growth?

Yes, if there's a focus on redistributing existing wealth and resources to improve overall well-being.

How do policies impact Economic Growth and Economic Development?

Policies can stimulate or inhibit growth and can prioritize development aspects.

Why might countries focus on Economic Development even with robust Economic Growth?

To ensure that growth benefits are widely distributed and improve overall well-being.

How does technology impact Economic Growth and Economic Development?

Technology can drive Economic Growth by increasing output and can aid Economic Development by improving quality of life.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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