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Eisel vs. Easel — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Sumaia Saeed — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 24, 2024
"Eisel" is the incorrect spelling of "easel." An easel is a stand used for supporting a painter's canvas or a display board.
Eisel vs. Easel — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Eisel or Easel

How to spell Easel?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

An easy mnemonic: "An easel easily holds artwork."
The correct spelling, "easel," ends with "-sel," unlike "eisel," which might suggest a pronunciation shift that isn’t accurate.
Recall that "easel" is related to the Dutch word "ezel," meaning donkey, a beast of burden carrying loads, much like an easel carries a canvas.
Remember, "easel" has the same ending as "weasel," another familiar word, which can help in recalling the correct spelling.

How Do You Spell Easel Correctly?

Incorrect: She adjusted the eisel to get a better angle for her painting.
Correct: She adjusted the easel to get a better angle for her painting.
Incorrect: The artist bought a new eisel for her studio.
Correct: The artist bought a new easel for her studio.
Incorrect: He set up his painting on an eisel in the park.
Correct: He set up his painting on an easel in the park.
Incorrect: Can you bring the eisel from the storage room?
Correct: Can you bring the easel from the storage room?
Incorrect: The eisel broke, so we need to replace it before the art class.
Correct: The easel broke, so we need to replace it before the art class.

Easel Definitions

A frame that can be adjusted to hold various sizes of canvases.
Her easel can be adjusted to accommodate both small and large paintings.
A portable support used by artists for painting in the field.
He packed his portable easel for the outdoor painting session.
A device that holds sheets of paper during a presentation.
The speaker placed her notes on an easel for easy access during her talk.
A wooden or metal stand used for holding a canvas, board, or picture.
The painter set his canvas on the easel before starting.
An upright support used in displaying or holding something.
We used an easel to display the welcome sign at the event.
An easel is an upright support used for displaying and/or fixing something resting upon it, at an angle of about 20° to the vertical. In particular, easels are traditionally used by painters to support a painting while they work on it, normally standing up, and are also sometimes used to display finished paintings.
An upright frame for displaying or supporting something, such as an artist's canvas.
An upright frame, typically on three legs, for displaying or supporting something, such as an artist's canvas.
A frame (commonly) of wood serving to hold a canvas upright, or nearly upright, for the painter's convenience or for exhibition.
An upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's canvas)

Easel Meaning in a Sentence

She set up her easel by the lakeside to capture the sunset.
Each student had an easel and a set of paints.
The artist chose a sturdy easel for her landscape painting.
He adjusted the height of the easel to suit his comfortable stance.
On the easel was a nearly completed portrait that looked lifelike.
Her new easel was lightweight and easy to carry.
The easel was positioned to get the best light in the studio.
The wind knocked over the easel, smearing the painting.
He bought an antique easel at a local flea market.
The easel needed to be sturdy to hold the heavy wooden board.
She placed her sketchpad on a small tabletop easel.
Each presentation at the event used an easel for visual aids.
He adjusted his easel meticulously before beginning to paint.
The easel was made of finely polished wood, giving it a classic look.
The easel in the corner held a dusty, forgotten canvas.
The easel held a canvas that was vibrant with abstract colors.
The instructor's easel had a diagram drawn on it for the lecture.
His easel was a gift from someone special and held sentimental value.
She positioned her easel to face the morning light.

Easel Idioms & Phrases

Set up one’s easel

To begin work on a creative project.
It's time to set up our easels and start the mural.

Behind the easel

Working as an artist, especially in painting.
She spent most of her life behind the easel.

Blank easel

Represents an opportunity to start something new or creative.
She viewed the blank easel as a chance to reinvent her art style.

Easel moment

A point of creativity or inspiration.
He had an easel moment and sketched the entire scene quickly.

Easel life

A lifestyle dedicated to art and creativity.
Moving to the countryside was part of embracing my easel life.

Without an easel

Lacking support or assistance.
He felt like he was painting without an easel, struggling to manage on his own.

Easel talk

Discussion about art techniques and experiences.
At the café, easel talk dominated the conversation.

Pack up one’s easel

To finish a period of work, especially in art.
After the exhibition, it was time to pack up our easels.

Knock someone’s easel over

To disrupt someone's plans or activities.
The sudden storm really knocked our easels over.

Easel days

Times spent engaged in painting or artistic pursuits.
I miss the easel days of art school.

Easel pusher

A term for an artist, often humorous or light-hearted.
I've become quite the easel pusher in my retirement.

From easel to gallery

The process of creating art and exhibiting it.
His work went from easel to gallery in just a few months.

Easel mate

A fellow artist or collaborator.
I met my easel mate during a summer workshop.

Under the easel

The foundational skills or basics of painting.
He taught the children what lies under the easel in their first class.

Tip the easel

To reveal one's artistic techniques or secrets.
In his workshop, he tipped the easel on his unique blending method.

Clear the easel

To prepare for a new project or clean up after finishing.
Once the portrait was done, he cleared the easel for his next piece.

Beyond the easel

Extending beyond traditional painting or artistic methods.
His work goes beyond the easel, incorporating digital media.

Across the easel

Interacting or communicating through art.
They shared ideas across the easel, improving each other's work.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in easel?

"Easel" has two syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in easel?

The stressed syllable in "easel" is the first, "ea."

How is easel used in a sentence?

An easel is used to support artists' canvases while they paint.

What is the pronunciation of easel?

Easel is pronounced as /ˈiːzəl/.

What is the root word of easel?

The root word of "easel" is the Dutch "ezel," which means donkey.

Why is it called easel?

It is called an easel because it comes from the Dutch word "ezel," meaning donkey, reflecting its role in carrying or holding loads.

How do we divide easel into syllables?

Easel is divided as: ea-sel.

What is the singular form of easel?

The singular form is "easel."

Is easel a noun or adjective?

Easel is a noun.

Is easel an adverb?

No, easel is not an adverb.

Is easel an abstract noun?

No, easel is a concrete noun, as it refers to a physical object.

What is the verb form of easel?

There is no verb form of "easel;" it is strictly a noun.

What part of speech is easel?

"Easel" is a noun.

Which vowel is used before easel?

Typically, "an" is used before "easel" due to the vowel sound at the beginning.

What is another term for easel?

Another term for "easel" is "art stand" or "painting stand."

Is easel a negative or positive word?

Easel is a neutral word; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is the easel term a metaphor?

No, "easel" is not typically used as a metaphor.

Is the word easel imperative?

No, "easel" is not an imperative form.

Which determiner is used with easel?

Determiners like "a," "the," or "this" can be used with "easel."

What is the plural form of easel?

The plural form is "easels."

Is easel a vowel or consonant?

The word "easel" starts with a vowel sound.

Which conjunction is used with easel?

Conjunctions are not typically used directly with "easel," but "and" can link sentences or clauses involving it.

What is the opposite of easel?

There isn't a direct opposite of "easel," but one might consider "wall" or "floor" as alternatives for support.

Which preposition is used with easel?

The preposition "on" is commonly used with "easel" (e.g., on an easel).

Which article is used with easel?

The indefinite article "an" or the definite article "the" can be used with "easel" depending on the context.

Is easel a countable noun?

Yes, easel is a countable noun.

Is easel a collective noun?

No, easel is not a collective noun.

Is the word easel a Gerund?

No, "easel" is not a gerund.

Is the word “easel” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Easel" can be used as a direct object in a sentence.

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Sumaia Saeed

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