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Elocution vs. Locution — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on November 1, 2023
Elocution is the art of effective public speaking, while locution refers to a particular way of speaking or phraseology.
Elocution vs. Locution — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Elocution and Locution


Key Differences

Elocution involves training in pronunciation, grammar, style, and tone, aimed at enhancing public speaking. Locution, in contrast, pertains to the style or choice of words used by a speaker.
While elocution is a skill developed through practice, locution can be inherent to a person's cultural or regional background, affecting their manner of expression.
Elocution often emphasizes the physical aspects of speech, such as posture and breath control. Locution, however, is more about the linguistic aspects, like syntax and vocabulary.
Mastering elocution can lead to effective communication and public speaking. Understanding locution helps in comprehending the nuances of language and expression.
In essence, elocution is the performance aspect of speaking, whereas locution is the linguistic framework that shapes that performance.

Comparison Chart


Art of public speaking
Manner or style of expression


Pronunciation, style, tone
Choice of words, phraseology


Physical (posture, breath)
Linguistic (syntax, vocabulary)


Effective communication
Understanding nuances of speech


Performance aspect of speaking
Linguistic framework of speaking

Compare with Definitions


She took elocution classes to polish her pronunciation.


Speech Style
His locution revealed his regional background.


Public Speaking
Her elocution during the speech was impressive.


Linguistic Expression
Locution varies across cultures.


Oratory Skill
Elocution is vital for an orator.


Manner of Speaking
His formal locution suited academic settings.


Elocution lessons improved his articulation.


Her unique locution made her writings stand out.


Speech Delivery
Effective elocution captivates the audience.


Word Choice
The poet's locution is quite intricate.


Elocution is the study of formal speaking in pronunciation, grammar, style, and tone as well as the idea and practice of effective speech and its forms. It stems from the idea that while communication is symbolic, sounds are final and compelling.


A word or phrase, especially with regard to style or idiom.


The skill of clear and expressive speech, especially of distinct pronunciation and articulation
Lessons in singing and elocution


An utterance regarded in terms of its intrinsic meaning or reference, as distinct from its function or purpose in context.


The art of public speaking in which gesture, vocal production, and delivery are emphasized.


A particular word, phrase, or expression, especially one that is used by a particular person or group.


A style or manner of speaking, especially in public.


Style of speaking; phraseology
"My elderly patients teach me the locution of circumspection and concern" (Bernard Lown).


The art of public speaking with expert control of gesture and voice, etc.


A phrase or expression connected to an individual or a group of individuals through repeated usage.
The television show host is widely recognized for his all-too-common locutions.


Utterance by speech.
[Fruit] whose taste . . . Gave elocution to the mute, and taughtThe tongue not made for speech to speak thy praise.


The use of a word or phrase in an unusual or specialized way.


Oratorical or expressive delivery, including the graces of intonation, gesture, etc.; style or manner of speaking or reading in public; as, clear, impressive elocution.


Of discourse or usage, or any particular utterance in such style.
Informal locutions


Suitable and impressive writing or style; eloquent diction.
To express these thoughts with elocution.


(religion) A supernatural revelation where a religious figure, statue or icon speaks, usually to a saint.


An expert manner of speaking involving control of voice and gesture


Speech or discourse; a phrase; a form or mode of expression.
I hate these figures in locution,These about phrases forced by ceremony.


A word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations;
Pardon the expression

Common Curiosities

Is elocution only about pronunciation?

No, it also includes style, tone, and body language.

Does locution affect writing style?

Yes, it can influence an author's choice of words and phrases.

Is elocution relevant in digital communication?

Yes, especially in video conferences and virtual presentations.

Do actors need elocution training?

Many actors undergo elocution training for clearer speech.

Can locution be specific to a region?

Yes, locution often reflects regional influences.

Are elocution lessons helpful for everyone?

Yes, they can benefit anyone looking to improve public speaking.

Is locution inherent or learned?

It can be both; some aspects are innate, others acquired.

Can locution change over time?

Yes, as language evolves, so does locution.

Can elocution help with stage fright?

Yes, it can build confidence in public speaking.

Can elocution aid in career advancement?

Yes, effective communication is valuable in many professions.

Does locution affect interpretation of texts?

Yes, it can influence how texts are understood.

Can elocution help with voice projection?

Absolutely, it teaches control over voice modulation.

Does elocution address breathing techniques?

Yes, breath control is a fundamental part of elocution training.

Are there different types of locution?

Yes, locution varies with culture, profession, and context.

Is locution important for translators?

Yes, understanding locution aids in accurate translation.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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