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Encumber vs. Incumber — Which is Correct Spelling?

Encumber vs. Incumber — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Encumber or Incumber

How to spell Encumber?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Encumber Definitions

To cause to have difficulty in moving or in accomplishing something; burden
A hiker encumbered with a heavy pack.
A student encumbered with responsibilities.
To hinder or impede the action or performance of
Restrictions that encumber police work.
(transitive) To load down something with a burden.
(transitive) To restrict or block something with a hindrance or impediment.
(transitive) To burden with a legal claim or other obligation.
To impede the motion or action of, as with a burden; to retard with something superfluous; to weigh down; to obstruct or embarrass; as, his movements were encumbered by his mantle; his mind is encumbered with useless learning.
Not encumbered with any notable inconvenience.
To load with debts, or other legal claims; as, to encumber an estate with mortgages.
Hold back

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