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Enimine vs. Enamine — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on May 8, 2024
Enimine is the incorrect spelling. Enamine is the correct term, referring to an organic compound containing a nitrogen atom bonded to a carbon-carbon double bond.
Enimine vs. Enamine — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Enimine or Enamine

How to spell Enamine?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "en-" as "double bond" and "-amine" as "nitrogen," referring to the structure.
Enamine ends with "-amine," indicating the presence of a nitrogen atom.

How Do You Spell Enamine Correctly?

Incorrect: They are studying the reaction between an enimine and an aldehyde.
Correct: They are studying the reaction between an enamine and an aldehyde.
Incorrect: Enimine structures are less stable than their keto counterparts.
Correct: Enamine structures are less stable than their keto counterparts.
Incorrect: Enimine compounds show promising results in catalysis.
Correct: Enamine compounds show promising results in catalysis.
Incorrect: The chemist synthesized an enimine compound for the experiment.
Correct: The chemist synthesized an enamine compound for the experiment.
Incorrect: The research focuses on the synthesis of new enimine derivatives.
Correct: The research focuses on the synthesis of new enamine derivatives.

Enamine Definitions

A reactive intermediate in organic synthesis.
Enamines are useful intermediates in carbon-carbon bond formation.
An organic compound containing a nitrogen atom bonded to a carbon-carbon double bond.
An enamine forms when an amine reacts with a carbonyl compound.
A compound formed by the reaction of a secondary amine with an aldehyde or ketone.
The enamine product was obtained through condensation.
A class of compounds with the structure -C=C-NH2.
The structure of an enamine includes a double bond next to an amine group.
A nitrogen-containing compound used in synthetic organic chemistry.
The chemist used an enamine to form a new carbon-carbon bond.
An enamine is an unsaturated compound derived by the condensation of an aldehyde or ketone with a secondary amine. Enamines are versatile intermediates.
An organic compound containing an amine group bonded to a carbon atom, which in turn is doubly bonded to another carbon atom.
(organic chemistry) Any of a class of unsaturated nitrogen compounds, having the general formula R2C=C(R)-NR2, prepared by the condensation reaction of an aldehyde or ketone with an secondary amine; they are the tautomeric forms of imines.
An amine containing the double bond linkage -C=C-N-

Enamine Meaning in a Sentence

The chemist synthesized a stable enamine for the study.
She studied the mechanism of enamine formation in detail.
Enamine compounds are essential in many synthetic pathways.
The reaction yielded a highly reactive enamine compound.
They isolated a novel enamine derivative for the experiment.
The enamine intermediate played a crucial role in the reaction.
The enamine isomer was separated using column chromatography.
The enamine formation requires a secondary amine and a ketone.
The enamine structure was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance.
A new enamine catalyst was tested for the aldol reaction.
Enamine chemistry is vital in carbon-carbon bond formation.
The enamine route provided better yields in the reaction.
A secondary amine and a ketone produce an enamine.
The team explored new enamine-based catalytic systems.
The enamine pathway offered a more efficient synthetic route.
The enamine catalyst improved the efficiency of the reaction.
The enamine reacted with the aldehyde to form a new product.
The enamine intermediate rearranged into the desired product.
They synthesized a series of enamine derivatives for the study.
Enamine compounds are known for their high reactivity.
The researchers optimized the enamine synthesis conditions.
The enamine was stable at room temperature but reactive in solution.
The enamine formation step was monitored by infrared spectroscopy.
The enamine was protonated to form an iminium ion.
They employed an enamine strategy for the total synthesis.

Enamine Idioms & Phrases

Enamine structure

The characteristic arrangement of atoms in an enamine.
The enamine structure includes a nitrogen bonded to a double bond.

Enamine formation

The creation of an enamine through chemical reaction.
The enamine formation was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance.

Enamine synthesis

The process of creating an enamine compound.
Enamine synthesis often involves a secondary amine and a ketone.

Enamine reactivity

The chemical behavior of enamines in various reactions.
The enamine reactivity depends on the substituents attached to it.

Enamine catalyst

An enamine used to speed up a chemical reaction.
The enamine catalyst enhanced the efficiency of the aldol reaction.

Enamine derivatives

Chemical compounds derived from enamines.
The research focused on synthesizing new enamine derivatives.

Enamine intermediate

A reactive compound formed during a chemical reaction.
The enamine intermediate quickly rearranged into the final product.

Enamine mechanism

The step-by-step process of an enamine reaction.
They studied the enamine mechanism to optimize the conditions.

Enamine isomer

A different structural form of the same enamine.
The enamine isomer was separated using chromatography.

Enamine condensation

The chemical reaction forming an enamine.
The enamine condensation required a secondary amine and an aldehyde.

Enamine activation

The process of increasing an enamine's reactivity.
Enamine activation is essential in catalytic reactions.

Enamine chemistry

The study and application of enamines in reactions.
Enamine chemistry plays a crucial role in organic synthesis.

Enamine aldol reaction

A chemical reaction using an enamine intermediate.
The enamine aldol reaction is widely used in carbon-carbon bond formation.

Enamine reaction pathway

The sequence of reactions involving an enamine.
The enamine reaction pathway led to the desired product.

Enamine catalyst system

A combination of catalysts involving enamines.
The enamine catalyst system improved the reaction yield.

Enamine substitution

The replacement of a substituent in an enamine.
The enamine substitution resulted in a new derivative.

Enamine protonation

The addition of a proton to an enamine.
The enamine protonation produced a highly reactive iminium ion.

Enamine analog

A compound with a similar structure to an enamine.
They synthesized an enamine analog with improved reactivity.

Enamine rearrangement

A structural change involving an enamine intermediate.
The enamine rearrangement led to the desired product.

Enamine addition

The process of adding an enamine to a chemical compound.
The enamine addition was the first step in the reaction pathway.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in Enamine?

The first syllable, "E," is stressed.

Why is it called Enamine?

The term "enamine" comes from "ene-" (from alkene, indicating a double bond) and "-amine" (indicating a nitrogen group).

How do we divide Enamine into syllables?


How many syllables are in Enamine?

Enamine has three syllables.

How is Enamine used in a sentence?

The chemist synthesized a new enamine compound for the reaction.

What is the root word of Enamine?

The root words are "ene-" (alkene) and "-amine."

What is the verb form of Enamine?

There is no direct verb form of "enamine."

What is the pronunciation of Enamine?

Enamine is pronounced as /ˈɛnəmiːn/.

What is another term for Enamine?

Nitrogen alkene compound.

What is the plural form of Enamine?


Is Enamine an adverb?

No, enamine is not an adverb.

What is the singular form of Enamine?


Is Enamine a negative or positive word?

Enamine is a neutral word.

Is the Enamine term a metaphor?

No, enamine is not a metaphor.

Is the word Enamine Gerund?

No, enamine is not a gerund.

What part of speech is Enamine?

Enamine is a noun.

Is Enamine a noun or adjective?

Enamine is a noun.

What is the opposite of Enamine?

There is no direct opposite, but a related term is "iminium ion."

Is Enamine an abstract noun?

No, enamine is not an abstract noun.

Is the word Enamine imperative?

No, enamine is not imperative.

Which article is used with Enamine?

The articles "a," "an," and "the" are used with enamine.

Is Enamine a countable noun?

Yes, enamine is a countable noun.

Which determiner is used with Enamine?

The determiners "a," "an," and "the" are used with enamine.

Is Enamine a vowel or consonant?

Enamine starts with a vowel.

Is Enamine a collective noun?

No, enamine is not a collective noun.

Is the word “Enamine” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Enamine can be a direct object or an indirect object.

Which vowel is used before Enamine?

The vowel "a" is used before enamine.

Which preposition is used with Enamine?

The prepositions "with" and "of" are used with enamine.

Which conjunction is used with Enamine?

Conjunctions like "and" can be used with enamine.

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Munazza Shafiq
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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