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Enroling vs. Enrolling — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Enroling" is an incorrect spelling; the correct form is "Enrolling," which refers to the act of signing up or registering.
Enroling vs. Enrolling — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Enroling or Enrolling

How to spell Enrolling?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Notice the word "roll" within "enrolling" which also has two "l's."
Double the "l" just as you would for "controlled" or "trolled."
Use mnemonic: "In ENROLLing, I’m ALL in," emphasizing "all" to recall the double "l."
Remember the double "l" as in "enrolling" is consistent with other verbs like "controlling" and "patrolling."
Think of the process: when you "enroll," you "roll" into something, so two "l's" make sense.

How Do You Spell Enrolling Correctly?

Incorrect: Before enroling, he read all the course descriptions carefully.
Correct: Before enrolling, he read all the course descriptions carefully.
Incorrect: The university offers an incentive for enroling before July.
Correct: The university offers an incentive for enrolling before July.
Incorrect: Many students are enroling late this semester.
Correct: Many students are enrolling late this semester.
Incorrect: She had trouble enroling online due to a website error.
Correct: She had trouble enrolling online due to a website error.
Incorrect: He is thinking about enroling in the new art class.
Correct: He is thinking about enrolling in the new art class.

Enrolling Definitions

Securing a place in an activity or system.
By enrolling early, he got a discount on the workshop fee.
Initiating membership or participation.
After enrolling in the library, she borrowed her first book.
The act of signing up or registering for something.
Students are enrolling in the new course offered at the university.
Officially entering or joining an institution or group.
Enrolling in the gym was her first step towards fitness.
Committing to participate in an event or program.
Enrolling in the seminar will provide access to expert insights.
To enter or register in a roll, list, or record
Enrolled the child in kindergarten.
Enroll the minutes of the meeting.
To roll or wrap up.
To write or print a final copy of; engross.
To place one's name on a roll or register; sign up
We enrolled in the army.
Present participle of enroll
Present participle of enrol
An enrolment.

Enrolling Meaning in a Sentence

After enrolling, she received a schedule of her classes.
Before enrolling, make sure to visit the campus.
Enrolling in a dance class was her new year's resolution.
The process of enrolling in college can be quite daunting.
Enrolling early can give you a better choice of classes.
Parents are enrolling their children in summer camps.
Enrolling in a language school is a great way to learn a new language.
Many are enrolling in fitness programs to lead healthier lives.
He considered enrolling in a cooking course to improve his skills.
The benefits of enrolling in advanced courses include more knowledge and better skills.
Students enrolling in the program must meet certain academic criteria.
Enrolling in a library membership opens up a world of books and resources.
Enrolling in online courses allows for flexible learning.
The ease of enrolling online has made education more accessible.
The challenge after enrolling is managing time effectively.
The deadline for enrolling in the health insurance plan is approaching.
Before enrolling, students must complete an orientation session.
Enrolling in a community college can be a cost-effective way to start higher education.
She's enrolling in a workshop to enhance her professional skills.
Enrolling in multiple activities can help children discover their interests.

Enrolling Idioms & Phrases

Open for enrolling

A period during which sign-ups or registrations are accepted.
The summer camp is now open for enrolling, with limited spots available.

Mass enrolling

A large number of people signing up or registering at once.
The university experienced mass enrolling after lowering its tuition fees.

Early bird enrolling

Signing up for something well in advance, often with benefits like reduced fees.
Early bird enrolling in the conference ends next month, offering a significant discount.

Conditional enrolling

Signing up with certain prerequisites or requirements that must be met.
Conditional enrolling in the course requires passing a preliminary test.

Enrolling by the numbers

Signing up in large numbers or quantities.
The new fitness challenge saw enrolling by the numbers due to its popularity.

Selective enrolling

A registration process that involves a selection or screening of applicants.
The elite program has a selective enrolling process to maintain high standards.

Deadline for enrolling

The last date by which one must sign up or register.
Don't miss the deadline for enrolling in the workshop; it's this Friday.

Enrolling with enthusiasm

Signing up for something with excitement and eagerness.
She was enrolling with enthusiasm in the new creative writing course.

Peer enrolling

Encouraging friends or peers to sign up or join together.
The club's membership grew thanks to peer enrolling, where current members brought friends.

Enrolling spree

A period during which one signs up for multiple activities or courses.
She went on an enrolling spree, joining various clubs and societies at the start of the semester.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Enrolling?

It's called "enrolling" because it denotes the action of entering or registering in a system or institution.

What is the pronunciation of Enrolling?

Enrolling is pronounced as /ɪnˈroʊlɪŋ/.

What is the plural form of Enrolling?

The verb "enroll" doesn’t have a plural form, but multiple people can be "enrolling."

Which preposition is used with Enrolling?

"In" is commonly used, as in "enrolling in."

Which conjunction is used with Enrolling?

Any conjunction can be used with "enrolling" depending on the context; there's no specific conjunction exclusive for it.

What is the verb form of Enrolling?

The base verb form is "enroll."

What is the root word of Enrolling?

The root word is "enroll."

Which vowel is used before Enrolling?

The letter "E" is used before "nrolling."

What is the singular form of Enrolling?

The singular form is "enrolls" when referring to a third person singular subject.

Which article is used with Enrolling?

Articles such as "the" or "an" can be used depending on the context.

Is Enrolling a negative or positive word?

"Enrolling" is neutral; it doesn't inherently carry a negative or positive connotation.

Is Enrolling a collective noun?

No, "enrolling" is not a collective noun.

Is Enrolling a noun or adjective?

"Enrolling" is primarily a verb, but can be used as a noun as in the "process of enrolling."

Is Enrolling an adverb?

No, "enrolling" is not an adverb.

Is Enrolling a vowel or consonant?

"Enrolling" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

What is a stressed syllable in Enrolling?

The second syllable "roll" is stressed.

Is Enrolling an abstract noun?

No, "enrolling" is not typically used as an abstract noun.

Is the word “Enrolling” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Enrolling" can serve as a direct object depending on the sentence structure.

How do we divide Enrolling into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Enrolling?

Determiners such as "the," "this," or "that" can be used with "enrolling" depending on the context.

Is Enrolling a countable noun?

When used as a noun, "enrolling" refers to a process and is typically uncountable.

Is the word Enrolling a Gerund?

Yes, "enrolling" functions as a gerund when used as a noun.

How many syllables are in Enrolling?

There are three syllables in "enrolling."

What is the first form of Enrolling?

The first form is "enroll."

What is the second form of Enrolling?

The second form is "enrolled."

What is another term for Enrolling?

Another term for enrolling could be "registering."

What is the opposite of Enrolling?

The opposite might be "withdrawing" or "deregistering."

What is the third form of Enrolling?

The third form is also "enrolled."

Is the Enrolling term a metaphor?

No, "enrolling" is not a metaphor. It's a direct term referring to a registration or signup process.

Is the word Enrolling imperative?

"Enroll" can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Enroll now to save a spot."

What part of speech is Enrolling?

"Enrolling" is primarily a verb, but can function as a noun in some contexts.

How is Enrolling used in a sentence?

"Many students are enrolling in online courses this year."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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