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Entrust vs. Intrust — Which is Correct Spelling?

Entrust vs. Intrust — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Entrust or Intrust

How to spell Entrust?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Entrust Definitions

Entrust Corp., formerly Entrust Datacard, provides financial institutions, national governments, corporate enterprises and other organizations with technologies to establish trusted identities and conduct highly secure transactions. Examples of the company's diverse offerings include software and hardware used to issue financial cards, produce e-passports; authenticate users looking to access secure networks or conduct financial transactions; provide trusted certificates for websites, mobile credentials, and connected devices; and hardware security modules and software for secure encryption and key management solutions.
To give over (something) to another for care, protection, or performance
"He still has the aura of the priest to whom you would entrust your darkest secrets" (James Carroll).
To give as a trust to (someone)
Entrusted his aides with the task.
(transitive) To trust to the care of.
Can I entrust you with a secret?
He entrusted me his daughter.
He entrusts that task to her.
See Intrust.
Confer a trust upon;
The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret
I commit my soul to God
Put into the care or protection of someone;
He left the decision to his deputy
Leave your child the nurse's care

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