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Equipment vs. Materials — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 7, 2023
Equipment refers to tools or machinery used for a specific purpose, while materials are substances or items from which things are made or done.
Equipment vs. Materials — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Equipment and Materials


Key Differences

Equipment typically denotes tangible, often sizable tools or machinery used in operations, work, or leisure activities. On the other hand, materials generally represent substances, often raw or unprocessed, which are utilized to produce goods or achieve objectives.
When considering a construction site, equipment might involve cranes, bulldozers, and drills, which aid in the construction process. Conversely, materials could encompass bricks, cement, and steel, which become integral parts of the finished structure.
In a culinary setting, equipment encompasses items like ovens, mixers, and knives that help in the preparation of dishes. Meanwhile, materials refer to ingredients like vegetables, spices, and meats that are used to compose the dish.
In a scientific lab, equipment could be microscopes, test tubes, and Bunsen burners, aiding researchers in their experiments. In contrast, materials could include chemicals, samples, or specimens that are examined or combined in the course of research.
It's pivotal to understand that while equipment can frequently be reused for various tasks or projects, materials are often consumed or transformed during the process in which they are employed.

Comparison Chart


Tools or machinery for specific tasks
Substances or items used in creation or tasks


Typically reusable
Often consumed or transformed in use


Tend to be durable and long-lasting
Can be perishable or have a finite usability

Example Context

In cooking: ovens, mixers
In cooking: vegetables, spices

Value Over Time

Often depreciates but maintains utility over multiple uses
Might be used up or integrated into a final product

Compare with Definitions


Equipment is what's required for a specific activity or purpose.
Camping requires specific outdoor equipment.


Materials are substances or things needed to make something.
The artist used various materials for her sculptures.


Equipment denotes tangible assets used to facilitate tasks or activities.
Photographers invest heavily in their equipment.


Materials denote elements or components needed for production.
She gathered all the materials to start her DIY project.


Equipment encompasses devices or instruments aiding in operational tasks.
The factory acquired new equipment to increase production.


Materials represent the necessary substances for a particular use.
The teacher provided all the materials for the class experiment.


The act of equipping or the state of being equipped
Responsible for the rapid equipment of the troops.


Materials refer to items or substances from which things are constructed.
The house was made of eco-friendly materials.


Something with which a person, organization, or thing is equipped
The athletes keep their equipment in the locker room.


Materials encompass raw items transformed in production processes.
The company sourced its materials from local suppliers.


The rolling stock especially of a transportation system.


The substance or substances out of which a thing is or can be made.


The mental and emotional resources of an individual
Doesn't have the equipment to cope.


Something, such as an idea or information, that is to be refined and made or incorporated into a finished effort
Material for a comedy.


The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition.


Materials Tools or apparatus for the performance of a given task
Writing materials.


Any items used in equipping something or someone, for example things needed for an expedition or voyage.
We need more gardening equipment if we want to properly landscape our yard, not just a rake and some gloves.
The sports shop sells different kits of famous clubs, and equipment from all kind of sports.


Yard goods or cloth.


The male genitalia.


A person who is qualified or suited for a position or activity
The members of the board felt that she was vice-presidential material.


The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition.
The equipment of the fleet was hastened by De Witt.


Of, relating to, or composed of matter.


Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc. ; for carrying on business); horse equipments; infantry equipments; naval equipments; laboratory equipments.
Armed and dight,In the equipments of a knight.


Of, relating to, or affecting physical well-being; bodily
"the moral and material welfare of all good citizens" (Theodore Roosevelt).


An instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service


Of or concerned with the physical as distinct from the intellectual or spiritual
"Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


Equipment refers to necessary items for a particular purpose.
The gym had a range of equipment for cardiovascular exercises.


Being both relevant and consequential; crucial
Testimony material to the inquiry.


Equipment is the set of tools or machinery needed for a specialized function.
The laboratory was well-stocked with modern equipment.


(Philosophy) Of or relating to the matter of reasoning, rather than the form.


Plural of material

Common Curiosities

Can equipment be considered a type of material?

Not typically. While both are resources, equipment is for use or operation, and materials are often consumed or incorporated into products.

Can equipment be used up like materials?

Equipment is typically durable and meant for repeated use, while materials are often consumed or transformed.

Which depreciates faster, equipment or materials?

Equipment usually depreciates over time, while materials might be used up or integrated into products, often losing their original form.

Are materials always tangible?

Generally, materials are tangible, but the term can also refer to intangible resources, like digital materials, in certain contexts.

Do materials always require equipment for their use or transformation?

Not always, but often equipment facilitates the efficient and precise use or transformation of materials.

What's the primary difference between equipment and materials?

Equipment refers to tools or machinery used for tasks, while materials are substances or items from which things are made.

Are raw ingredients in cooking considered equipment or materials?

They are considered materials.

In a sewing project, what's equipment and what are materials?

The sewing machine and scissors are equipment; fabric and thread are materials.

Can one item be both equipment and material?

It's context-dependent. For instance, in construction, a brick can be a material, but in a weightlifting exercise, it can be equipment.

In software development, what's considered equipment?

Computers, servers, and related hardware can be considered equipment.

What about software code, is it equipment or material?

In software development, code or software libraries can be seen as materials used to build applications.

Can equipment be rented?

Yes, equipment like machinery, tools, or devices can often be rented for temporary use.

Are materials typically more perishable than equipment?

Yes, materials, especially in contexts like food or certain crafts, can be perishable, whereas equipment is usually durable.

In a business setting, where do equipment and materials fall on a balance sheet?

Equipment is usually listed as a fixed asset, while materials might be under inventory or current assets.

In a hospital, what are examples of equipment and materials?

MRI machines and stethoscopes are equipment; bandages and medications are materials.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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