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Equity vs. Asset — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 8, 2024
Equity represents ownership interest in a company, while an asset is any resource owned by an individual or organization that has economic value and can generate future benefits.
Equity vs. Asset — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Equity and Asset


Key Differences

Equity refers to the residual interest in the assets of a company after deducting liabilities. It's often associated with shareholder ownership in a business, reflecting the owner's share of the company's value. On the other hand, an asset is any resource with economic value that a company owns or controls.
Equity can come in various forms, such as common stock, preferred stock, or retained earnings, indicating the stake in a company’s financials. In contrast, assets include items like cash, property, equipment, and intellectual property, used to produce value.
Equity represents a measure of ownership and financial health, often scrutinized by investors to gauge profitability. Whereas, assets are categorized into current and non-current, depending on their liquidity and the ease with which they can be converted into cash.
Equity fluctuates based on the company's profitability and losses, impacting shareholder value. While assets have a relatively fixed value, though they can be re-evaluated or depreciated over time.

Comparison Chart


Ownership interest in a company
Economic resource owned or controlled


Common stock, retained earnings
Current (cash) and non-current (buildings)

Value Fluctuation

Varies with profit/loss
May depreciate or appreciate


Measures financial health
Generates economic value


Affects shareholder returns
Influences operational capacity

Compare with Definitions


The residual value after liabilities.
The company's equity was strong due to low debt.


Economic resource with value.
Cash is a highly liquid asset.


Market value of property minus liabilities.
The homeowner has significant equity in the property.


Current asset easily converted to cash.
Accounts receivable is a crucial current asset.


Ownership interest in a company.
Shareholders monitor their equity closely as it affects their returns.


Fixed asset used in operations.
Machinery is a vital fixed asset for manufacturing.


The concept of fairness or justice.
Legal equity is ensured in the courtroom.


Strategic asset offers a competitive advantage.
Their strong brand is a key strategic asset.


Equity financing involves selling ownership stakes.
Startups often seek equity financing to grow their operations.


Intangible asset without physical substance.
Patents are valuable intangible assets.


The state or quality of being just and fair.


In financial accounting, an asset is any resource owned or controlled by a business or an economic entity. It is anything (tangible or intangible) that can be used to produce positive economic value.


Something that is just and fair.


A useful or valuable quality, person, or thing; an advantage or resource
Proved herself an asset to the company.


Justice achieved not simply according to the strict letter of the law but in accordance with principles of substantial justice and the unique facts of the case.


A valuable item that is owned.


See court of equity.


A spy working in their own country and controlled by a foreign power or an enemy.


An equitable right or claim
An analysis of the equities and inequities brought about by the current trade bill.


(Accounting) The entries on a balance sheet showing all properties, both tangible and intangible, and claims against others that may be applied to cover the liabilities of a person or business. Assets can include cash, stock, inventories, property rights, and goodwill.


Ownership interest in a corporation, property, or other holding, usually calculated as the value of the holding after subtracting any debt or liabilities.


The entire property owned by a person, especially a bankrupt, that can be used to settle debts.


Equities Shares of common stock or preferred stock.


A thing or quality that has value, especially one that generates cash flows.
My assets consist of stocks in companies that pay a dividend, and a few apartments that pay me rental income.


The value of a brand's reputation.


(accounting) Any item recorded on the left-hand side of a balance sheet.


Representing an ownership interest
An equity stake.


(software) Any component, model, process or framework of value that can be leveraged or reused.


Of or relating to stocks
An equity mutual fund.


(espionage) An intelligence asset.


Subordinated to all other claims on income, earnings, or assets
The equity tranche.


A woman's breasts or buttocks or a man's genitalia.


Fairness, impartiality, or justice as determined in light of "natural law" or "natural right".


Any article or separable part of one's assets.


(legal) Various related senses originating with the Court of Chancery in late Medieval England


A useful or valuable quality


(legal) The power of a court of law having extra-statutory discretion, to decide legal matters and to provide legal relief apart from, though not in violation of, the prevailing legal code; in some cases, a court "sitting in equity" may provide relief to a complainant should the code be found either inapplicable or insufficient to do so.


(legal) A right which accrues to a party in a transaction because of the nature of the transaction itself, and which is exercisable upon a change of circumstances or conditions; in other words, an equitable claim.


The body of law which was developed in the English Court of Chancery, which Court had extra-statutory discretion, and is now administered alongside the common law of Britain.


(finance) Various senses related to net value


Value of property minus liens or other encumbrances.
Home equity
I have a lot of equity in my house.


(business) Ownership, especially in terms of net monetary value of some business.


(accounting) Ownership interest in a company as determined by subtracting liabilities from assets.


(poker) A player's expected share of the pot.


(nonstandard) Equality


Equality of rights; natural justice or right; the giving, or desiring to give, to each man his due, according to reason, and the law of God to man; fairness in determination of conflicting claims; impartiality.
Christianity secures both the private interests of men and the public peace, enforcing all justice and equity.


An equitable claim; an equity of redemption; as, an equity to a settlement, or wife's equity, etc.
I consider the wife's equity to be too well settled to be shaken.


A system of jurisprudence, supplemental to law, properly so called, and complemental of it.
Equity had been gradually shaping itself into a refined science which no human faculties could master without long and intense application.


The difference between the market value of a property and the claims held against it


The ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation


Conformity with rules or standards;
The judge recognized the fairness of my claim

Common Curiosities

What is equity in finance?

Equity refers to the ownership interest in a company after deducting all liabilities.

How do assets affect equity?

Assets impact equity because changes in their value alter the net worth of a company.

How does equity differ from an asset?

Equity is a measure of ownership in a company, while an asset is a resource owned that has economic value.

What is an example of equity in accounting?

Retained earnings represent accumulated profits that contribute to a company's equity.

Can an asset lose value?

Yes, depreciation, obsolescence, or damage can cause an asset to lose value.

Is equity a type of asset?

Yes, equity can be considered an asset when assessing personal net worth.

What are the two main types of equity?

Common equity (common stock) and preferred equity (preferred stock).

Do assets influence a company's creditworthiness?

Yes, companies with valuable assets are more likely to obtain credit.

What role does equity play in real estate?

Real estate equity represents the value of property minus any outstanding mortgage debt.

Why are assets categorized as current or non-current?

Current assets are easily converted to cash, while non-current assets are held for long-term use.

How does equity impact shareholders?

Higher equity means a greater share of the company's value for shareholders.

Can personal equity increase over time?

Yes, personal equity can grow with increased investments or reducing debts.

What assets are typically intangible?

Intangible assets include patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

Why is equity important for startups?

Startups often rely on equity financing to raise capital for growth.

Is goodwill considered an asset?

Yes, goodwill is an intangible asset arising from business acquisitions.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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