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Evolutionally vs. Evolutionarily — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 8, 2024
Evolutionally is the incorrect spelling. Evolutionarily is the correct word, meaning in a way that relates to evolution.
Evolutionally vs. Evolutionarily — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Evolutionally or Evolutionarily

How to spell Evolutionarily?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "evolutionarily" as having four syllables: "e-vo-lu-tion-ar-i-ly."
"Evolutionarily" has "ari" in it, like "library," suggesting something complex and gradual like evolution.
"Evolutionarily" includes "arily," which sounds like "really," emphasizing the word's correctness.

How Do You Spell Evolutionarily Correctly?

Incorrect: The concept is not scientifically accurate evolutionally.
Correct: The concept is not scientifically accurate evolutionarily.
Incorrect: These traits are passed down evolutionally over generations.
Correct: These traits are passed down evolutionarily over generations.
Incorrect: These creatures evolved evolutionally to thrive in their environment.
Correct: These creatures evolved evolutionarily to thrive in their environment.
Incorrect: The research paper examined the evolutionally adaptive behavior of the species.
Correct: The research paper examined the evolutionarily adaptive behavior of the species.
Incorrect: He tried to explain the changes evolutionally, but his argument was unclear.
Correct: He tried to explain the changes evolutionarily, but his argument was unclear.

Evolutionarily Definitions

With reference to gradual change over time.
Evolutionarily speaking, species can adapt rapidly to new conditions.
Considering the gradual development of traits and characteristics.
Evolutionarily, some traits develop over thousands of years.
According to principles of evolution.
Evolutionarily, similar traits often arise in unrelated species.
A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
A result of this process; a development
Judo is an evolution of an earlier martial art.
Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, often resulting in the development of new species. The mechanisms of evolution include natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, mutation, migration, and genetic drift.
The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.
(Astronomy) Change in the structure, chemical composition, or dynamical properties of a celestial object or system such as a planetary system, star, or galaxy. Evolution often changes the observable or measurable characteristics of the object or system.
A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements
Naval evolutions in preparation for battle.
(Mathematics) The extraction of a root of a quantity.
In a manner relating to evolution or slow development.
From the perspective of evolution.
In a manner related to the process of evolution.
The animal is evolutionarily adapted to its environment.
From the perspective of evolutionary biology.
Evolutionarily, humans share common ancestors with apes.

Evolutionarily Meaning in a Sentence

The scientists analyzed the evolutionarily significant traits in the fossil record.
The biologist discussed how certain species evolved evolutionarily.
Evolutionarily, the development of wings was a crucial step for birds.
Evolutionarily, some species can develop new traits within a few generations.
Evolutionarily speaking, natural selection shapes all living organisms.
Evolutionarily adaptive traits can sometimes be lost over time.
Evolutionarily distinct species often share surprising similarities.
Evolutionarily, humans are closely related to chimpanzees.
The evolutionarily beneficial adaptation helped the species survive.
Understanding evolutionarily significant behavior helps explain animal adaptations.
The bird's brightly colored feathers are evolutionarily advantageous for mating.
Evolutionarily, plants and animals co-evolved to benefit each other.
Evolutionarily conserved genes are found across different species.
The evolutionarily beneficial mutation helped the bacteria resist antibiotics.
Certain behaviors are evolutionarily ingrained in humans.
Scientists study fossils to understand how species changed evolutionarily.
Evolutionarily speaking, different species adapt to environmental changes uniquely.
These animals are evolutionarily adapted to desert environments.
Humans are evolutionarily wired to recognize facial expressions.
The researchers investigated how evolutionarily recent changes affected humans.
Evolutionarily, traits like camouflage help prey animals evade predators.
Evolutionarily, flight provided insects with a significant advantage.
The evolutionarily developed immune system protects the body against infections.
Evolutionarily related species often have similar behavioral patterns.
Evolutionarily significant changes often occur over thousands of generations.

Evolutionarily Idioms & Phrases

Evolutionarily Speaking

From an evolutionary perspective.
Evolutionarily speaking, humans evolved from a common ancestor with apes.

Evolutionarily Transient

Existing only temporarily in evolutionary history.
Some traits are evolutionarily transient and disappear over time.

Evolutionarily Significant

Important or notable in terms of evolution.
The evolutionarily significant changes helped the species thrive.

Evolutionarily Recent

Having developed in the more recent evolutionary past.
Bipedalism is evolutionarily recent in human history.

Evolutionarily Conserved

Maintained without significant change across species.
Evolutionarily conserved genes can be found in various organisms.

Evolutionarily Advantageous

Providing an advantage in evolutionary terms.
The bird's unique coloring is evolutionarily advantageous for attracting mates.

Evolutionarily Stable

Resistant to change due to evolutionary forces.
This trait has remained evolutionarily stable over time.

Evolutionarily Neutral

Having no significant impact on survival.
Some genetic variations are evolutionarily neutral.

Evolutionarily Convergent

Resulting in similar traits due to similar environments.
Dolphins and sharks are evolutionarily convergent in body shape.

Evolutionarily Adaptive

Beneficial in terms of evolution.
This behavior is evolutionarily adaptive for survival in the wild.

Evolutionarily Derived

Originating from a common ancestor.
The bird's beak shape is evolutionarily derived from ancient species.

Evolutionarily Regressive

Showing a return to earlier evolutionary traits.
Some species exhibit evolutionarily regressive traits like loss of eyesight.

Evolutionarily Ancient

Having origins in the distant evolutionary past.
Sharks are considered evolutionarily ancient creatures.

Evolutionarily Distinct

Uniquely different in evolutionary terms.
The platypus is an evolutionarily distinct species among mammals.

Evolutionarily Relevant

Having significance in understanding evolution.
Studying fossils is evolutionarily relevant for tracking changes over time.

Evolutionarily Isolated

Having no close evolutionary relatives.
The kiwi is evolutionarily isolated from other birds.

Evolutionarily Rapid

Changing or adapting quickly in evolutionary terms.
Some insects show evolutionarily rapid adaptations to pesticides.

Evolutionarily Variable

Exhibiting significant differences in evolutionary traits.
The frog species shows evolutionarily variable coloration patterns.

Evolutionarily Parallel

Developing similarly but independently across species.
Marsupials and placental mammals show evolutionarily parallel traits.

Evolutionarily Progressive

Showing advanced evolutionary development.
Evolutionarily progressive traits include larger brain sizes in primates.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in evolutionarily?

Evolutionarily has seven syllables.

Why is it called evolutionarily?

Evolutionarily derives from "evolutionary," which relates to the concept of evolution.

How is evolutionarily used in a sentence?

Humans are evolutionarily wired to communicate through language.

How do we divide evolutionarily into syllables?

Evolutionarily is divided into syllables as e-vo-lu-tion-ar-i-ly.

What is the verb form of evolutionarily?

There isn't a direct verb form of "evolutionarily," but "evolve" is related.

What is the pronunciation of evolutionarily?

Evolutionarily is pronounced as /ˌɛvəˈluʃənɛrɪli/.

What part of speech is evolutionarily?

Evolutionarily is an adverb.

What is the singular form of evolutionarily?

Evolutionarily is an adverb and doesn't have singular or plural forms.

What is a stressed syllable in evolutionarily?

The stressed syllable in evolutionarily is the fourth syllable, "ar."

What is the opposite of evolutionarily?

The opposite of evolutionarily could be "non-evolutionarily."

Is evolutionarily a negative or positive word?

Evolutionarily is generally neutral in meaning.

Is the word “evolutionarily” a direct object or an indirect object?

Evolutionarily is an adverb and cannot act as a direct or indirect object.

Which determiner is used with evolutionarily?

Evolutionarily is an adverb and doesn't use a determiner.

What is the root word of evolutionarily?

The root word of evolutionarily is "evolution."

What is another term for evolutionarily?

Another term for evolutionarily could be "in an evolutionary manner."

What is the plural form of evolutionarily?

Evolutionarily is an adverb and doesn't have a plural form.

Is evolutionarily a noun or adjective?

Evolutionarily is an adverb.

Is evolutionarily an abstract noun?

No, evolutionarily is not a noun.

Is evolutionarily a countable noun?

No, evolutionarily is not a noun.

Is the evolutionarily term a metaphor?

No, the term evolutionarily is not a metaphor.

Is the word evolutionarily imperative?

No, the word evolutionarily is not imperative.

Is evolutionarily an adverb?

Yes, evolutionarily is an adverb.

Which preposition is used with evolutionarily?

The preposition "in" is used with evolutionarily, as "in an evolutionarily advantageous way."

Which article is used with evolutionarily?

Articles aren't used directly with adverbs like evolutionarily.

Is the word evolutionarily Gerund?

No, the word evolutionarily is not a gerund.

Which conjunction is used with evolutionarily?

The conjunction "and" is often used with evolutionarily.

Is evolutionarily a vowel or consonant?

Evolutionarily is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is evolutionarily a collective noun?

No, evolutionarily is not a noun.

Which vowel is used before evolutionarily?

"An" can be used before evolutionarily, as "an evolutionarily stable trait."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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