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F-14 vs. F-15 — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 29, 2023
The F-14 Tomcat is a naval interceptor with variable-sweep wings, designed for the U.S. Navy. The F-15 Eagle is an air superiority fighter for the U.S. Air Force with fixed wings.
F-14 vs. F-15 — What's the Difference?

Difference Between F-14 and F-15


Key Differences

The F-14 Tomcat and the F-15 Eagle, both legendary jet fighters, hail from the same era but were developed for different branches and purposes of the U.S. military. The F-14 was primarily designed for the U.S. Navy, with a primary role as a fleet defense interceptor. It features variable-sweep wings, which means its wings can pivot backward or forward depending on the flight need. On the other hand, the F-15 was developed for the U.S. Air Force, focusing on air superiority and dominance. Its fixed wings give it a consistent wing profile, optimized for high-speed aerial combat.
Beyond the different wing configurations between the F-14 and F-15, the intended operational environments also differ. The F-14, destined for naval operations, was built with the capability to operate from aircraft carriers. Its rugged landing gear and tailhook enable it to land on moving decks and be rapidly decelerated. In contrast, the F-15 was designed for land-based operations from fixed runways, emphasizing speed, agility, and high-altitude performance.
In terms of armament and combat capabilities, both the F-14 and F-15 are equipped with an array of missiles and a gun. However, the F-14 was notably equipped with the long-range AIM-54 Phoenix missile, enabling it to engage multiple aerial threats from a distance. The F-15, while not having the Phoenix, boasts a remarkable kill-to-loss ratio and is regarded as one of the most successful dogfighting aircraft in history.
To sum it up, the F-14 and F-15, while both being iconic jet fighters of their time, were tailored for different military branches and purposes. The F-14 with its variable-sweep wings and naval capabilities contrasts the land-based, air-dominant nature of the F-15.

Comparison Chart

Designed For

U.S. Navy
U.S. Air Force

Wing Configuration

Variable-sweep wings
Fixed wings

Operational Environment

Aircraft carriers
Land-based fixed runways

Notable Missile Armament

AIM-54 Phoenix
Doesn't carry Phoenix but has a range of other missiles

Primary Role

Fleet defense interceptor
Air superiority fighter

Compare with Definitions


Served as a fleet defense interceptor.
The F-14 played a crucial role in protecting naval fleets from aerial threats.


Features fixed wings optimized for high-speed combat.
The F-15's wing design made it a formidable opponent in dogfights.


Equipped with the long-range AIM-54 Phoenix missile.
Using the AIM-54 Phoenix, the F-14 could engage threats from significant distances.


Boasts a remarkable kill-to-loss ratio.
The F-15's combat record made it one of the most successful fighters in history.


A naval interceptor designed for the U.S. Navy.
The F-14 was a formidable presence on U.S. aircraft carriers during its service years.


An air superiority fighter designed for the U.S. Air Force.
The F-15 dominated the skies during numerous aerial engagements.


Features variable-sweep wings for diverse flight conditions.
The F-14's wings could pivot backward for high-speed flight.


Operates primarily from land-based runways.
Air Force bases frequently deployed the F-15 for various missions.


Known to operate from aircraft carriers.
The F-14 showcased its prowess in many naval operations.


Tailored for air dominance in any combat scenario.
In aerial skirmishes, the F-15 was often the reigning champion.

Common Curiosities

Which jet is known for air superiority?

The F-15 Eagle is known for its air superiority role.

Which aircraft was designed for the Navy?

The F-14 Tomcat was designed for the U.S. Navy.

Why does the F-14 have variable-sweep wings?

The variable-sweep wings allow the F-14 to adapt to various flight conditions and speeds.

Is the F-14 still in service with the U.S. Navy?

No, the F-14 was retired from U.S. Navy service in 2006.

Do both aircraft have the same wing configuration?

No, the F-14 has variable-sweep wings, while the F-15 has fixed wings.

Can the F-15 operate from aircraft carriers?

No, the F-15 is designed for land-based operations, whereas the F-14 operates from carriers.

Which aircraft carried the AIM-54 Phoenix missile?

The F-14 Tomcat was equipped with the AIM-54 Phoenix missile.

Which aircraft boasts a higher kill-to-loss ratio?

The F-15 Eagle has a remarkable kill-to-loss ratio in aerial combat.

Was the F-14 ever exported to other countries?

The F-14 was exclusively used by the U.S. Navy and the Iranian Air Force.

How does the F-15 compare in speed to the F-14?

Both aircraft are capable of reaching speeds over Mach 2, but specific speeds can vary based on conditions and configurations.

What's the primary operational environment for the F-15?

The F-15 operates primarily from land-based fixed runways.

How do the avionics systems compare between the two aircraft?

Both aircraft have undergone avionics upgrades over their service lives, with the F-15 receiving more modern updates in its latest variants.

How do the combat roles differ between the two?

The F-14 was primarily a fleet defense interceptor, while the F-15 is an air superiority fighter.

Are there updated versions of the F-15 still in production?

Yes, modern variants like the F-15EX are continuations of the F-15 lineage.

Which aircraft is larger in size?

Both aircraft are similar in size, but the F-14 has a wider wingspan when its wings are fully extended.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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