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F-15 vs. FA-18 — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 26, 2023
The F-15 is a twin-engine, air superiority fighter, while the FA-18 is a twin-engine multirole combat jet, capable of both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. Both are key assets in the U.S. military.
F-15 vs. FA-18 — What's the Difference?

Difference Between F-15 and FA-18


Key Differences

Introduction and Role: The F-15, primarily designed as an air superiority fighter, has a dominant presence in the sky, ensuring control over aerial territories. In contrast, the FA-18 is a versatile multirole combat aircraft, undertaking both air combat and ground attack operations, showcasing its dual capabilities.
Design and Features: The F-15's design prioritizes speed, agility, and weapons systems geared for aerial combat. The FA-18, on the other hand, features a more balanced design suitable for a broader range of missions, including strike capabilities and even carrier operations.
Origins and Variants: The F-15 was introduced in the early 1970s by McDonnell Douglas, with several subsequent variants enhancing its capabilities. The FA-18, developed later, is a derivative of the YF-17 and is designed to operate from aircraft carriers, leading to the creation of both Hornet and Super Hornet variants.
Operational Use: The F-15 has been widely used by the U.S. Air Force for decades, proving its mettle in various aerial confrontations. The FA-18, predominantly utilized by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, has showcased its adaptability in diverse operations, both over land and sea.
Global Presence: While the F-15 has been exported to various allied nations and remains a formidable air superiority asset globally, the FA-18, with its multirole capabilities, has found a home in several navies and air forces around the world.

Comparison Chart

Primary Role

Air superiority fighter
Multirole combat aircraft

Design Focus

Aerial combat
Versatility (air-to-air and air-to-ground)


1970s by McDonnell Douglas
Derivative of YF-17, suitable for carriers

Main U.S. Branch of Service

U.S. Air Force
U.S. Navy and Marine Corps

Global Export

Yes, to allied nations
Yes, to multiple navies and air forces

Compare with Definitions


Introduced in the 1970s by McDonnell Douglas.
Since its introduction, the F-15 has undergone several upgrades to maintain its edge.


Utilized by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.
The FA-18 plays a pivotal role in naval air operations, supporting both the Navy and Marine Corps.


A twin-engine air superiority fighter jet.
The F-15's dominance in the sky is unparalleled in aerial combat scenarios.


Evolved from the YF-17 design.
The FA-18's development has roots in the earlier YF-17 prototype.


Designed primarily for aerial combat roles.
In dogfights, the F-15 exhibits exceptional agility and performance.


A twin-engine multirole combat aircraft.
The versatility of the FA-18 allows it to handle both air and ground threats.


A mainstay of the U.S. Air Force.
The F-15 has been a cornerstone of the U.S. Air Force's air superiority for decades.


Comes in both Hornet and Super Hornet variants.
The FA-18 Super Hornet offers enhanced capabilities over the original Hornet design.


Widely exported to U.S. allies.
Countries like Israel and Japan operate the F-15 in their respective air forces.


Suitable for carrier-based operations.
The FA-18's design enables it to operate efficiently from aircraft carriers.

Common Curiosities

Is the FA-18 limited to air combat?

No, the FA-18 is a multirole aircraft capable of both air combat and ground attack.

Which branch of the U.S. military primarily uses the F-15?

The U.S. Air Force predominantly uses the F-15.

Can the FA-18 operate from aircraft carriers?

Yes, the FA-18 is designed for carrier-based operations.

What is the primary role of the F-15?

The F-15 is designed primarily as an air superiority fighter.

Which company introduced the F-15?

The F-15 was introduced by McDonnell Douglas.

What's the connection between the YF-17 and the FA-18?

The FA-18 evolved from the YF-17 design.

In which decade was the F-15 first introduced?

The F-15 was first introduced in the 1970s.

Has the F-15 been exported internationally?

Yes, the F-15 has been exported to several allied nations.

Is the F-15 solely for air-to-air combat?

While its primary role is air superiority, some variants of the F-15 are equipped for multirole operations.

Are there different variants of the FA-18?

Yes, the FA-18 comes in both Hornet and Super Hornet variants.

Which aircraft is more versatile, the F-15 or the FA-18?

The FA-18 is more versatile, being a multirole combat aircraft.

Who are the main operators of the FA-18?

The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are the main operators of the FA-18.

How does the F-15 maintain its relevance in modern air combat?

The F-15 has undergone multiple upgrades and has various modernized variants to keep it relevant.

Which aircraft primarily supports the U.S. Navy's air operations?

The FA-18 is the primary aircraft supporting U.S. Navy air operations.

Are both the F-15 and FA-18 twin-engine jets?

Yes, both the F-15 and FA-18 are twin-engine aircraft.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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