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Facial vs. Face Mask — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 17, 2023
A facial is a multi-step skincare treatment for the face, while a face mask is a specific product applied to the skin for a short duration for specific benefits.
Facial vs. Face Mask — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Facial and Face Mask


Key Differences

A facial is a comprehensive skincare regimen that includes several steps like cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. On the other hand, a face mask is a singular treatment, usually a creamy or gel-like substance applied to the face for a specific purpose.
While a facial can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and is often performed by professionals in a spa or salon, a face mask can be used at home and typically requires only 10-30 minutes.
The goal of a facial is to provide a deep cleansing, improve circulation, and offer relaxation, often involving massage. A face mask, however, targets specific skin concerns like hydration, acne, or detoxification.
One might opt for a facial once a month to maintain healthy skin, while a face mask can be used more frequently, depending on the type and the skin's needs.
In essence, while both facial and face mask aim to improve the skin's health and appearance, a facial is a more thorough and holistic treatment, and a face mask is a targeted, shorter-duration remedy.

Comparison Chart


Comprehensive skincare treatment.
Targeted treatment for specific skin concerns.


30 minutes to an hour.
10-30 minutes.


Often by professionals in salons or spas.
Typically at home by the individual.


Once a month or as recommended by professionals.
Can be used multiple times a week, depending on type.


Multiple steps including cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturizing.
Singular product applied to address a specific skin issue.

Compare with Definitions


A beauty treatment that often incorporates massage, steaming, and product application.
The facial included a relaxing massage that eased my stress.

Face Mask

A product that targets specific skin concerns such as acne, dryness, or dullness.
The anti-acne face mask reduced my breakouts significantly.


A procedure to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and nourish the skin.
The exfoliation step in the facial made my skin feel so smooth.

Face Mask

A treatment left on the skin for a set duration and then rinsed or peeled off.
The charcoal face mask helped in removing my blackheads.


A professional skincare treatment focusing on deep cleansing and rejuvenation.
I felt refreshed and rejuvenated after my facial at the spa.

Face Mask

A concentrated formula to deliver intense benefits in a short period.
The brightening face mask gave me a noticeable glow in just 15 minutes.


A multi-step regimen to enhance the health and appearance of facial skin.
Monthly facials have significantly improved my skin texture.

Face Mask

A topical product applied to address specific skin issues or needs.
I use a hydrating face mask every week to combat dryness.


A holistic approach to address various skin concerns and promote relaxation.
The facial not only cleared my pores but also relaxed my mind.

Face Mask

A remedy often made of clay, gel, cream, or sheet infused with beneficial ingredients.
I love the cooling sensation of my aloe vera face mask.


Of or concerning the face
Facial cosmetics.
Facial hair.


A treatment for the face, usually consisting of a massage and the application of cosmetic creams.


(relational) Of or affecting the face.


Concerned with or used in improving the appearance of the face.


On its face; as it appears applied]].
The facial constitutionality of the law is in question.


(medicine) A personal care beauty treatment which involves cleansing and moisturizing of the human face.


(film) A kind of early silent film focusing on the facial expressions of the actor.


A foul play which involves one player hitting another in the face.


A sex act of male ejaculation onto another person's face.
Chuck gave his co-star a creamy facial.


Of or pertaining to the face; as, the facial artery, vein, or nerve.


Cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles


Care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the application of cosmetic creams


Of or concerning the face;
A facial massage
Facial hair
Facial expression


Of or pertaining to the outside surface of an object

Common Curiosities

What's the primary purpose of a facial?

To cleanse, improve, and rejuvenate the skin, often incorporating massage and relaxation.

Can I do a facial at home?

Yes, with the right products and steps, you can perform a facial at home.

How is a face mask different from a facial?

A face mask is a specific product applied for targeted benefits, while a facial is a multi-step treatment.

What is a facial?

A comprehensive skincare treatment often performed in salons or spas.

How often should I use a face mask?

Depending on the mask and your skin's needs, it can be used 1-3 times a week.

Can I moisturize after using a face mask?

Absolutely, moisturizing after a face mask can lock in benefits and hydration.

Should I wash my face before applying a face mask?

Yes, it's best to start with a clean face for better absorption of the mask's benefits.

Are face masks for specific skin issues?

Yes, face masks are designed to address particular concerns like hydration, acne, or detoxification.

Is steaming a part of a facial?

Often, yes. Steaming helps open up pores and prepares the skin for further treatment.

Are facials suitable for all skin types?

While facials can be customized for different skin types, it's essential to communicate any skin concerns to the professional.

Do face masks replace regular skincare routines?

No, they're supplemental treatments to enhance regular skincare.

How long does a typical facial last?

Generally, a facial can last between 30 minutes to an hour.

Are there different types of face masks?

Yes, there are various masks like clay, sheet, peel-off, gel, and cream masks, each with specific benefits.

Is exfoliation part of a facial?

Typically, yes. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and promotes smoother skin.

Can facials help with acne?

Certain facials are designed to treat acne and can be beneficial when combined with a proper skincare routine.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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