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Fecility vs. Facility — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Fecility" is incorrect. The right spelling is "Facility," which typically refers to a place, amenity, or ability to do something easily.
Fecility vs. Facility — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Fecility or Facility

How to spell Facility?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "face," then think "Facility" without the "e."
"Fecility" looks like "feces." You don't want that.
"Facility" starts with "facil," which is Latin for "easy."
Keep in mind the common usage of "sports facility."
No "e" after the "c" in the correct spelling.

How Do You Spell Facility Correctly?

Incorrect: The new sports fecility will be open to the public next month.
Correct: The new sports facility will be open to the public next month.
Incorrect: Our company has a manufacturing fecility overseas.
Correct: Our company has a manufacturing facility overseas.
Incorrect: The hospital is known for its state-of-the-art medical fecility.
Correct: The hospital is known for its state-of-the-art medical facility.
Incorrect: The community center offers a childcare fecility for busy parents.
Correct: The community center offers a childcare facility for busy parents.
Incorrect: This phone has a built-in fecility for wireless charging.
Correct: This phone has a built-in facility for wireless charging.

Facility Definitions

Aptitude or ease in doing something.
She paints with great facility.
A place where a particular activity happens.
The town built a new sports facility.
An allowance of goods or services.
The bank provided an overdraft facility.
Ease in moving, acting, or doing
"a soldier who was expected to be able to fell a tree ... or build a bridge with equal facility" (Bruce I. Gudmundsson).
An ability or talent; an aptitude
"He was a mediocre student who had a facility for absorbing details without curiosity" (Jhumpa Lahiri).
A building, room, array of equipment, or a number of such things, designed to serve a particular function
Hospitals and other health care facilities.
Something that facilitates an action or process
The region has very poor transportation facilities.
Facilities(Informal) A restroom or public toilet.
The fact of being easy, or easily done; absence of difficulty, simplicity.
Dexterity of speech or action; skill, talent.
The facility she shows in playing the violin is unrivalled.
The physical means or contrivances to make something (especially a public service) possible; the required equipment, infrastructure, location etc.
Transport facilities in Bangkok are not sufficient to prevent frequent traffic collapses during rush hour.
An institution specially designed for a specific purpose, such as incarceration, military use, or scientific experimentation.
Clip of credit facility
A toilet.
A condition of mental weakness less than idiocy, but enough to make a person easily persuaded to do something against their better interest.
(dated) Affability.
The quality of being easily performed; freedom from difficulty; ease; as, the facility of an operation.
The facility with which government has been overturned in France.
Ease in performance; readiness proceeding from skill or use; dexterity; as, practice gives a wonderful facility in executing works of art.
Easiness to be persuaded; readiness or compliance; - usually in a bad sense; pliancy.
It is a great error to take facility for good nature.
Easiness of access; complaisance; affability.
Offers himself to the visits of a friend with facility.
That which promotes the ease of any action or course of conduct; advantage; aid; assistance; - usually in the plural; as, special facilities for study.
A building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry;
The assembly plant is an enormous facility
Skillful performance or ability without difficulty;
His quick adeptness was a product of good design
He was famous for his facility as an archer
A natural effortlessness;
They conversed with great facility
A happy readiness of conversation
Services and space and equipment provided for a particular purpose;
Catering facilities
Toilet facilities
A service that an organization or a piece of equipment offers you;
A cell phone with internet facility
The means or equipment necessary for doing something.
Cooking facilities are available in the apartment.
Services available for a particular purpose.
The hotel offers laundry facilities.

Facility Meaning in a Sentence

The waste treatment facility processes thousands of tons of waste each year.
The recreational facility includes a swimming pool and a gym.
The company's main production facility is located just outside the city.
The detention facility has been under scrutiny for its conditions.
The new research facility will focus on renewable energy technologies.
The sports facility is equipped with fields for soccer, baseball, and track.
Access to clean water is a basic health facility that every community needs.
The new facility will create jobs and boost the local economy.
This facility is dedicated to the rehabilitation of injured wildlife.
Patients were transferred to a better-equipped medical facility for treatment.
Our facility management team ensures that all systems operate smoothly.
The water sports facility rents out equipment for kayaking and paddleboarding.
Safety measures at the chemical facility are of utmost importance.
The facility offers a wide range of services for seniors.
The power generation facility is a critical infrastructure component.
The rehabilitation facility specializes in sports injuries.
The airport's cargo facility handles millions of kilograms of freight annually.
A new entertainment facility with movie theaters and restaurants will open soon.
This educational facility caters to students with special needs.
The military facility is restricted to authorized personnel only.
Booking a room in the conference facility requires advance notice.
The manufacturing facility has introduced a third production line to meet demand.

Facility Idioms & Phrases

Facility management

The maintenance and care of commercial or institutional buildings, such as hotels, resorts, schools, office complexes, sports arenas, or convention centers.
He works in facility management, ensuring that all building operations run smoothly.

Make full use of the facility

To utilize a service or facility to its fullest extent.
Members are encouraged to make full use of the facility's resources and programs.

At your facility

Available for your use or convenience.
We have a range of equipment at your facility in the gym.

Facility fee

A charge for the use of a facility, such as a room rental fee for an event.
The event venue charges a facility fee in addition to the cost per person for catering.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Facility?

Derived from Latin "facilitas."

What is the verb form of Facility?


Why is it called Facility?

It derives from the Latin "facilitas," meaning "ease."

Which vowel is used before Facility?

The vowel "a."

Which preposition is used with Facility?

"At," as in "at the facility."

Which conjunction is used with Facility?

No specific conjunction is tied to "facility."

Is Facility a noun or adjective?


What is the pronunciation of Facility?


What is the singular form of Facility?


Is Facility a negative or positive word?

Neutral; it's descriptive.

Which article is used with Facility?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is Facility an adverb?


Is the word “Facility” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can serve as either, depending on the sentence structure.

What is the plural form of Facility?


Is Facility an abstract noun?

It can be, especially when referring to an ability or ease.

Is Facility a vowel or consonant?

"Facility" is a word, not a single letter.

Is Facility a countable noun?


Is Facility a collective noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Facility?

The second syllable, "cil."

What is another term for Facility?


Which determiner is used with Facility?

"This," "that," etc., depending on context.

Is the Facility term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

How many syllables are in Facility?


What is the opposite of Facility?


How do we divide Facility into syllables?


What is the second form of Facility?

Not applicable, as "facility" is a noun.

Is the word Facility imperative?


Is the word Facility a gerund?


What part of speech is Facility?


What is the first form of Facility?

Not applicable, as "facility" is a noun.

What is the third form of Facility?

Not applicable, as "facility" is a noun.

How is Facility used in a sentence?

"The school built a new facility for the arts program."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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