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FedEx vs. UPS — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 26, 2023
FedEx and UPS are major package delivery companies; FedEx is based in Memphis, TN, while UPS is headquartered in Atlanta, GA.
FedEx vs. UPS — What's the Difference?

Difference Between FedEx and UPS


Key Differences

FedEx, short for Federal Express, is a renowned courier delivery services company that originated in the United States. UPS, which stands for United Parcel Service, is another leading package delivery and supply chain management company also based in the U.S.
Both FedEx and UPS offer a range of services, including express parcel delivery, freight transportation, and logistics solutions. However, while FedEx might be more recognized for its overnight delivery options, UPS is often associated with its brown delivery trucks and comprehensive ground delivery network.
FedEx operates its own cargo airline, FedEx Express, which is one of the world's largest cargo airlines. UPS also has its air cargo division known as UPS Airlines, which similarly plays a pivotal role in its express shipping solutions.
From a branding perspective, FedEx often uses the color purple and orange for its branding elements. In contrast, UPS is commonly identified by its brown color scheme, earning it the nickname "Big Brown."
When considering global presence, both FedEx and UPS have a significant international footprint, allowing customers to ship packages virtually anywhere in the world. While FedEx touts its rapid delivery and time-definite services, UPS emphasizes its reliability and extensive logistics network.

Comparison Chart


Memphis, TN
Atlanta, GA



Main Color

Purple & Orange

Air Cargo Division

FedEx Express
UPS Airlines


Known for overnight delivery
Known for ground delivery & reliability

Compare with Definitions


FedEx is recognized for its rapid and time-definite deliveries.
I trust FedEx for overnight deliveries to my clients.


UPS is characterized by its brown delivery vehicles.
The brown UPS truck just pulled up outside.


FedEx uses a distinctive purple and orange branding.
The FedEx store downtown has a prominent purple and orange sign.


UPS is an American multinational package delivery company.
I'm expecting a package from UPS today.


FedEx originated as Federal Express Corporation.
Back in the day, FedEx was formally known as Federal Express.


UPS stands for United Parcel Service.
Did you know that UPS means United Parcel Service?


FedEx operates one of the world's largest cargo airlines.
My international package flew via FedEx Express, their airline service.


UPS boasts a vast ground delivery and logistics network.
For heavy packages, I usually rely on UPS's ground service.


FedEx is an American multinational courier delivery services company.
I sent the package via FedEx to ensure it arrives quickly.


UPS is renowned for its reliability in delivery and logistics.
For my business shipments, I prefer the reliability of UPS.


Plural of up

Common Curiosities

Which company is older: FedEx or UPS?

UPS is older, founded in 1907, while FedEx was founded in 1971.

What colors are associated with FedEx branding?

FedEx is associated with purple and orange colors.

What is the primary air cargo division of UPS?

UPS Airlines is the primary air cargo division of UPS.

What does FedEx stand for?

FedEx originally stood for Federal Express.

Which company is more recognized for overnight deliveries?

FedEx is often more recognized for its overnight delivery options.

Where is UPS headquartered?

UPS is headquartered in Atlanta, GA.

What nickname is UPS sometimes referred to by?

UPS is often nicknamed "Big Brown" due to its brown branding.

Can you track packages with both FedEx and UPS?

Yes, both FedEx and UPS offer package tracking services.

Do both FedEx and UPS offer international shipping?

Yes, both companies offer extensive international shipping options.

Are FedEx and UPS only focused on package delivery?

No, both companies also offer logistics, freight transportation, and supply chain solutions.

Does FedEx operate its own airline?

Yes, FedEx operates its cargo airline called FedEx Express.

Which company has a stronger reputation for ground deliveries?

UPS has a strong reputation for its comprehensive ground delivery network.

Are FedEx and UPS direct competitors?

Yes, FedEx and UPS are major competitors in the package delivery industry.

Which company has a larger global footprint?

Both companies have extensive global footprints, but specifics can vary based on metrics used.

Which company operates more retail locations?

Both FedEx and UPS operate numerous retail locations, but the specific number can vary based on regions and partnerships.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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