Feet vs. Feets — Which is Correct Spelling?
By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Feet" is the correct plural form of "foot," referring to the lower extremity of the leg. "Feets" is an incorrect spelling.
Table of Contents
Which is correct: Feet or Feets
How to spell Feet?
Correct Spelling
Incorrect Spelling
Key Differences
"Feet" is standard English, while "feets" isn't.
English has irregular plurals, and "feet" is an example.
Use "feet" when referring to more than one foot.
"Feet" is already plural; adding another "s" makes it redundant.
Just remember: two "foot" make a pair of "feet."
How Do You Spell Feets Correctly?
Incorrect: The mountain is over 10,000 feets high.
Correct: The mountain is over 10,000 feet high.
Incorrect: She bought several feets of fabric for the project.
Correct: She bought several feet of fabric for the project.
Incorrect: The ladder extended to 20 feets.
Correct: The ladder extended to 20 feet.
Incorrect: He measured the room in feets.
Correct: He measured the room in feet.
Incorrect: They calculated the square feets of the house.
Correct: They calculated the square feet of the house.
Feet Definitions
A unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches.
The room is ten feet wide.
The plural of foot, the lower extremity of the leg.
She has cold feet.
A poetic measure; a foot.
The poem had five feet per line.
A manner or pace of walking or running.
He approached with quick feet.
A means of support or foundation.
The table stands on four feet.
Plural of foot.
See Foot.
Fact; performance.
Feet Meaning in a Sentence
We walked thousands of feet up the mountain trail.
The ancient tree was at least a hundred feet high.
He stood six feet tall, towering over most of his friends.
The sign indicated that the pool's deepest end was twelve feet deep.
The baby took her first steps on her tiny feet.
The bridge spans 2,000 feet across the river.
He is skilled at painting with his feet.
The garden is about twenty feet long and ten feet wide.
Birds can fly thousands of feet into the air.
They found fossils buried several feet underground.
The players stood a few feet apart, ready to start the game.
The ceiling in the old house is only seven feet high.
He could feel the sand between his toes as he walked barefoot, feeling the warm feet below.
I could hear their voices from several feet away.
It's cold; you should put socks on your feet.
They live only a few feet from the lake.
The athletes ran back and forth across the 94 feet basketball court.
The furniture was arranged a few feet away from the walls.
The floodwater reached up to our feet.
She danced gracefully on her feet.
The line of people stretched for hundreds of feet.
The waterfall dropped over a cliff more than 500 feet high.
The bookshelf is exactly six feet tall, fitting perfectly in the room.
Feet Idioms & Phrases
Stand on your own two feet
To be independent and able to take care of yourself.
After college, she was determined to stand on her own two feet.
Get cold feet
To suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do.
She got cold feet on the day of her skydiving appointment.
Have itchy feet
To have a strong desire to go somewhere new or do something different.
After a year in the same job, she's starting to get itchy feet.
Feet don't fail me now
A plea for one's legs to keep running or moving, especially in a challenging situation.
As he neared the end of the race, he whispered to himself, Feet, don't fail me now.
Two left feet
To be clumsy or awkward, especially when dancing.
I've got two left feet, so I avoid dancing at parties.
Sweep someone off their feet
To make someone become suddenly and completely in love with you.
She was swept off her feet by his charming smile and kind words.
Drag your feet
To do something slowly because you do not want to do it.
He's been dragging his feet on completing the assignment.
Have feet of clay
To have a surprising fault or weakness.
The community was shocked to discover their hero had feet of clay.
Land on your feet
To be in a good situation after having been in a difficult situation.
Despite the setbacks, I'm confident he'll land on his feet.
Common Curiosities
Why is it called feet?
The word "feet" comes from Old English "fēt," the plural form of "fōt."
What is the pronunciation of feet?
It's pronounced as /fiːt/.
Which vowel is used before feet?
Typically, no specific vowel precedes "feet." However, context matters.
What is the root word of feet?
The root word is "foot."
What is the plural form of feet?
The plural form is "feet."
Which article is used with feet?
"The," "a," or "an" can be used, depending on context.
Is feet a noun or adjective?
"Feet" is a noun.
What is the singular form of feet?
The singular form is "foot."
Which preposition is used with feet?
Various prepositions can be used with "feet" such as "on," "under," or "by," depending on the context.
Which conjunction is used with feet?
Any conjunction can be used with "feet" as appropriate, like "and" or "or."
What is the verb form of feet?
"Feet" is a noun; it doesn't have a verb form.
Is feet an adverb?
No, "feet" is not an adverb.
Is feet a negative or positive word?
"Feet" is neutral; it's neither negative nor positive.
Is feet a countable noun?
Yes, "feet" is countable.
Is the word feet imperative?
No, it's not imperative.
Is the word feet a gerund?
No, it's not a gerund.
What part of speech is feet?
It's a noun.
Which determiner is used with feet?
Any determiner like "my," "those," or "several" can be used depending on context.
What is the opposite of feet?
There isn't a direct opposite, but "head" is opposite in terms of body position.
Is feet a vowel or consonant?
"Feet" is a noun made up of both vowels and consonants.
Is the word “feet” a Direct object or an Indirect object?
"Feet" can be a direct object, e.g., "I washed my feet."
How many syllables are in feet?
One syllable.
How do we divide feet into syllables?
It's a single syllable, so it doesn't divide.
Is feet an abstract noun?
No, it's a concrete noun.
Is the feet term a metaphor?
It can be, as in "feet of a poem," but not always.
What is the stressed syllable in feet?
The entire word "feet" is stressed as it's one syllable.
Is feet a collective noun?
No, it's not a collective noun.
What is another term for feet?
"Peds" in medical terminology or "tootsies" in slang.
How is feet used in a sentence?
"She danced on her feet gracefully."
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Written by
Tayyaba RehmanTayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to askdifference.com. As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.